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Everything posted by chriswoo

  1. Hi Guys, Sorry for necro the thread I am 2 years late on the this thread however I wish to share my wip my version of x 9 ghost with Xigfrid base kit. I hope everyone can enjoy the view
  2. I am using 6% only which is safe for decal and painted surface. however more resilient yellowing can use 9% or 12% however do it at ur own risk as it migh destroy the decal or corrode any metal contact it faster
  3. So far tested only alto ver has this sloppy locking swing bar while others seem to be good thought fit
  4. No complaint if they came out this ver. However going to get 1 instead squadron and need to learn Photoshop more for the maximum effect. Don't think can bought entire squadron for this
  5. 2 parcel just arrrived in my door today.
  6. chriswoo

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    look great on the final product except i don't like the color theme. look like rock and roll 80's vibe haha however going to press PO button if they ever announce.
  7. Only VF-171 Alto ver has those problem can't do much for it except thigten it up. The rest of the ver has been addressed.
  8. I got it from Xigfrid's Customs. He has the best 3D printed kits so far for macross.
  9. New valk collect just arrive today. Meanwhile working wip for my X9 ghost from Macross Plus with more realistic detail.
  10. haha just use the existing one then painted it maroon color 😜
  11. HLJ got couple stock now. Please grab it while you can before it run out again. https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-complete-transformation-sv-51-gamma-nora-polyansky-boarding-machine-final-battle-specification-aca82158
  12. Mine PO already shipped out might able to get it next week.
  13. My spectulation that the attachment booster for AX armor pack is using the same method as AX super pack. if that the case the AX booster might be compatible with the previous VF -31 series only if you have the lildraken set extension part. that means most of the AX armor pack are able to use on previous VF-31J with same color scheme armor pack except borrow the chest and shouder part from VF-31S.
  14. well i tried it before and it doesn't work as the AX wing is thicker than usual VF-31
  15. Hi there, I bought it from Auction website which sell entire bundle. other than that i not sure it will have anymore stand at the moment.
  16. I like the custom color vf-22 and VF-1 Anyway just manage to take picture VF-171EX squadron in battleroid mode
  17. So far I haven't yet encounter any restoration VF of mine turn yellow yet however white plastic will eventually turn yellow again after awhile no matter how much you treat it. The only way you prevent that is by paint it which last forever.
  18. Is about time !! But I don't think is reissue more to release new production
  19. I use hydrogen peroxide method.
  20. so far I mostly use the sun light. I find UV light kinda slow and take longer time to restore the white. So far my hair cream has no issue on bandai VF decal. in fact it restore the decal from yellowish to white back.
  21. I restore the my YF -25 yellowish to white along with some other VF.
  22. Recent restoration project for my YF 25 added into the vf-25 collection
  23. Hi guys I just want it share my another restoration project for my Frontier series YF 25. Manage to restore it to almost pristine.
  24. i think mouting part have extended and able to do style deploy like YF29. The older ver armor pack doesn't have this feature.
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