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Everything posted by Phren

  1. I think it's sad that we'd see 100 repaints/ new heads before they'll ever make the 0D
  2. They are all 1/72 scale. BTW, I updated my count on page 3 of this thread: 401798[/snapback] Ah, I just remember a few people saying a while back that the 11 wasn't quite 1/72? Maybe I'm rememering wrong.
  3. With toy black holes like godzilla around, I wonder why I even collect anything at all TV 1/48 Vf-1J (Hikaru FP): 01 1/48 Vf-1J (No packs): 01 DYRL 1/48 Vf-1S (Roy): 01 Accessories 1/48 Vf-1 GBP (Blue): 01 1/48 Vf-1 FP: 01 1/48 Vf-1 FP(Clear): 01 1/60: DYRL VF-1a Max Mac Plus: 1/72: Yf-21 FP: 01 1/??: VF11B FP: 01 1/??: VF11B: 01
  4. That may just be the whole reason it's called the 'stealth'! Yamato finally hears the pain of sneaking these giant things past those who don;t understand.
  5. I would like to add myself to the list of people very interested in a GBP set
  6. I sense this thread not ending well And you guys are doing it *manually*? I just reach into the cockpit with a pair of tweezers and pull the lever marked B.
  7. oh wow, that Vf-0D is stunning I want an 0S and all, but if they make the 0D, I *WANT* that quite badly...
  8. I personally would be interested in anyone who could come up with a very detailed set of fighters (partial to the F-14 and SU-27/35 myself). Whatever I come across is either severely lacking in detail, or you have to build it yourself (which dones't work for me, sonce I have ZERO building ability). Weather Yamato is the go-to company for that though, I'm not so sure. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a real-world fighter aircraft have MUCH more detail to go over then an mid-80's animated one? As for Macross, Yamato's line does a fine job, but I might feel that level of detail would be lacking in a real-world non-transformable.
  9. Lineart accuracy and aesthetics aside, I found the 1/60th to be a floppy, sloppy mess, honestly. Maybe if you want to have matching scale between peices of your collection, or to get the models they just dont offer in other scales, then 1/60 may be the choice you have to go with, but if you've got the cash for the 1/48, I find it to be much better/sturider, ect. So, depends on your preference. your question #2. Yes, they are about half the price of a whole valk, but if you like the super/strike look, they are very well made, hefty stuff. Very detailed too, best armor rendition ever in a *toy* by leaps and bounds in my opinion...
  10. Those HAVE to be making fun/insulting of some other comic or something. Because on their own, there's no way any human being is going to create something like that and think there's any redeeming value in it.
  11. essentially, the custom robot equivalent to a blank sheet of paper
  12. eh, why not? 1/72 = 2 pcs. 1/60 = 1 pcs. 1/48 = 3 pcs. 11B w/FP + 21 w/FP no 1/60 accesories 1/48 - 1TV FP -1DYRL FP - 1 GBP
  13. I thought it was too pricy myself, but I use it for sufing and such, as well as ripping video to it (though getting subtitles on it is still a nightmare). I also use it to play all my old SNES Genisis, NES, ect games via emulators and such, so I ended up justifing it. though the *official* games out for it aren;t exactly the best yet (doesn't own any yet)
  14. Am I the only one who just does *not like* the look of the 1-A? I skipped out on those - I think it looks like it has a mechanical equivalent of a voodoo shrunken head. Anyone remember the end of the movie "Beetlejuice"? That's what I think of when I see a 1-A Though, if I like the colors of the new stuff, I could be made a convert...
  15. More stuff?! I was under the impression that Yamato was winding down their macross cursade. i thought after we saw the GBP and the Mac0, that would be about it. I'm *thrilled* to find myself mistaken (financial misgivings about it aside) If they come out with special colors, I'd seriously be in the market. Are the recast 1S heads still floating around? And custom or not, I'm realliy liking that GBP repaint..
  16. You could well be right, I wasn't sure about it, be seeing as I thought it was still too jet-like to be an advanced valkyrie, and it didn;t look like a VF1, I figured it was a good bet. If I'm wrong, I can remove the logo if someone wants.
  17. @alpha Where are those cockpit pic from, they're very nice..
  18. Alright, a few more then I'll stop spamming this thread with my crap A cleaned up mac Plus scan I found, thought it looked nice. Didn't change it much: A mac Zero pic that was on the front page for a while, Improved it as much as I could manage, colors looks better, ect. And this was originally supposed to be a joke one, but I ended up spending the most time with it and I think it came out pretty well. Though, I don't know how easily you'd get embarased carrying it around ( I can easly add templates to these if by some miracle you want to use one.)
  19. I know it's just a screencap, but it looks really nice as a background,easy to see everything, template looks nice for the area it's designed for, but the plain one looks fine i think
  20. thanks, Either way, here is one for now, don't have much time before work, with or without the template. Hopefully worth the effort
  21. hey all, anyone know where to get that (those?) template(s)? from? I love making PSP walls, but it would help to know ahead of time where the icon parade comes through on the screen. if I do, I'll make some Macross ones as well and post them for everyone if I think any of them are good enough.
  22. I would also like to see some pics.. also, where exactly would you commonly find the super-bright LEDs? Do they sell the ones used in those LED flashlights? - outside of buying such a flashlight, I mean? -Only here would you have to make such a distinction
  23. that's all well and good, but where's the 1/6 valk that goes with it? I'd have to hire people to help me transform it, but still..
  24. of all the things that get shipped here from all over the world, sad that picked your box for their preemptive strike. Also sad that the giant, clear plastic panel wasn't good enough for them, or that those complicated opening flaps take so much time.. Sucks. Glad you got a box replacment though.
  25. Phren

    Dropping a deuce

    Oh my.. that's something I've never considered when buying here.. You all need to start a "brown list" in the sale thread so we know who's been flying patrol while on the bowl... >_<
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