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Everything posted by Jawjaw

  1. It's great that you are doing this Graham.
  2. Good gravy that looks like it was very difficult to get all those decals right. You did an incredible job.
  3. I think the release date is supposed to be March in general so I don't know why some stores have them and some don't. The only store that even had a tag on the shelf was the Target on Westheimer and Wilcrest. I suspect that is the best place to look in our area. I might of taken advantage of a similar web deal for the Takara but couldn't afford it at the time. I just got a work bonus so I got a little cash to spend . Too bad I can't spend the whole thing on fun stuff. lol Takatoys - That is what I plan on doing but not sure if I am going to hack power cords. But it's a good idea to look around the house for something similar.
  4. Grrr... I went to four stores yesterday and didn't find one Prime.
  5. One thing I have heard about Netflix is that the often run out of popular titles. I'm not sure that applies to animie but it might. They do have a large selection so it shouldn't be hard to find something. I was tempted to sign up in the past but finally decided that I just didn't have the time to watch that many movies. I'm the type of guy that likes to get his money's worth.
  6. Jawjaw

    1/48 valk

    Problems? I think that any complex toy such as the 1/48 is going to be more fragile than average. I may be exagerating, but the thread about Yamato problems (not just 1/48) is smaller than rant threads on the size and shape of the canopy. It was necessary in the past to warn about bad Yamato QC but I don't think that is necessary anymore. You run the risk of getting a lemon with anything you buy.
  7. Very nice! I wish I could have all my valks displayed like that.
  8. Jawjaw

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Wow - nice melt down! Thanks for the pics, Exo. But could you get more shots of the hands with the gun and on other 1/48's (DYRL valks)? I might be interested in a set but would like to see colors match better.
  9. Jawjaw

    1/48 valk

    All you are going to get here is other people's opinion. I agree with drif, try to locate one in your town and see for yourself. If you cannot find one, just read reviews on this site and look at the pics. Graham even has videos of himself transforming one. If you like what you see and don't mind the high price for a mostly plastic toy, then get one. If you don't like it then sell it on ebay where you should get most, if not all, your money back. The only 1/48 to avoid IMO is the first edition Roy VF-1S. It had a few minor problems that were sorted out with the reissue. The first edition Hikaru VF-1A is okay but the reissue has a few improvements such as a nosecone and flaps that don't fall off as easily.
  10. Jawjaw

    MW Updates

    Nice work, Graham - thanks. I like how you used the stands for taking pics of the VF-11b.
  11. Do you think they will take a check?
  12. If you like adventure games, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst is supposed to be pretty good and lets you customize your character in almost infinite ways. I loaded it up and played with this feature for a minute but have not played it yet. There is a multiplayer option but I don't know what that is about.
  13. I still think paying $20 or more is a lot of cash. I don't mind the Hasbro paint job and I plan on doing a cheap fix for the smokestacks (metal tubing). But I have to find one first. I looked at several stores here in Houston and found nothing. It appears that most stores don't even stock it yet.
  14. Nice. How about some more pics of that low-viz custom?
  15. I think they look great - besides the blue canopy which won't be on the production version. I also think that these will sell much much better than the MPC VF-1's. Those MPC had worse proportions and a lot of competition. I think most people will flinch at the price, though. I hoping that prices will drop in the $60 range but I doubt they will drop any lower than that unless there is a serious QC problem.
  16. I don't see how any of you can disagree about having a Toynami bias. I would bet any kind of money that there would be much more positive comments if that was made by Bandai. I'm not crazy about the Voltron thing but I think it looks pretty good and much better than the old blocky design. If you are a Voltron fan, it seems like you would appreciate a new toy - Toynami or not.
  17. I can't stand most new tv these days. Shows that are supposed to be funny just aren't to me. They are easier trying to copy something else or do typical stereotypical humor. A few reality shows are mildly entertaining but get old fast. The Simpsons are not as great as they have been in the past but it is still much better than the rest of the crap. I'm not sure about a movie. I suppose it could be funny but it might just come off as a really long episode. What I am curious about is what it will be rated - PG, PG-13, R??
  18. Could you point out your source on this? At first I had heard that Toynami had compensated the creator of the Wonderfest kit for using the design as their SuperPoseables. But then someone told me that he wasn't compensated, and wasn't asked, although they did officially credit him in some way. I'm just curious what the actual story is behind this. I know for a fact that Toynami didn't have Banpresto's permission when using the Banpresto SD Keychain designs, nor did they have Bandai's permission in using their designs for the MPC (as much as people say it isn't a copy, it is. just deal with it.) So I'm curious what the actual story is between the Wonderfest kits and the SuperPoseables*? I don't have any sources, just a good memory. I don't remember any talk of Toynami actually paying for the designs - just getting permission to use the overall design. It would make sense that if they got permission there would be money involved but it would not be in Toynami's character to pay for designs. As far as the MPC, it is not just a straight copy of one thing. They took design elements of all VF-1 toys (Bandai, TT, Yamato) and funked it up a bit to make it different.
  19. LOL - funny how some people reacted to this. You would think their lives depended on what one toy company does. It is interesting to say the least. I don't see how Toynami can make them without some sort of agreement. Toynami did get permission to use the superposeable design in the first place so it's not like they always steal designs.
  20. The question is about whether something would sell. I doubt a repackaged 1/48 or such would sell all that great. We have already seen a ton of VF-1 valkyries from Yamato. Bandai was having a hard time selling their reissues and I think they let their Macross license run out.
  21. I read about that recently. It sounded like the pilot made an error and steered the plane away from the crowds and ejected right before impact. Bad day indeed. His insurance rates are going to skyrocket!
  22. Nice. I would go crazy if I walked into that place.
  23. Are you freakin kidding me!!!?? Don't be so modest - that is one of the best customs I have seen! I love it. You did a tremendous job on paint choices and detail work. The panel lines and decals blend in very nicely and everything has a nice consistent finish. I can gaurantee that no one is going to get sick of looking at customs like that.
  24. I bought one of the last two Vipers at that Target on Saturday. I wasn't planning on buying one but it looked pretty sweet and has grown on me. I have not seen Prime yet but I have not looked that hard. It sounds like they are just in Walmarts right now. BTW - The PT Cruiser is not all that bad looking. It is going for that retro hot rod look and I think it pulled it off. I still don't like it much but it at least has some decent curves. The Aztec, however, is just a chunk of fugly. It has so many sharp, akward angles that the only way to like it, is to like that it is so dam ugly and that you will be the only one driving one in your town.
  25. We all want a big nosecone but none of those 'male enhancements' work. I did a search for hands on hlj.com and found some optional hands by Wave and B-Club. The B-Club hands are 1/100 Gundam hands so I think those will be too small. The Wave do not have a picture or a size. If you look around, maybe there are some hands that will fit.
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