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Everything posted by Jawjaw

  1. Thanks for all the help, guys. I heard about the cheap bootleg version. I don't like to support bootlegs but that price sounds good. I did investigate netflix, exo. I have to say that it's tempting. They have a ton of anime that I could watch, plus regular movies. The problem is that I would want to get the best bang for my buck and watch movies all the freakin time. I have the same problem at buffets. I eat and eat unit I can't stands no more:lol: So is that ADV version suppose to be a good translation and not hacked up?
  2. Okay, I feel like I am the only one that has not seen Neon Genesis Evangelion. It seems to come up everytime people talk about anime in general and it gets a lot of good reviews. Before I dump a lot of cash for the whole series, I want to check it out. Is there anywhere I can download quality episodes besides the p2p networks, like bittorrent or something? I've tried using a couple p2p programs but am not having any success. I don't use the p2p programs very often so I probably just don't know how to use them.
  3. M66 - Check the pinned topics in this section. There is one about getting replacement parts and another specifically about problems with valks where you might find a fix. If it was me, I would first try some superglue. That stuff works wonders sometimes.
  4. Well, I for one really like Mac0. Before I actually saw the first episode, I was not all that interested. I thought it was going to be too related to the original Macross and not anything new. After seeing the first episode, I was hooked. The animation and art work was just gorgous. The action was fantastic and I really like the mecha, especially the sv-51. The characters are okay and the story seems fine to me. My wife even sat through the whole first episode and loved it. She was begging for more after it was over. I have not tried to sort it all out with how it fits into the Macross universe or analyzed every detail. I hold final judgement of the story when I see the final episode. Maybe some of you expect too much. Much like in the toy department, there seems to be more criticism than compliments. Mac0 is a high quality animation that isn't perfect or the best thing ever, just something entertaining and worthwhile to watch.
  5. For the record, there was a 2nd edition that did not come with the poster. I aquired one off ebay a while back but later sold it. it sold for $180 but the high bidder flaked out so I ended up selling it to someone else for $150. What you got sounds like the bootleg but for $15, I wouldn't say you got ripped off.
  6. Jawjaw

    Customized Valks

    Actually, I moved my site over to www.superjaw.com some time ago. I emailed Shawn to change the link several times but he never responded.
  7. There is always good new music out there. Sometimes it is hard to find but it is there. Two very recent cd's that I would call excellent are the new BRMC and Jane's Addiction cd's. The generic/disposable music has always sucked IMO. The movie industry is much the same. For every great film, there is a 20 or more that are very average or just plain bad.
  8. Some of the excuses people use to download music for free really bothers me. Statements about how the RIAA screws consumers or the cost of cd's are too high, is no excuse to do the reverse to them. I'll admit that I have downloaded songs but not that many illegal ones. When I find something I like, I do buy it. I agree with everyone in that the RIAA needs to get their heads out of their ass and come up with a more constructive solution than suing the 60some million people that file swap. I heard they already dropped cd prices and that is a good start. I recently bought a brand new cd from Best Buy for $5.99. That might of been a mistake since it was marked $9.99 but that is still better than the typical $13-15.
  9. That is the true story. John was investing a huge amount of money into the project and there was just not enough preorders to cover the costs. Thus, John decided to cut loses and move on. Toynami involvment is pretty much a moot point. Toynami did express some interest in the design but didn't want to pay John's asking price since they can just copy Imai's 1/48 model design for free.
  10. Super fly! Love those finished pics. They make great wallpapers for my pc.
  11. Great work as always, wm_cheng. It was really cool to see the paint job turn out the way it did. Look forward to those pics and your next project.
  12. When I started collecting years ago, I had to get a green 1/35 Gakken Legioss. Around that time, they were hard to come by on ebay for some reason. A loose one finally appeared that was in perfect shape with both the gun and figure. I was willing to spend some cash on it but things got out of hand with a snipe bidder and I didn't realize how much I overspent until it was all over - $310 or something like that. But it turned out to be a good deal because the seller was super nice and offered my a blue one with a broken arm for free. It was a little loose but it looked almost as good as the green one. All it needed was an arm slider part which I got from a junk Legioss off ebay. And then there was that time I spent $150 plus shipping for a TRU VF-1A. At least I didn't spend over $200 like some people. Outside of toys, I have other expensive hobbies. I like to keep my computer somewhat up to date to play new games which gets expensive now and then. I also enjoy mountain biking which also gets very expensive. I spent more on my current mountain bike than I did for my first car (over $2300). I also have an old Camaro that I am waiting to fix up. If I didn't spend so much on other stuff, I would of had it fixed up nice by now.
  13. Looks great, but I see one major problem.... I see 1/48 fast packs on my computer screen but none on my shelves!!! It sounds like Kev is about to ship mine, so I shouldn't have to wait much longer.
  14. Jawjaw

    1/48 improvement ideas

    Add features and drop the price - that would rock but doesn't sound realistic. Lots of good ideas here. I think realistic ideas are: better stickers (if fans can make better ones this should not be difficult) panel lines (did it on the low-viz so it is possible) optional hands (like on the vf-1j) painted detail on missiles My wish list of added features that may not be realistic: backpack that sits higher up in battroid/gerwalk rudders pilot head and arm articulation little led lights for the wing lights, landing lights, and a cockpit controls
  15. Jawjaw

    1/48 Line

    Even though a lot of people do not want to see another vf-1a, I think the CF VF-1A would be a strong candidate. For a twist, Yamato could change the brown tones to gray. I've seen some models painted like this and it looks great. If it was up to me, I would do more things that have not been done, like the low-viz. What about those green looking valks or air show valks? Perhaps, they would not sell well but I am getting tired of the same thing over and over.
  16. I broke the tab on my first yf-19 but I was more pissed off that it wouldn't transform. I eventually filed down a few parts to make it easier and found that the tab was not really needed. I broke the arm slider of my yf-21 because extra flash inside the arm. I filed down the flash, glued the slider back together, and reinforced it with some epoxy. After a little blue paint, it looks almost good as new and works fine. A shoulder peg broke off into the body of my TRU VF-1A. Minor problem since everything still works fine but sucks since I paid $150 for it.
  17. I'm sure there will be plenty floating around for some time. The only time preordering was a must in Macross toys, was with the Max and Millia Bandai reissues. Even then, they weren't impossible to find, just a little more expensive. Normally I preorder so I don't have to wait. However, my wallet is dry heaving right now so I never preordered the vt1 or the ve1. Hopefully, they will be found cheap in a month or two.
  18. In fighter mode, the pegs on the legs should lock into the indentions of the arms. The arms also lock together, with or without the gunpod mounted. Thus, there should be no droopidge in fighter mode.
  19. For reference, Toys R Us approached Yamato for a special valk and not the other way around. Thus, the TRU was not something Yamato planned from the start.
  20. Enough with the head seam aleady. That dead horse has been beaten beyond recognition. I will probably pass on this one. It's cool but nothing new. If they offered it at the same time as the VF-1A Hikaru, I might of got one instead.
  21. Just enjoy Macross0 for what it is - a beautiful and entertaining Macross OVA. Just like any series with sequels and prequels there are going to be problems with the timeline or things that don't seem right if you think about it too much.
  22. Drif - you make valid points but you take it everything to the extreme. Yamato's are expensive but if I remember right, Bandai was selling their Mac7 valks and reissues for the exact same price as Yamato 1/60's. Bandai valks were much simpler in construction and lacked the detail and accessories of Yamato. Jump over the ocean and we notice that Toynami sells their semi detailed MPC valks for even higher than Yamato. Looking around at other collectible, adult geared toys, I see similar expensive price tags. Everything that is cool and something I want, is never cheap. Thus, either everyone is trying to rip us off, or things are more expensive to produce than we think. As far as Yamato trying to screw fans, you have to agree that Yamato has done far more for Macross fans than anyone else. Sure, there are lots of things we still want them to do but it seems greedy to demand more when they have already done so much. I have received Yamato's with bad QC but it doesn't affect my opinion of every single Yamato ever made. Truth is that the 1/48 is the most detailed, accurate looking vf-1 toy ever made. There is room for improvement but I doubt you will ever see anything better. I understand some people enjoy the more toy looking 1/55 valkyries but that doesn't take anything away from the 1/48.
  23. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Money is extra tight this month but it don't matter. I have been waiting forever for someone to do quality repo's and I won't let the opportunity slip by. Tom65ss, if I somehow miss your thread when you start selling them, let me know.
  24. Just a reminder from a discussion in the old forums, HLJ shipping is around $35-$40 for one 1/48. That puts the price much higher than buying from one of the local boys like VE.
  25. I was at a local anime store and they still had the 1/65 reissues for sale for $99. You would think that if they have not sold in over a year that they would drop the price.
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