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Everything posted by OzmaLee74

  1. Congrats to all who got one at amiami! If this is what to expect for PO's, then I feel confident about getting the rest of the squad.
  2. Missed out too! Forgot 4pm Japan time is 11pm here. It's all good. I missed out initially on the Draken but was eventually to be able to get a PO later.
  3. Congrats on receiving your valks guys! Mine won't be here til probably late next week since it's coming with Voltron.
  4. Thanks F360 and Noel! I actually went to Amiami's FAQ's after posting and they do wait for all items to be available before sending the payment request. I've never combined any orders before with them so I assumed it would be like NY or HLJ.
  5. Hey guys! I have the VF-31J and SOC Voltron in a combined order from Amiami. Two different release dates. Do they invoice you when they receive the first item or when they receive the last one? I know NY sends a payment request for full payment for all items once they receive the first one.
  6. Big in Japan has the Super Parts as well for ¥8300 plus shipping. http://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/18246-macross-delta-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31j-siegfried-hayate-immelmann-use.html# Ordered mine from NY though. I understand HLJ, HS, Amiami etc never offered any of the Super/Armor/Tornado parts for the Frontier valks before. What was the reason again? Do they just not sell Tamashii Web Exclusives?
  7. Preordered the Hi-Metal VF-1S Hikaru from them when all the usual vendors were sold out. Aside from having to pay up front plus the high shipping cost ($30 US) for airmail I didn't have any issue with them.
  8. Up again on amiami http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-023079
  9. PO closed now. Somewhat relieved. Hope they don't pull an HLJ and send out an email saying it was a computer error being open for so long.
  10. PO still up for this and the Draken while I type this
  11. Got one at amiami! Thanks lolicon for the figinstock site. Worked for me!
  12. Damn. I've been checking HLJ's site everyday and the one day I forget preorders reopened.
  13. Got the cancellation email from HLJ. Got one from Amiami though so I'm still ok.
  14. Amiami up again and so is hlj as I type this
  15. Just got mine. It's was $297 US shipped EMS from NY.
  16. Damn. I wasn't planning on getting this but after seeing all your beautiful pics I went ahead pulled the trigger. I hate you guys...
  17. OzmaLee74

    Hi-Metal R

    Some more pics guys
  18. 1 and 3 for me too but probably not at release date. The DX Great Mazinger has priority come December.
  19. OzmaLee74

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine seems to have locked in place. Didn't bother to check how though or why it's pretty tight. I can check again later.
  20. OzmaLee74

    Hi-Metal R

    Awww....Don't know about you guys, but I think he's super cute! Ehem...
  21. Thanks spanner! BTW, one of foot thrusters fell off while I was transforming it. No biggie but looks like not enough glue was used so I super glued it back on. Kinda sloppy for an almost $300 figure.
  22. Just got mine. Total of 5 days to get to me from placement of order to delivery from NY. Now that's fast!
  23. Well that's a new record. From placing order, preparation in progress to shipped all within 57 minutes from NY for my VF-0A!
  24. Just bought a 0A at NY. This will be my first. Never got the Yamato versions.
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