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Everything posted by Drackie
Oh my kamisama ! ! ! ! my wallet is burning out ! ! ! see the skulls :3 (well they surely will use a color that isn´t white, maybe gray... well... i hope so....) the preorders are in nippon yassan (excellent price) and here, not so excellent price haha http://www.biginjap.com/completed-models/5914-macross-f-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-yf-29-durandal-valkyrie-30th-anniversary-color-ver.html
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sorry was for a few moments because i´m trying to edit the audio haha but now is avaliable
This is a extremely detailed video and 3D were avaliable :3 http://youtu.be/ApwFDxc9PzI?t=5s
my armor parts are here ! ! anime-export has problems and send them like 2 months later... (exactly 2 months, it was a loooong story) but is here ! ! ! and finally i can use my stand in vertical mode well needed some plastic betwwen the base and the plastic arm to keep it firm enough to be secure but looks muuuch better :3 (i dont know why almost anyone do it this way) I saw an UFO ! ! ! was flying over me ! ! !
Has anyone seen the tamashii nations logo in the pic that solves some doubts i hope
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i like it :3 i was needed some minutes to get use too, but after that... i liked :3 http://www.amiami.co...-RBT-2516&page= i have one of this beautys ( my kawaii koneko chan) in preorder, ant this surprise color was great :3 the only problem is the same... those big yellow areas down the wings, but is ok to me, i will do some lining to fix them http://www.toyark.co...s-changed-6521/ so the pilot will be: alto ? ozma ? unknown ? Someone new ? I want ozma and yep i hope too that will be the same yellow of the VF-25S
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i really hope that they give us a surprise and improve the valky with more tampo printing and some skulls in the fins ban dai is now saving some surprises of the releases in the last models that doesn´t are in the promotional pics , and i can see that the paint of this valky in the promotional pics it´s hand made, so, the real one surely it´s different, maybe is not mate finish in some pics we see that the paint is had made, also the skull, so the model haven´t the real tampo or paint, i really hopes that the finished one surprise me, more because i already preordered hahaha http://www.500rpm.co...71506142358.jpg
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you can use the gunpod holder, supporting the weigh in the front glass of the cabin, is not the best way but is useful, you can cover the gunpod holder with soft plastico to dont damage the transparent plastic of the cabin, that solve some of the stress of the hinges, but if the wing joints are a problem, in my first ozma valky one was right and the other was loose, so i have now my second ozma and that one is nice and very thight in all joints
i dont have the yf-29 and vf-25f maybe are a little more resistant because its white paint, and not the really fragile gray that ozma uses, that fragile gray cover the intakes on the back of the legs, the front of the legs, the knee covers (only the a part), but, the die cast hips have the much more fragile gray paint, you can scratch it almost with your nail by accident if you don´t have care Now about the layers of paint, that maybe helps, but is better to take some sand paper and remove the pointy edge of the knee cover, i did it, is totally invisible, but you will see that makes the knees less dangerous The last: i know it´s strange to see the sides of the hips scratched and the black front (and red jewel) dont, the explanation is that that black and red paint are really hard (maybe as hasr like the white in your models) because it feels really sticked and well painted, but the gray looks like a mate finsh and not glossy, ahmmm think about the gray as if was water colored paint, mate, fragile and not glossy. now the scratch in the sides is just because of the A stand in gearwalk...if you do a position type valky version 1, whitout open te legs aside that wont scratch the paint, (because the knee cover hits the black paint the really hard one in the die cast hips) but the a stand give access to the knee cover to the external side, that gray paint will be removed very easy... to the inner side where it´s scratched too i dont have any explanation.. haha i don´t know how that paint was reached by the knee cover, i dont remember a pose where the interior of the hip be exposed, but the scratch is there, i don´t know why, maybe a little scratch of the front takes to the aside paint to break, but i´m not sure. i will recommend all the owners of ozma to cover thar gray paint with something you can access to, maybe the armor or super parts, layers, plastic, or something , and remove the pointy edges of the knee cover with some fine sand paper because sooner or later, your ozma suddently will scratch surely in the die cast hips ( the back big ozma logo has another little issue... when the wings are moved to the back in battdroid, the upper parts of the horns in the wings, will be pressed against the plastic (just exactly in the big wing joint, that will create little black lines in the horns of the tampo printing, that can ve easy solved with little plastic covers made of cell phone screen protector plastic. )
the armor parts and super parts doesn´t make the sratch in the die cast hips, the guilty is the knee cover of the basic model, i mean the pointy knee, the scratch is a problem from the toy itself, and surely will be present in almost all the VF 25S because happens fast and its almost impossible to avoid... the only cure i know are putting the adhesive plastic or mantaining the armor or super parts on, covering the die cast in fact the armor and super parts will prevent the scratch (covering the die cast and avoiding the knee cover to scratch the paint) (i don´t know if the armor could make some new type of scratch there or in other parts of the toy, i will report any kind of problem when my armor arrives) ahmmmm ... i dont think that some coat of transparent paint will prevent the scratch, because the force of the knee i´ts too much, it´s almost like a knife (maybe if we get some sand paper and remove the pointy edges (i did that too, the edges removed are invisible, and the plastic cover, must protect my ozma hips from anything... well... i hope so)
I made a search and there is no many articles for yokatta store, but the few that mention his service, said it´s good, just give them a little more time, this armor is really hard to get so they maybe have problems to find it at the price they sold it to you, remember tamashii lately are not covering the preorders on frontier stuff (i heard some stories about tamashii not sending enough items to cover the preorders ) I let you the search link that i made: https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=yokatta++store+problem+preorder&num=20&hl=es-419&safe=off&prmd=imvns&ei=tPkuUO_CHarBygHq34DoAg&start=0&sa=N&biw=898&bih=516
by the way, i fixed the leg joints with some super glue and then sand paper in the ball joints (taking of the screws to dissasemble first) and i noticed that the legs are designed to hold the valky with the armor, if you fix the joints yo will see it can support a lot of weight in the back witouth going backwards (i will make a video when test my armored pack) other thing is that i see that the foots has more screws,if you need more wight resistance you can turn it to make it more solid, Another tip, use the great waist joint (only can be used when the crotch is all forward, in that point you can turn ozma torso like 25 or 30 degrees each side ahmm what else...... i used some superglue and sand paper in the head lasers too to make it solid (it was a little hard to do) the non permanent lining, ahmmm maybe i will make a tutorial later, ( its soooo easy that you can´t belive it if you see it ) i think that´s all for today :3
the die cast hips scratch realy easy not only with the knee covers, almost with anything, soooooo i found solutions (this is my second ozma, the damaged i sold it like an used product and i won some money haha First: i used a plastic since a long time ago, i buy it in chinesse products stores and is made to cover books and notebooks, it´s a really elastic plastic almost impossible to break but easy to deform, it has adhesive, but its really light and can be removed just pulling it out and after some froting the fingers and that´s all, i use to put that plastic on the scratchable places of my cellphones so i know it´s very resistant and easy to detach even if has a year of two, don´t degrades or make hard or anything (before to useit in your ozma try it in something else) (the pictures are made with a galaxy s2) here is the first picture, you almost can´t see the plastic http://farm9.staticf...cdbda12a7_k.jpg the same, going near with a HD camera and you almost can´t see the plastic covers: Only here at 5 cm distance and 8 Mpx Camera with flash you can see clearly the plastic covers : ok that solves the paint problem ! ! now about the armor over weighted boosters (damn my armor is not here yet... ) Ok the pressure of the weight its really too much ¿solution ? see this : ¿ have you noticed ? you can use the plastic cover + the gearwalk gun holder, to solve it , the plastic cover can be sticked to the gunpod holder (i suppose this will make it useless to hold the gunpod (maybe) or you can use the transparent plastic cover in the front fixed part of the glass cabin (i use it there) and being almost invisible ! ! ! see it at detail : ant that will solve the second problem ! ! ! so you may think the use of the gearwalk gun holder is going to take the back too high but it doesnt, looks almost normal but now arent so stresed (and don´t moves like bouncing) by the weight : by the way i did up some decals and non permanent and fast easy lining to the back and many other parts of my valky :3 you can see it in all the pictures (but i don´t know if i will tell you how to do it) .... muuuahahahahaha
Hi i´m here to tell you all about the problem with the paint in the metal part of the legs, this is a place were you need to take precautions because it will be scratched very easy you only need to take care of the knee covers in gearwalk mode, if the edge touches the metal parts it will scratch them, tis happens fast and if you don´t take care, will end like mine ... i know other little issues and the remedy im making another post with the details
They know that the VF 25S it´smuch more expensive :S !! don´t rest until you have your exchange to the S armor http://www.nippon-ya...h_query=armored
i still waiting my armor Have you noticed, than the V1 always have all the pictures, with the same pose :3
Now i see, alto needs to be aside of ozma to see it incredible :3 thanks for the pics, in fact looks really heavy, im wondering if will weight more than my vf zero, maybe is ok because i like big, tank, heavy valky´s haha
i was tought that before, i think the only solution is to add a soft rubber piece betueen the back of ozma where the cabin starts and the back plate of the wings, just to help with the weight, to don´t be stressed in the circle joints, i will test it when my armor comes, every solution i find i will tell it
if anyone knows about scratches derived from the armor please tell everyone, to dont repeat the problems or prevent them :3 i use transparent plastic adhesive and removable to cover the known places where te paint scratches
hahaha it seems but is only some plastic, the same that is used to cover books and notebooks, i just buyed a few meters and covered mi figures as if were glass
I will get my armor parts in two or three days, i will make a video, pictures and solve doubts :3 Waiting for armor:
that´s right, has two doors and missiles to be optional
the armors are limited items, but the valkyre don´t so can be reiisued, maybe in 6 months, maybe one or two years, I see the same of the YF-29 in Ozma and Alto, are getting prices too high and too fast, they need to be reissued The armor is the problem, you must get it now, because the armor maybe will go in stores again, but in a few years, maybe 3, 4, 5... no one knows and almost surely will be included with the valkyre in the same box and with a higer price. (im not an expert but i can see that ban dai is doing that with his flagship products)
Armored Ozma VF-25S 1/ 72 VS 1/60 Renewal ... OMG ! ! ( you can see more ozma pictures here : http://warigk.blog71...-entry-379.html ) Now: Ozma VF- 25s renewal vs Ozma V1.0 Ozma is pure art ! Alto armored parts..... i like it, but don´ too much, i will prefer to see the tornado renewal pack more pictures here: