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Sheryl Nome

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Everything posted by Sheryl Nome

  1. What were you expecting exactly? The animation in Macross 7 is actually really good. Even the stock footage for the battles is top notch. Too bad all of the early fights are composed almost entirely of stock footage & Planet Dance.
  2. Sorry I took so long to respond to this. It's definetely a very Char-ish thing to say. I don't really like Char either. I always found him to be overrated as a pilot both in-series and out. Very true.
  3. I'm still disappointed that the Aqualion isn't a mecha show about underwater mechs. That should happen at some point.
  4. Just some notes about the podcast itself. You might wanna try sectioning off the content and putting a summary of what is where along with the times where each section starts and ends. Similar to what MAHQ does with it's Gundamn podcast: http://gundamnmahq.blogspot.com/ I also felt that the podcast was a real chore to listen too at certain moments. Your commentary alternated between being fine and sometimes stale. That's partly why I suggested the sectioning. Users like myself would be able to skip around to what they find personally interesting and thus make the whole thing easier to swallow. Haven't watched the whole thing yet but felt like commenting on some of what I heard: Colony Drop: Don't take them too seriously. Alot of what they say is trolling by their own words. That said I haven't heard what you said about Colony Drop yet. Redline: Don't ever listen to the criticism of the mainstream. 9 times out of 10 they are completely hypocritical and full of crap. I really liked Redline myself. The music was great as you said but I didn't have a problem with the romantic elements or the d-boy subplot. It's a fun movie that you really shouldn't take too seriously but if you're so inclined it does have some artistic depth to it beyond the spectacle that is the racing. Aquarion Evol: You guys haven't been watching the Aqualion? That's insane: which also summarizes this show in recent episodes. I hope you have at least watched some of the episodes in the time between recording this podcast and posting it.
  5. I'd like to imagine a world where people didn't write WTF in big bold letters to begin with. Also no more LOL, EPIC, FTW, or XD. Just the general death of internet speak would be great. I'm not a lit nazi either. I just find that it contributes nothing to a discussion and just makes the poster come across as an idiot. At least SA exists where we ban/mock it on sight. 4chan is pretty untolerant towards it as well. Now for the actual content of your post: The internet has given us the ability to judge kids and adults for acting like morons all over the world. Before then we were unaware of how stupid we were acting and thus could not deliver judgement. It's also awakened our eyes to the depths of how low corportations will go to market to the crazies. Yet still we persist in connecting these horrible things to the shows they were born from. Remember all the spiderman and other super hero underwear that they sell at Walmart and other similar stores? That crap has been around forever. Yet you don't see people posting in threads on comic book sites about how it's ruining comic book super heroes just because some moron somewhere ate some underwear with a female character on it. This is the reality you face when liking anything on the internet. Someone or something somewhere is going to take it too far and ruin it's enjoyment for you. They are going to do it through either perversion, idiocy, or plain old stupid fanboy/fangirl-ism. I find myself wishing that everything on the internet had horrible disgusting porn created of it sometimes. Not for the purpose of recreational masturbation but just so that everything anybody ever loved would be ruined. This way no one could use any aspect of how crazy a fandom is as justification for not liking what it was originally based on. We would all become hardened to the crazies and thus human conversation would transcend the gravity of the depraved.
  6. Word? You mean song right? As in, "Listen to my song!"
  7. Then I guess I'm one of the "elite". Gonna be honest: This is the quickest I've ever risen to the upper echelons upon joining a forum. 3 posts and I'm a member of the Macross aristocracy. I'll try to slowdown my advancement before I remove you from your throne. Give you some time to put your affairs in order.
  8. That's fine then. I didn't really find the beginning of Woodo/Udoo City that bad in terms of repetition. Then again I do happen to be one of the few who really enjoyed Macross 7 despite the repetition so it's not like my opinion can be taken seriously.
  9. Yes I am the tripcode user known as Sheryl_Nome !!chZlWOaxhqm. I'd rather not derail the thread though into 4chan antics. Not that I'm implying you or anyone else would. Not right now. I meant after I finish the arc. To be honest I've been really enjoying the Kunmen Jungle arc. I can't wait till Kan Yu dies though. Woodo City was also pretty good. Is the desert arc a drop in quality from Kunmen?
  10. I'll be checking out Macross II sometime soon. I'm currently in the middle of my first viewing of Armored Trooper VOTOMS. Might either take a break after the Kunmen Jungle arc to watch Macross II or wait till I'm finished with the show as a whole. Once I've seen Macross II I will have seen every Macross show. I've enjoyed pretty much all of it and it's sad to see it finally come to an end.
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