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Everything posted by Phren

  1. With the 1/48 repaint parade we've had for the last couple years, so long lacking antcipation for something, we forgot how it feels really, voraciously wanting something coming over the horizion... ...you forget the days spent waiting for the next month's news, ...you forget the wondering how it will look in person, ...you forget it sucks
  2. THAT'S exactly what I meant to say. I'm all thumbs when it comes to wording things. But yeah, besides the fact tha I think combat aircraft just kick ass in gereral, that's the main reason I look to fighter mode first.
  3. Ack, I can't believe I did that - TWICE even.. I am the reigning champ for the world's worst typist And yeah I'll agree that only the vf-1 (and the zero - though I haven't really looked at it that much ) have a gerwalk mode that's any kind of tolerable, but I've always loved the vf1's G mode to death, especially when they have the legs bent foward the correct way, and a littel outward angle - IE> Everything a stock Bandai isn't
  4. Well, Macross has always been one of the few series who's toys attracted both the mecha/Transformers/G****m die hards as well as the Fighter fans alike. Balance between the modes has always been a big issue, but Different sides have their own priorites, so - How evenly are the lines split here? I've always been a fighter fan myself, if looks worthy of takeoff, then the other modes have to fall in line behind that. So I like the 1/48 look, but others say its fighter mode was too favored, and battriod mode is all wrong. To you, Is a Valkyrie a Fighter that turns into a robot or a robot that turns into a fighter? (I did a search, but didn't come up with anything, and if t was done too far in the past, then it might not be relevent to the current population) Feel free to delete this if you feel it has no place here
  5. The problem with this poll is you can only choose one.
  6. That is the sexiest plane I've ever seen - the wings could use a size-up though, like everyone says. BTW is the 19 supposed to sit level on the ground, or it is supposed to angle forward a bit? Are you serious?! These releases have me about as excited as I was when the 1/48 came out, if possible! It's like heaven - with admission fees
  7. Honestly, this varient does nothing for me, and I will, for one, have no interest in getting it. What it DOES make me happy about is that, with all this crazy ness there's always that chance, with the way Yamato has been doing crazy releases lately, that they will hit right on the mark for some people and relaease that one thing they have always wished for, but thought had no chance of seeing. One man's angel bird or Monster is another man's V Glaug or 17D... I say keep up the obscurity.
  8. Trust me, Starfox64 is where the fun is. Anyone beaten my 1380? and if assualt was strictly ship combat, it be 10X better, Namco seems to be good at that kind of thing, so a macross game made by the right people I have high optimism for being great
  9. Though, I can predict, that with Namco now part of Bandai, there's a fair chance that subsequest Macross games (if any) have to potential to be quite awesome if they put the time in... Heck, not too many people can find serious boredom faults with Namco's Ace series's engine
  10. Yeah that missions was like frosted cake compared to the hell that is the Battlecry Cat's eye mission - And I actually found it fun, instead of hair-pulling. Just, yeah, was a bit missile-happy, had to cut that out.
  11. Personally, I like the look as long as the pipe is recessed enough. Enough to contemplate dressing up a set of FP's if I like the price. And cannon doesn't always = realistic, so I'm not worried about that. I don;t stockpile these thing like others around here, so I want the few I have to look the best I can make them. I would really like to see some well done back-bell replacements, but they'd need a more dynamic shape for those - something wishfully thinking-designed with some plastic parts so I can just pop off the old ones and pop on the new ones.. (end of fantasyland rant)
  12. I thought you got those automaticly for going through both scenarios?
  13. Cool, looks like a simple drill and pin deal.. Just, as you said, Fulcy, I have no idea how the stock thrusters attach or how the FP's are constructed. Also wondering if on the side how that will affect the attachment/detachment of the leg armor covers
  14. I'd be interested to know how difficult to pull off this is? I really like the look of them (especially the last one at the very bottom of the pics, the rest have too much 'pipe' coming out of them for my tastes...
  15. Whereever did you aquire that LED lighted "steps" peice?
  16. I'm pushing them out the door around the time I get to the 'Why the hell does that plane have legs?' comment
  17. I would have thought he was saying "Must..prevent... Macross7..!"
  18. Ah, so it's the stickers themselves that wear and make the toy look bad? I thought they somehow affected the plastic itself or something after a long time (maybe affects yellowing, ect) So it's not an issue if I use aftermarket ones?
  19. Really? How so? Never really thought about that.
  20. While I've always liked the aesthetics of the 1/48, I have to say that, adding little touches like decent stickers really goes a long way to making it look better, IMO
  21. Actually, DYRL does let you use it. Just select the 1J in free battle mode and it should be listed And can be used to good effect in anything but a travel stage Nice in the 'defend the Macross' stages. I found that , aside from the overheat thing, I liked DYRL's battroid mode more. It had much better mobility then Battlecry's when it wasn't on the ground.
  22. I appreciate the time it takes for people to develop games, but then, I'm not a designer, I can afford to be critical of games. And Battle cry was fun for a while, but terrible overal... Case in point that if it wasn't Macross, I would probably have never played it. It honestly deserves it's under $10 used asking price. And yeah I want to use the GBP for the same reason Hikaru did. It's this amazing shiny missle-loaded thing just sitting in the hangar that they lever let me use. Even though it might not be suited for missions, and Hiraku got his ass kicked (mostly by himself) using it, it's still something I wanted to play around with. They could stand to let you mess with the Q-rau too, for that matter. Being useful or not isn't much of an excuse for a clear save file in a game that boasts unlockables.
  23. Yeah, it's pretty awesome looking too. At least the line art is. Besides this 'variable glaug', there's also a 'Neo Glaug', which just looks a bit less complicated in fighter mode, but only goes to gerwalk. (forgive my poor scans, my scanner is pretty cramped in the corner.)
  24. So then, where *is* the go-to place for valkyries now? Once Kevin and the V-E shut down, I've been looking for a replacement, but as fo yet, can;t see anyone worthy of me being a regular customer and directing my money to. All I hear is negative things and who to aviod.. Sounds pretty bleak, especialy with the imminent 0S restock and the looming 19
  25. I'd be curious to see how a 'YF-19' choice would affect the rankings if it wasn't already in the works.
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