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Everything posted by Jawjaw

  1. Awesome! The 1/55 commercial rocks! I love those prices, too. Thanks for putting that up, Shawn.
  2. That sure looks nice with all the different toys and display stands. If I had known I was going to end up with so many toys, I would of started off with something like that.
  3. Sweet. I like the green color on those fastpacks. I bet they would look just as cool on the other 1/48's.
  4. For starters, make sure you are using current drivers and any built in sound systems are disabled. Also check your speaker settings (tell the machine how many you have) and such. The SoundBlaster cards should have their own utilities. Go through them and make sure there are no funky reverbs turned on and everything looks okay. Next, check your speaker wires and make sure they are in good shape and plugged in right. Last, borrow some speakers from a friend and make sure the problem is not in your speakers.
  5. I so want to see all those commercials. Where did you originally get all those tapes, Shawn?
  6. I can't get over how much better those fastpacks look with a little detailing. Nice work, wm_cheng. Someday, it would be cool to see you do a full 1/48 custom.
  7. Sounds like these will be worth the wait.
  8. Jawjaw


    I think Draykov got it right. I don't believe the VE-1 is all that popular to begin with but several factors have made it an item. When Bandai made their VE-1 toy back in 1990, it did not sell well. That translated into making them pretty rare today and a big collectors item. It was even more of a tease when Bandai looked like they were going to reissue all the 1/55's and then suddenly stopped. The other factor is that it is something very different from the typical valkyrie. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the VE-1 but after the flood of the same valks over and over, it is cool to get something different.
  9. That really sucks but it sounds like you did what you had to do. Tough break.
  10. Nice drawing, tenmonkeys. I wish I could draw like that.
  11. I'm one of the elders - 31.
  12. Well said - I couldn't agree more. Just look at movies and TV as the best example. Before, they would just borrow ideas or follow a similar formula. Now, they can't even do that - they just flat out remake old stuff. I love to see when people do a project just to see what it would look like or to see if it would actually work. I suppose all the computers and technology these days allow you to figure out what works and what doesn't well before anything is made.
  13. I wouldn't mind a break either. I can't afford anything for a while and would hate to pass up on good stuff. This thread reminds me of when I was watching the extra features on my Robotech DVD's. I was watching all the commercials of the toys available when Robotech aired in 1986. The 'Women of Robotech' and the other junk made my Matchbox made me cringe. It sure is nice now to have a feeding frenzy on quality Macross goods. I too want more info on what Yamato has planned but like the others said, we already know a majority of the things they have planned for next year. If they start discussing things far off in the future, they run the risk of people not buying current products because they are waiting for something else. How many people would by the 1/60 GBP if Yamato said they would do one in 1/48 scale someday? Then how of those people would be pissed of at Yamato if they later decided to not do the 1/48 GBP?
  14. Several points: 1) I can't believe people are still bitching about the size. It's small because there is going to be a Beta. If it was bigger, there would be no Beta. Once you have the Alpha Beta combo it is going to look very sweet. 2) It says final product will vary because for one thing, it will not have that metallic coating. 3) It looks like the super poseables beause both are Alpha's. It's like saying the 1/48 VF-1 Yamato looks just like the 1/60 VF-1. Both are the same thing done at different scales with different features. The MPC will have more details like opening missile bays and transform. Whether not it is worth the price remains to be seen and will be a matter of opinion.
  15. Don't worry, we are fair. We will give you a 30 second head start so you better get running. J/K
  16. Sharp box. It looks so real that you could fool anyone into thinking Takatoku actually made it.
  17. I thought Smokescreen was big but not that big - very cool. Does anyone know if those are going to be imported into the US? Forgive me if that is common knowledge.
  18. Very cool. So how big is it?
  19. I have the same problem myself. I also have the problem where SmartFTP says it completed the transaction successfully but it really did not. It's not a big deal for me because SmartFTP allows you to resume a download.
  20. I love that 2nd pic - it's my new wallpaper. Great job.
  21. That rawks! Super clean job and great pics. I would love to see more work from you, gunnerx.
  22. I love those finished pics. Sweet, sweet eye candy. I always save a bunch of them and use them for wallpapers. Seriously awesome work, wm_cheng.
  23. I think the quality of the MPC have been alright and similar to Yamato's 1/60's. Some have problems such as loose joints and others do not. I passed on the VF-1 MPC's because I don't like how they look. The MPC Alpha's look pretty good so I plan on buying those.
  24. I mentioned this in the official thread but will say it again, this time with pics. Remember how good the VF-1J looked in this pic? We all wondered if Toynami somehow turned the ugly duckling early prototypes into a swan. We all know how that turned out. I find it interesting that the YF-1R pic looks almost identical to that VF-1J pic. Everything looks clean and sharp and the gunpod is held over the chest to help hide the long canopy.
  25. Maybe HG should do a Mystery Science Theater 3000 thing to go along with their Robotech 3000. You could have 'veritech' robots and some fanboy forced to watch crappy Robotech spinoffs and make fun of them. Sounds good to me.
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