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    anime, video games, cars, typical guy stuff.

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Nice! Now I just need to figure out if I want to sell mine.
  2. Thanks. The few listed on eBay were around $600 on up. Not sure how realistic those prices are.
  3. I haven't had luck finding any recent sold prices on a Yamato VF-19P. It's been forever since I attempted to sell stuff, and I got rusty on my google-fu.
  4. I totally forgot about the olympics! thankfully that is in the summer. I would probably visit during the fall or spring. for me summers are for camping and drinking in lakes and kayaking.
  5. My wife and I are thinking of heading to Tokyo for a vacation within the next year. Would there happen to be anyone living in Japan on this forum? I've got lots of questions and would love to meet up with a fellow fan.
  6. Any news on if they will make the blowsperior? Or the red one?
  7. I'm thinking of selling a large portion of my collection. And any ideas on value or what I could get for this stuff would be great. Everything has been in my Detolfs, so everything has been removed carefully from the boxes. Yamato SDF-1, displayed, box in excellent condition. Yamato 1/60 YF-19, the one without armor. The box isn't in great condition and it suffers from the chest sliding off from the legs section 1/60 YF-21, the one without the armor. Box is in good condition. Fold booster and armor set for the 19/21. Box is in good condition. 1/48 Max and Miria Super sets. I bought them used off ebay and the seller said "mint" condition. Max is missing the box and the leg section is cracked pretty bad behind the intake. Miria has two stress cracks near the wings which has left the red plastic with a few white marks. Miria has the box, and I am assuming she has all the accessories, Max is doubtful. Unfortunately I am not on the straight shooters list and I have only purchased things from two sellers here. However, I am not on the blacklist!
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