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Everything posted by Jawjaw

  1. I am also watching Mac7 for the first time (at episode 37). I figured I would hate it based upon what I heard but being a true fan, I felt like I had to watch it. It was a little tough to get into but I actually enjoy it now. While it is not the best show out there and no where as good as the other Macross series, it still works for me. Parts of it are pretty stupid and I just shake my head and keep watching. Some of the stupidity has some charm and makes me laugh. I still get a kick out of Basara demanding that everyone hear him sing - even when he is getting his ass kicked. But I get pretty sick of his "I'm a complicated guy and no one understands me" rants. What I do like is that it ties into the original Macross in several ways, has lots of cool mecha, and is faithfull to the concepts of Macross. It gets a bit unbelievable in parts but what anime doesn't? While it may not be for everyone, I still recommend any Macross fan to watch it to see for themselves. It's not that bad, really.
  2. Nice save on the wing tip. At first glance, I thought the non-broke one was the one you repaired.
  3. Nice job on the weathering. It gives it a more dated, rough look in which goes good with the design. I'm starting to like the VF-0S more and more watching you build this kit.
  4. Ok, that's it - game over, man, game over! That VF-0D looks amazing!
  5. Awesomely awesome! It all looks good to me. Hope I can afford all these fine toys when the time comes.
  6. LOL - I think she is suppose to be a little annoying. I find Basara to be annoying as well but he cracks me up. Whenever a big battle breaks out or any trouble for that matter, he flies into the middle of everything, gets in everyone's way, and demands that people hear him sing. If they refuse and run away, he gets pissed and chases after them and sings even louder.
  7. C'mon now. You can't judge a long series by a couple of super fly valks that are only in one brief scene and get blown up seconds later. The rest of Mac7 is not as bad as I thought it would be. The first handful of episodes were pretty ghey but I am now enjoying it. I'm digging the Zentradi mecha which for some reason, are also valkyries.
  8. I've been watching Macross7 for the first time and came across these awesome VF-1 color schemes. They would make awesome customs - don't you think? or not.
  9. Oh, man - that's wrong but somehow oh so funny. The only thing I have to add is that Milton needs an athletic cup or something. At least stuff it with a roll of quarters.
  10. The B&W part didn't bother me and didn't come off as a censor type of thing. It was no different than having that one part animated IMO. However, I can understand that if you saw if in color first, the B&W version would come off as annoying. I have not seen KB2 yet but from what I hear, it does sound like it should of been kept one movie. Personally, I hate the whole idea that a movie has to be 90 minutes long.
  11. That metallic paint is amazing! Too bad the gunpod is going to be stuck under the fighter cause it looks oustanding. I look forward to the next update, cheng.
  12. I saw an interview with Tarantino where he claimed Kill Bill was 'the' movie he wanted to make. I don't think he is out to make the most brilliant, original films in history - just cool ones. The same goes for Lucas where he claims he is making the Star Wars films for kids, not fanboys. While the new Star Wars films are just boring, I thought Kill Bill rocked. It was fun to watch and I liked the characters. I felt like part of the style was that it was supposed to look like old samurai films.
  13. Follow this link for a codec pack that will take care of everything: http://anime-xtreme.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=652 After I installed that pack, I had no problems with any formats. The forums on anime-xtreme are also pretty good for sorting out specific problems. Also, I recommend downloading Media Player Classic. It's handles everything including real player files. It might be included in the above pack but I don't remember. If not, you should be able to search for it through google.
  14. Totally rad like for sure. I saved those pics.
  15. Nice work.
  16. Far Cry is the best game I have played in a very, very long time. There have been so many times in the game where it has just blew me away. The graphics alone are pretty impressive but there is so much more. It feels similar to playing Half Life for the first time where you just knew it was on a whole different level than other games. I think I am near the end but it is hard to say. I have played through a lot of levels and just beat the boss in the helicopter while standing on a sinking boat (very cool). Now it looks like I have to plow through an island full of monsters. No problem - bring em on!
  17. Jawjaw

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

    Very cool paint job! Unbelievable detail as always. However, I got to say that the yellow nose tip distracts my attention. I would think that the whole nose cone piece that comes off should be painted or none at all.
  18. nice work That summed up half of the posts here!
  19. Awesome - I've been waiting to see someone build this kit. I hope to build this kit myself sometime so this will be very helpful to me.
  20. Legos have been around since the mid or early 60's but they were much simpler back then.
  21. Out-freakin-standing!
  22. That would be a good read.
  23. That's awesome and a very cool idea. Threre are so many different kinds of motorcyles that you would never run out of ideas for a full lineup.
  24. Jawjaw

    CF VF-1A

    Wow! Yamato, please make this - please! Ultra nice work.
  25. I felt the same way so I did an easy and cheap mod to make them longer. Here is the thread where I discussed how I did it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6567
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