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Everything posted by Phren

  1. Thoes things are awesome! I just got my first two (super VF-1J, VF-1S reissue) five days ago! I had no trouble transforming them the first time (i wasn't forceful) and the thing is much more durable that i had been hearing with all these "Broken -place part name here-" posts! I can see that the backpack hinge might be subject to breaking, but awareness is the first step of prevention... also: head lasers air brake heatshield all look like they could do with some caution...
  2. Good. I see you made it here and found the help you were looking for I found this site very helpful when I found it awhile back...
  3. Why? Don't you like your ugly friends? Very un-PC of you. ------ I just got My 1/60 VF-11B w/ FP's today! That thing is awesome! Thanks, V-E!
  4. As I said, I left the definition of "Play" up to you. It was more a question of "are you too big to play with your toys" kinda thing. LOL at McBride Thanks for the responses!
  5. I just meant your attitude towards them in general. I you don't mess with a specific one because it's very fragile and you have a legitimate fear of breaking it, then that's something else.
  6. Well, I didn't have the fortune of being here for Macrossworld's history, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in that position. Plus, with new members, the concensus may well have changed, right? As for "assuming" that Transforming = play, I didn't mean to leave that impression, I left the definition of "play" up to the ones taking the poll to decide, as that was part of what i wanted to know. (weather or not they called waht they did "Playing" - more of a personal question)
  7. I thought about that , but an "in-between" option would be too vague and just about EVERYONE would end up putting that, and my poll would be pointless, right? By only giving you 2 choices, I get to see which way you lean more towards. ...and BTW don't think I'm against you if you just collect. It's just my own opinion I'm throwing out there. Please vote and share your own opinion!
  8. I saw this and had to start a poll. Wether it's been done before or not. Well, I'm not as old as some of you seem to be, but I will admit here and now that I am 21 years of age and I play with my valkyries. Not running through my house screaming and making machine gun noises or anything, but they do not gather dust! Some may say that they collect for the value of the collectable, or just like to display them. Well, for one, I am the collector in this case, and I am ultimately the one who decides it value to me. The Hasegawa models kits are really nice looking, so why not display them? I mean what's the point of having a transforming toy if you can neither transform, nor play with it. At least if I play with the thing and it breaks, I can say I got my money's worth out of it, as opposed to the hands-off collector who drops the thing on the floor without even touching the thing. I'm not saying tht there are not reasons to keep them safe and sterile, but why have them if you can't enjoy them?
  9. Phren

    MPC SDF-1?

    (Sorry for the new guy interruption) I guess I kinda feel like Yamato. I'm looking for other things more (Personally, a 1/48 VF-11B would be the best). I mean I want an SDF-1, but it's not a priority. And as for MPC, asking if Yamato will build a MPC is like that guy who asked if Yamato was going for a 1/48 VF-1R ...
  10. Okay I searched back and found that I might be setting myself up for some angst. 1/72 - 1/60 - 1/48...Damn the scale, then! -I just want a bigger VF-11! weather that be 1/48 or 1/54.2846739278, I don't care...
  11. (New guy here) Well, the New VF-1J Hikaru with TV fast packs has never appeared on screen, either (I don't think). You don't hear people complaining about that, though...
  12. Thanks for the help! I didn't realize that there was such a size difference between Macross and Macross Plus. So then, are the 1/72 scale toys, then, the "ulitmate" in Mplus? What do any of you who own them think of them? I just ordered a VF-11B with FP from V-E the other day and wanted to know what you thought of them. I looked at a few revievw of them for when they came out, but I wanted an opinion from someone who has had them awhile...
  13. (Hi, new guy to the boards) Well, what else are they going to do? What about the 1/60 Macross Plus toys they put out? Will there ever be any 1/48 counterparts for them? I'd really love a 1/48 VF-11B, or at least a 19.... ...yeah, a 19 with fast packs and the fold generator...
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