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Everything posted by OzmaLee74

  1. I've ordered my VF 25 Super packs, Armor packs, YF-29 reissue, VF-171 EX all without any problems. I have the VF-25G, VF-4G and VF-171EX armor parts still on pre order with them. Although I would like the lower prices of HLJ, amiami etc, I can't wait in front of my computer for that small pre order window to open. I still have a job that needs my attention. c",)
  2. Awesome review as always Veef. =)
  3. +1 This is how I feel about all things I collect. Be it Macross, SOCs, Transformers etc. c",)
  4. None so far. I've been extra careful with placing the parts on though, especially on the hips.
  5. Email them to verify this. I have a preorder with them for the VF-4G as well but haven't received any invoice yet. The soonest one shipping out is the VF-25G but I haven't been invoiced for that one yet either.
  6. Wait, you got invoiced already?
  7. Thanks UN Spacy! I wasnt even aware there was a piece that goes in the crotch to help support the weight of the back. =p
  8. Saw one for $449 shipped but you needed to pay 20% up front.
  9. Pulled the trigger with NY as well. Just be aware that NY will cancel all your existing preorders with them if you don't pay by the specified date they send in the email they send you when they request the payment. For example, let's say you preordered the VF-25G and VF-4 on deferred payment. They then send you the invoice for the VF-25G in September and you fail to pay, both preorders get cancelled.
  10. EDIT: Oh wait. I still think that it's the pinned joint wherein the shoulder swings back into fighter position. Am I right, locidm? That's the problem on mine.
  11. I don't think he fixes the "pinned" joint. All I can think of is perhaps putting a small nail or large needle into the pin hole in order to expand the pin for a tighter fit. My Alto has this problem on his left shoulder.
  12. Just the super packs =)
  13. The second one has a little groove. It's used with display stand in battroid mode. The black rectangular piece is to hold the legs closer in order to better hold the gunpod in fighter mode.
  14. Did you buy from the same seller? If so, is there a chance that your second package is the Ozma armor?
  15. OzmaLee74

    DX VF-25G

    NY still has it but for $236 plus shipping. Still better than eBay prices which are close to $350.
  16. Sorry to hear that. Have you contacted the seller to let him/her know?
  17. Wow! The price of the VF-25S armor parts has already shot up to US $191 on NY. Give the SAL one about 2 or 3 days. They know it's no rush. Hehe! Personally, I like it in fighter mode. Reminds me of the fighters from the Gradius or R-Type games from the 80's. Nice display! Is it me or are the wing thrusters on the YF-29 backwards?
  18. I haven't had a chance to do it yet because of the biggest distraction to us collectors.....work. c",) Just saw your post about the nail polish working. Glad you got great results! I think I'm going to try your solution instead of putting whatever material in with the ball joint.
  19. I wonder if Saran wrap over the ball would work? Hmmm...I guess I could try it and get back to you guys.
  20. A small rubber band should work as well.
  21. Try this. It's for the YF-29 shoulder but he does point out what part of the leg screws need to be removed. He also shows how joints are tightened.
  22. Thanks guys! The landing gears are metal with rubber tires just like on the valk itself. And it holds up fine. c",)
  23. Here's Alto's.I just noticed that the leg armor has the landing gear built into it. Was the first version like this?
  24. BTW, I find that the chest piece should be on first while in battroid mode to make sure its locked in place before changing to gerwalk or Valkyrie. I was trying to put it on while it was in fighter and couldn't get it to "click" in place which is why it kept popping off.
  25. One cool thing is that you get two sets of chest missile pods. You get to choose which way you want the doors to open.
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