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Everything posted by Jawjaw

  1. I just got my OP from BBTS today. I've already handled a friend's Takara version so there was few suprises. My Hasbro is identical except for the smoke stacks and paint. I don't mind the paint and will do a custom job on the stacks. I see no differences in the quality or joint stiffness. I should of waited to open it because I was having a very frustrating evening and I blew a gasket trying to get the dang thing out of the box. Everything was taped down and twisties were everywhere. panels. The feet fell off, then it was the head, and then accessories parts went flying. I got pissed and just starting thrashing the container to get it out.
  2. I still don't think this is as big a deal as you guys are making it. True, Mac+ dvd's have BW's name on it but it has been for sale in the US for a long time. Mac+ toys are a completely different issue because there was more at stake and we don't know which side is at fault. Maybe Yamato just didn't want to pay HG roylaties or maybe HG was asking too much. Who knows. The bottom line for me is that I see nothing that has changed. There are still no toys being imported and no Mac0 dvd's. Until one of those things happens, I don't think anything else really matters. There has been promising news in the past but HG has shown no signs of changing their ways or giving up.
  3. I don't talk about my collection or show it off unless someone is interested. Those that end up seeing it usually have a positive reaction and find something they can identify (usually my Simpson figures). I'm sure some are thinking that I need to grow up or something but I don't care. My wife thinks it's cool and that's all I care about.
  4. I don't know if this has ever been discussed, but you guys with very large and expensive collections should have them insured. In other words, make sure you have enough coverage for all your possessions if everything burns up.
  5. There will be more 1/48's out in the future (i.e. Max and Millia VF-1J's). If you are interested in any of the previous 1/48's, look around at the various online stores or even ebay. The only 1/48 that is hard to find is the low-viz.
  6. I gave up looking for one in my town (Houston) so I bought one from BBTS for $75 (with shipping). I'm sure I would of eventually found one but I was getting sick and tired of wasting my time looking.
  7. Wow, that looks so real - nice work. I agree with the others but I think it would look good on an aircraft carrier getting ready to take off.
  8. I agree. The term hero is thrown around too much these days. I don't know Arnold's life story in detail, but I don't think he has layed his life on the line to help others. That is what define's a hero to me. A firefighter that runs into a burning building to save someone is a hero, not someone that comes out of a difficult situation. I would say Arnold's achievements are very respectable and he can be considered a role model.
  9. I lurked for a while on the original site and then decided to join in when MW was updated in early 2000. It doesn't seem like 4 years ago, though. The best time was all the early news of Yamato making valkyries. Everyone was so excited and positive about the future of Macross. Good times.
  10. Awesome custom!
  11. You have spent over $800 a month on average for the past 2 years on toys? I hope you make a lot of money because that is scary. Seriously.
  12. Jawjaw

    Britai attacks!

    That dude seems to be the king of 'free time'. Pretty cool but I wish I could read some of that.
  13. ALL games run on my 733t system. Except when you get one that doesn't like your video card, or your sound card, or doesn't like your CD/DVD drive, and refuses to recognize the disc. Oh, and did I mention to two years of patching it takes to get the game to play corectly anyways? You must be running one crappy pc because I play a ton of games and rarely have a problem. True, a pc game might crash now and then or need a patch to perform decently but I think you are exaggerating. For me, that is a fair tradeoff to get better controls and graphics.
  14. This is a common question so check the pinned thread about toy problems/fixes: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=143
  15. I wish I could collect the whole set but don't have the cash.
  16. It appears to me that some of you don't undestand that HG, robotech.com, and Toynami are actually 3 separate entities and not one. Mac+ videos have been sold in the US for years and rt.com is on online store so I don't see what the big shocker is.
  17. It doesn't matter which market you are talking about, these valkyries are not that popular. I would love to see more valkyrie variations in toys but toy companies are not going to make something they don't think will sell well. My absolute favorite is the VF-5000. It would be perfect for Yamato to make because it's transformation is similar to Mac+ valks and SHE already made an awesome looking kit of one. However, when Yamato did a survey a while back, it did not rank all that high.
  18. I wouldn't expect any future Yamato's to be 1/48. The VF-1 is special and is the most popular so Yamato did something special for it. The only exception would be Mac+ toys because they are second most popular. However, since they are much larger, they wouldn't be 1/48 but something a little less. I'm just hoping the new yf-19 is going to be larger than the first, and not smaller. The way I see it, there might be one more 1/48 VF-1, a VF-1A CF, and that's it. Everything else would require new designs and time away from their current projects. However, I would say the chances would be slim because all other VF-1A CF toys were poor sellers. Sad but true.
  19. i guess you're right, i just have little tollerance for people complaining about stuff they willingly endure. and i doubt he's complaining to the movie guy, he's just complaining to us. anyway, yeah. i can bitch and moan all i want, if you don't like it, get outa america! LOL - I hear what you are saying KingNor. That was part of my point to. The movie industry is complaining about slowing ticket sales but are blaming everyone but themselves. People are getting sick of paying a lot of money for crappy movies and all those ads and guilt trips are not helping. Thus, people are not going to the movies that much or not at all.
  20. Those look better than the fat TV hands IMO. Very nice.
  21. The movie industry doesn't get any money from the drinks and snacks. Only the theatres do. The movie company gets the all the money for the ticket sales for the first one or two weeks and then the theatre chain gets a cut of the admission fee after that. The percentage of the theatre's cut goes up as the weeks go by. That's why the movie studios push the opening weekend so much, to make sure they get a majority of the money being made and that's why the theatres charge so much for food and drinks. So here's another guilt trip...when you sneak in food you're actually stealing from the employees that work at the theatre you go to... I understand that but I still consider the theaters as part of the movie industry. That is where I go to see movies and where I drop the big bills. Everyone is trying to make money and we are the ones having to pay for it. If theaters cannot make enough money selling expensive tickets, expensive food, and hitting everyone with countless commercials, then there is a problem IMO. It's similar to the problem in professional baseball. There is no salary cap, so teams are spending more and more and fans have to pay for it. At some point, the cost is going to get too high and fans will lose interest. It is already happening in baseball and also in movies but they can't seem to figure it out for themselves.
  22. Just buy them both. I would start by looking on ebay for a sweet deal on an XBox bundle. You could also look for a non working PS2's for dirt cheap and fix it. There is a common problem where it does not read cd's and it's an easy fix. I own a PS2 and rarely play it. I mainly use it for a DVD player for my extra TV. These days, most good games come out for the PC and all consoles. It is rare to have a good game that is only available on one system. The only PS2 only game I like has been the Gran Turismo series. I played the GTA games on PS2 but next time I will wait for the PC version. PC games are always superior in graphics and you have a lot more options when it comes to the controls. It is also easier to play online and you have the option to download patches/extras. PC games are also cheaper because console titles have to pay huge royalties to the console makers. Consoles are sold at a lost so they have to make their money in the software.
  23. Looks like a geek trying to lug his 2 ton computer to a lan party.
  24. It's pointless to argue if Macross is Star Trek or Star Wars or Tek Wars:o or whatever. The bottom line is that Macross was popular when it was out 20 years ago but not now. If you think about it, there really hasn't been that much Macross series to win over new fans. Macross7 had a lot of episodes but was a love it or hate it kind of show. Macross Plus was cool but it was an OVA and not a series on TV. Macross0 is awesome but again, it's an OVA. Gundam, however, has countless series for over 20 years and is still going. When kids come over to me house and see my collection, the only robots they recognize are the few Gundams that are surrounded by valkyries. They have no idea where the valkyries are from. If Macross kept coming out with new series, I bet it would be very popular today. NewTypeShot - congrats on your find. Low-viz's are getting close to $300 on ebay so you did pretty good.
  25. LOL - I never thought about that but it is stupid to guilt trip people who are actually paying for the movie. For some reason, that doesn't bother me as much as the dam commercials. If the movie industry is still losing money after charging me $9 a seat, an arm and a leg for some snacks and a drink, and whatever they get from advertising, then there are bigger problems than people downloading.
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