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Everything posted by azrael

  1. For me, the principal characters were not enough to make up for the lackluster-rehashed story. The more I looked and thought about it, the less I liked it. Poe's character was ok, but then went downhill right around the time he first interacts with Kylo Ren. Then that gap in screen time made me forget about him. Finn's character was just a mess which I addressed in my review. Rey? The more I think about her character, the more coincidences play into her story, the less convincing I find her character. I did. And I still found them more entertaining than this movie. CGI, funky dialogue and all.
  2. +1. I rewatched it by downloading it since I don't have the time to go to a theater right now. I'll take it further. I found the prequels more memorable and enjoyable to watch than this movie. Yes, I am putting the prequels above this movie. So sue me. At least with those, I got films that felt different. If I wanted to watch them blow up a Death Star (twice), I'll rewatch Ep 4 and 6. If I wanted to see snow (and more of it), I'll watch Ep 5. If I wanted to see a cantina with a a short musical number, Ep 4. Desert environment? Ep 1, 2, 4 and 6. If I wanted a whiny guy, I'll take Ep 2, 3 and 4. The more I listen to Finn's dialogue at parts, the more I'll cringe like I'm listening to some (what did James Corben call it), hype-man. At least with Jar Jar, part of me is trying to decipher what the hell he's saying before I cringe.
  3. Nope and probably not. In fact, they might take out some scenes just to shorten the episode to fit into the broadcast schedule. When the Blu-rays come out, they'll likely release a full extended version. Just like they did with Frontier.
  4. There was a comm-link clipped to his necklace. It was blinking when his boss was calling him. In the next scenes, after he's fired, the little thing is gone.
  5. If you mean those Twitter posts, then I'm gonna say, wait for it to actually come out. Why? Because there were posts on Twitter with those same reactions for Fantastic Four last year.
  6. It's promo art from the UK site for the special airing tonight episode before or after The Flash. Check your local listings. https://www.facebook.com/DCFilmsUK/
  7. Didn't Kawamori say he deliberately set Delta away from the Galactic Core? As for the map, we've learned (from Frontier) not too read much into them. Just know that Ragna and Windermere are set far away from where we've previously been in the Macross-universe.
  8. Or anything that transforms in that case. How much do we spend on cars, APCs, tanks, etc? Those things don't transform but have a crap load of moving parts.
  9. And that thread got locked because we were running around in circles trying to explain to you how different universes have different mechanics, i.e., things from Gundam, Eureka 7, VOTOMS, Code Geass, etc., don't necessarily work in other franchises, despite what Super Robot Wars or Another Century-games makes you think.
  10. Her singing is ... (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) ... hypnotic.
  11. I won't say that, at least the "idols" part. If Zola heard about the Protodeviln, then the rest of the universe knows about them too. However, the rest of the universe probably heard a slightly different version of Fire Bomber's exploits during that conflict.
  12. IIRC, the preview only had 390 of the 450 sequences planned. Some of those sequnces probably include the opening and ending themes and then whatever else they haven't completed. It's called "Mission 0.89" probably cuz it's roughly 89% done. It's also a weekly TV series with likely 6 months of episodes to come so if he's impatient, maybe he should wait till the end of the year to binge watch.
  13. I'm almost positive the answer is "No" as they are setting up the story of Freyja challenging her own people. Mikumo glows purple through mechanical (non-natural) means. Freyja's heart-thingy in her hair is doing so by natural means. That's not to say Mikumo could be of alien-descent but that her abilities are created by technology like the rest of the Walkure girls.
  14. Makina and Reina were still glowing when their drones ran out of power. Again, Mikumo's drones probably powered down while she took the breather under the rubble, i.e., they never ran out of power. *psst* People of Windermere. Freyja practically said it when she ran off singing. I suspect it's like the Sound Energy System. If they reach a certain state (physically, emotionally or both), the hair thingy starts glowing. The Pretty Flyboys will likely have a similar reaction at some point. Meh. Part of the suit. Or she's one of those weirdos with really dexterous fingers (blame the animator). I can kind of do it with my right hand but my left hand definitely will not.
  15. Or it's just the mask. When you compare the piece of cloth covering his face with the suit's cowl-piece, the piece of cloth looks infinitely better. Whoever designed that cowl should be shot. It just looks awful.
  16. 1. The suit. All the girls have that glow. It surrounds them. Even the hair. 2. Probably because she stopped them for that breather she took under the rubble. Her glow was off when she was buried. She was the target of a Itano-missile storm. She moved the drones around her in the nick-of-time and then got buried by rubble. I'm sure she said to herself, "That worked. I'm still alive."
  17. A VF-27 was no more spacious than a VF-25's. The virtual cockpit just provides the illusion of a more spacious cockpit...it the pilot's head and cybernetic eyes. Wrap-around imaging provides an optical illusion just like Gundam's linear seat+panoramic monitors. In reality, if you try to stick your arm out in any direction, you wouldn't be able to fully extend it. Speaking of cockpits, the Sv-262's cockpits don't appear to use EX-Gears, or use any EX-Gear of UN-design.
  18. http://www.animemaru.com/about/
  19. Harem ending is always the best ending. Orgy would just make things weird.
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