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Everything posted by OzmaLee74

  1. That's exactly the same packaging mine came in. I also used SAL since I wasn't in a hurry to get these. I've noticed that NY has been reusing a lot of old boxes and have been stingy on the cushioning. My first ever purchase from them were both Super Packs for the renewal 25's but those came in a new box double their size, styrofoam peanuts and bubble wrap. Cost cutting for sure. Hey, at least we still have the little note thanking us for our purchase. =)
  2. Congrats! You should get it by tomorrow since it is "technically" Express Mail now that its out of customs.
  3. Wow! Sorry to hear that some of my fellow collectors still haven't received their VF 4's from LA customs. I assumed that all the ones from the 31st have been delivered. BTW, when mine came, my heart sank since the shipping box was crushed on one side. Good thing that the contents were undamaged. Hopefully you all get yours before the end of the week! Once it clears customs, you should have it the next day.
  4. That's not too bad if it includes shipping. I paid $88 shipped for mine.
  5. Finally! All I can say is "Damn Missiles!!"
  6. Managed to secure a preorder on the 171 and YF 29 Fokker at NY. FedEx this time.
  7. Haha! I thought the location under your avatar was just a joke of some sort. Turns out to be true! My wife always wonders why I have a smile on my face whenever we pass through the San Fernando valley coming from Loma Linda after visitiing some relatives. =) Anyhoo, I'm assuming that the local packages for that particular shipment went out first then the others are to follow. *crosses fingers* EDIT: Mine just came out of customs about a second a go! Woohoo!
  8. I'm assuming NY shipped ours at the same time since all of ours arrived in LA customs on the same date. Although, my tracking still shows no update, I'm hopeful that ours will be out of customs soon. If you don't mind me asking, where are you located Murphy?
  9. Well, I called USPS and all they told me is that they are backed up in LA customs and just to give it til early next week.
  10. Ordered from NY and it shipped on 12/28 via EMS. Arrived at LA customs on 12/31. Like I mentioned before it usually just took 4 days to get to me. Customs must really be backed up. Still no word on my VF-171EX armor parts either except that it left Japan on 12/29 although I only opted for SAL ECO with that one.
  11. Any movement on your packages for those who have theirs held up in customs in LA? Mine still has no updates.
  12. The most I've ever waited for an EMS shipment was 4 days. It's been a week now. Probably since its the busiest time of the year for holiday packages. I guess I should go FedEx next time.
  13. Yours and mine must be in the same batch. Been in customs since 12/31. *sigh* So close, yet so far...
  14. Mine still says its in customs in LA. Come on already!
  15. I guess I should go FedEx next time I order something that gets released late December. Oh well, it will get here eventually. Enjoy your VF-4's guys!
  16. Anybody who ordered from NY get theirs yet? No updates since it left Kansai Airport on the 29th. EMS shipping though.
  17. The VF-19. Personally, I would never leave high end collectibles at work. Too many different cleaning crew people that come in. Sorta like leaving cash out in the open.
  18. Just shipped from NY! Now the wait begins.
  19. Just got the "Preparation in Progress" email from NY. =)
  20. Armor parts just shipped from NY!
  21. Just received the "Preparation in Progress" email from NY for the armor parts. I really hoped it was for the VF-4.
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