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Everything posted by azrael

  1. EX-Gear without the exo-skeleton features. Basically a jetpack and drone interface.
  2. Thank god it's not a shipping-war. Can't wait to see Kaname or Reina getting pulled in.
  3. If we're learning how Han became a smuggler, then it's an origin story. Just as much as the prequels are Anakin's origin and the OT are Luke's origin. It doesn't matter who is writing it.
  4. This thought I could go with. Snoke would have gone after Rey if he knew she was the more powerful of the 2. But since Ben was the only known Skywalker-decendent, he corrupted Ben. I'm inclined to believe Luke never knew he had a child till she showed up with his lightsaber.
  5. Focus on the episode. If you want to talk about marketing data, do so elsewhere.
  6. 4. Judging by the missing character profile, I don't think we need concern ourselves with Herman for too much longer. And I swear you guys are influencing the writers. Makina...."Music is hope." Definitely giving off some hopes and dreams there guys...
  7. Well, it was called "Mission 0.89" for a reason. Practically says, "We're not done yet".
  8. Something I noticed on the Sv-262s...If they folded in, where are the fold boosters?
  9. Interesting. Ikenai Overdrive is definitely a catchy tune. The VF-31 isn't that bad. Still not a fan of the forward-swept wings (There are other kinds of wing designs, Kawamori) but it's nice to see they kept the YF-30's multi-purpose container-unit-thingy.
  10. George Lucas Criticizes Latest ‘Star Wars’ Installment Yes, boo hoo. But it's nice to know even the creator noticed this movie's storytelling shortcomings that many of us picked up on.
  11. Bingo. The Netflix-suit, below the neck, is fine and tolerable. It could be a more vibrant red, but otherwise fine. It's the cowl which looks terrible and ruins the rest of the suit.
  12. Avidemux? AVS Video Editor? VirtualDub? However, VirtualDub requires a bit of advance knowledge. Personally, I won't want to re-encode over network. All the layers of transmission (PC->PC NIC->Router->NAS NIC->NAS hardware->NAS HD) would slow down the encoding. Give the free video editors a try.
  13. Cuz life isn't fair. You'll get to scream like a little girl before the rest of us so you'll just have to wait for the rest of us.
  14. Welcome to the Macross Delta Mecha/Technology Thread Guildlines Please limit your discussion of mecha and technology to this thread. This thread is not for discussing individual episodes or the story. Do not cross post. Please limit your discussion to mecha and technology seen in Macross Delta. Do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. This thread contains spoilers about mecha. Don't say we didn't warn you.
  15. Welcome to the Macross Delta News Thread Notes and Guildlines This thread contains spoilers (episode descriptions, magazine info, etc). Don't say we didn't warn you. Please limit your comments to the contents posted in articles, websites, or news reported in this thread. (i.e. Do not post a critique or comment about episodes when this thread covers an article about the series or spend entire pages talking about mecha specifically). Please keep talk of mecha to the Mecha thread and story or episode talk to the Episode thread. Do not cross post. Please remember to post pics as attachments or use a 3rd party image hosting service. DO NOT link directly to image boards like 2ch's image forum or 4chan.org. This thread is for promotional materials only (magazine articles, commercials, website updates etc.). Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum.
  16. Welcome to the Macross Delta New Year's Eve Special Talkback Thread Guidelines: Macross Delta episode file requests, file offers or any audio/video sharing links of any kind or format are not permitted anywhere on the forum except by Boinger in the iMacross thread. This is 2015, not 2007. They know about us and how the 'Net operates now. This includes, but is not limited to BitTorrent files/links, YouTube, Nico, related video-sharing or video streaming site links, File sharing links, full audio soundtracks, etc.. Any user-post in violation of this rule will be deleted without notice. Repeated offenses may result in a ban. DISCUSSION ONLY. Send a PM to Boinger with a link to the file to be added to iMacross. This thread only covers the episode listed in the subject. Do not post comments about another episode not covered by this thread. (i.e. References are OK, but do not post a critique about episode 1 when this thread covers episode 999). This thread(s) is about current episodes only. Please reserve mecha talk and news talk for upcoming threads. Do not cross-post. Please reserve all talk about future episode spoilers for the upcoming News thread. Do not ask when an episode will be aired or released (this includes fansubs). Please use spoiler tags for the first 24-hours after an episode airs. Thread and poll opens at Thursday (12/31), 3:00AM EST/12:00AM PST (17:00, i.e. 5:00PM JST), one hour BEFORE the broadcast.
  17. Watched it. It's OK. Acting was better than the prequels. Better dialogue probably helped there. I liked Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Issac. John Boyega? He was OK (I'll get to his character in a bit). Action was OK. Some parts of the dogfights were kinda nauseating. I don't like converted to 3D, but that was the earliest showing and I had other stuff to do. It was a good movie, but the story didn't feel great (I'll be covering lots of it under spoiler tags further down). It could have taken some risks but choose to play it safe and stay close to ANH. There could have been more story and less paying homage. John Williams score? Didn't even notice it. There was no bit of music that stuck in my head which makes me question why they even called him in. Captain Phasma? Again, what was the point of her character with so little screen time? Some story elements felt a little too convenient. Reminds me of something Qui-Gon said in TPM about luck and the Force. Parts of the story (which I'll get to under spoilers) felt just a bit too convenient while a few didn't really need to be there. Some of the scenes they cut from the trailers actually would probably have been better left in the movie. At the same time, this movie leaves a bit too much open for the following movies. TL;DR, I enjoyed my time spent it but it didn't feel memorable or mind-blowing.
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