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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Look like they spent a little too much money on King Shark cuz Grodd looked funny. I liked his CG render from last season. I loved how they cut Speedy v. Ghost-elevator fight to make it look like a single cut (most of it was likely a single cut).
  2. Star Wars Battlefront suffers immortal player glitch FYI to anyone playing, it normally takes DICE 3 months to 1 year to fix some glitches. And that's hoping they don't introduce more when they attempt to fix it.
  3. Anyone play Battlefront yet? Heard they worked-around-fixed the crappy spawn system but it's still not a sure fix. Explosive spam will be through the roof in about 2 weeks when everyone levels up and unlocks everything. Saw that coming in the beta. Heard content was lacking for a $60 game. Four maps, 11 primary guns and casual gamer-gameplay. And stupid lock-on 1-shot which basically has no counter except spamming the jetpack button and hoping you avoid the missile.
  4. Probably time that you do. Enterprise-level routers..... are you planning to run an entire business out of your home? VPN, DMZ, 10,000 users, several Wi-Fi access points around the home? An enterprise router would fit, but you'll spend a lot of time configuring it to your liking. I see enterprise equipment like that as needing to control your network with precise control, i.e., control of all 65535 ports, needing several WAPs, remote management over a large property and several dozen smaller control units, precise network security control, etc.. On the bright side, you will never need a new router for a decade but I don't think the cost would justify the features would and wouldn't use.
  5. Looks like the paid versions can. The free version doesn't appear to support that feature. Keep in mind that Glasswire only works on PCs. You'll need to find a way to track usage on phones, tablets, gaming consoles or other devices.
  6. Tried one of these methods to monitor? How to Monitor Your Internet Bandwidth Usage and Avoid Exceeding Data Caps (How to Geek.com)
  7. You'll be paying $60 for 23 GB on PlayStation 4, 19 GB on Xbox One, and 27 GB on PC. My BF4 folder is 64 GB after all the DLCs and updates. If this doesn't scream DLCs, not sure what will. And Battlefront doesn't have a single player component.
  8. The best information is basically this article: Macross Delta TV Anime Unveils Teaser, Staff, Characters, Valkyries There's also the SpeakerPODcast.
  9. Which is Poe's jacket now. That jacket seems to be passed around as much as Anakin's lightsaber in this movie. And this pic... (spoiler'd for size ) Isn't she cold? And those EW pics have captions which one could derive some things from.
  10. It was likely one of the short-range fleets that charted the paths for larger colony fleets. Megaroad-based fleets, being classified as a long-range fleet, were designed to go much farther so Eden would have been a pit stop. They could have stopped at Eden, but that would have defeated the purpose of going as far out into the galaxy as they could.
  11. If you kids have issues with each other, take it to PM or drop it. I'm gonna agree with statement. They're shoe-horning so much stuff into the UC timeline, soon we'll know what Ramba Ral had for breakfast the day he got his Gouf. Instead of filling in months of the OYW, we're gonna fill in by days. I know there's a demographic that loves the UC-timeline but come on. That's my $0.02.
  12. It is "Tactical Sound Unit, Walküre" working with the yet-to-be-named group of VF-31s.
  13. Free pitch forks! Free pitch forks! Free pitch forks! Free pitch forks! Free pitch forks! Now, all together... BURN THE HERETIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I'm gonna have to agree with this. My last revision with a ASUS P55 board ran without a problem for years. When I upgraded with a Z87, things just went downhill. It did not OC stable at only a minor OC of 100-150 Mhz. Then it had voltage issues that caused the watch battery to drain. Then the onboard sound died. Thankfully, the Z97 was just a fixed Z87. But after the last BIOS update, my system went from solid to unstable in a heartbeat. Fixed that issue mostly by downgrading to a pre-USB 3.1-support BIOS. Now I just get Windows boot freezes with every other boot. Whatever mobo I go with next will not be an ASUS board.
  15. I would prefer NUNS to show up at the end only. They can have agents should up during the show but I would like Delta to focus on planetary forces. We only saw it once in Dynamite 7. I would like to see them revisit that setting again. No NUNS, just local forces.
  16. I think they made a point of stating that in the episode.
  17. Welcome back to the wonderful world of instant judgements, nerdgasms, and other memes. Brought to you by social media. Social media. Because everyone needs to know what your drunk ass ate at 3AM in the morning. You can repeat what you've said a billion times, but people have already made their minds up from 90-seconds of footage paired with a stock soundtrack and a few images.
  18. Speaking of music, who is composing the music this time? I wouldn't worry too much about missing trailer music. It's a trailer. I wonder if the 31 trades in the YF-30's multi-purpose container. I see the leg missile launchers are back. The arm guns are likely a replacement for the hip guns of the earlier YF-24-family.
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