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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Floyd "Deadshot" Lawton showed up, but as his Earth-2 counterpart. I'm sure they'll find creative ways to use Suicide Squad members from prior episodes. Waller could still show up in Ollie's flashbacks. Also, there are other members of the Squad who can show up, just not the ones in the upcoming movie. ]
  2. Did it have to be in English? I like my wired-kung fu movies as much as the next fan....but English. And why do I feel like something off with this.
  3. Glad they didn't use this one. I hate the "ears". Also, for the feeling of the show, this concept feels like a guy in leather rather than some kind of body armor. And the black strips feel out of place. There was also this one: Too militaristic and pad/plate crazy, and if I thought the S1/S2 mask was awful this one is 10x worst. We'll see what the new S2 cowl looks like post-Frank Castle-brawl.
  4. Some images have popped up. (spoiler'd for size] You can see the new head piece and partially make out the skull on Frank's shirt.
  5. Yep. The suit (from the neck down) isn't a problem. It was everything from the neck-up that just looked gawd awful.
  6. Now I see it. It's different. Or at least it appears so if the lighting was better. I assume that scene will show up after DD and Frank are done with their fight off the rooftop.
  7. Nah. Just lighting. Still the same gawd awful mask. The mask has a "gash" across the face at 1:50. Definitely gets damaged. Hopefully, it gets replaced with something that looks better (I can hope can't I).
  8. Just curious, any one thinking about a VR headset (Oculus, or some of the other stuff)? The Oculus' recommended specs were posted and I was thinking to myself that maybe it was time to look at one.
  9. Yep. Nope. It fits with the Multiverse-theme this season. Mmmmm, both. There's always flashbacks. Yeah...King Shark is coming back in 2 weeks. There goes the budget.
  10. I blame the Keysi Fighting Method, which embraces being too close, for all those elbows. In this film, Bats feels like the Arkham-Batman fighting-style.
  11. Gravitational waves detected 100 years after Einstein's prediction
  12. I'm leaning more on the side of "If Disney made all that money from that franchise, we can do the same with this one. Right?". I doubt we'll see more space operas than we have already but more nostalgia. We already got X-Files and Ghostbusters. Full House and Gilmore Girls are coming back. Why not bring back BSG? It's only been 7 years since the TV show. That's long enough, right? Let's all relive the 70s, 80s, and 90s with reboots and "reboots".
  13. That the OP needs to go write his/her fan fiction. The conversation here is almost identical to the one we had on the other forum. I was ready to lock it when it first posted because the conversation is the same.
  14. At least not all VF-31s use forward swept wings. Guess Kawamori heard us about his overuse of FSWs?
  15. First, I was referring to the Tomahawk. And it's 112 miles per hour (that's 180 kilometers per hour). 1) Did you watch the show? Cuz they were driving those things on the hull of a space ship near the end, in space. 2) There's nothing that says they can't use the other weapons in Sniping Clapper-mode. Only that it would be firing in the wrong direction. 3) But they can jump in Walker-Cannon mode. They're not sitting ducks in that mode. They can move around by jumping. 4) Did you watch the show? Cuz you would have seen it when one deployed the big gun and another used the little gun in Battle-Sniper mode. Worked well for the Armies of the Southern Cross...within their show...on ground engagements.
  16. The Cold War would be a good example because it went on for years. The others examples aren't really what I was getting at. It goes back to Obi-Wan's quote, "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire." And then in a very short time span, everyone forgets about them when they disappear from daily life. People were living under the threat for 2-3 generations that the Soviet Union and the USA had itchy trigger fingers. Then the conflict ended and people barely know it existed today.
  17. Safeway exists, Woolworth's does not. But anyways... The point I was making with that post is the general public can forget about something that existed for a long time given enough time even without government intervention just like how knowledge of the Jedi faded between Ep 3 to Ep 4 and even more so afterwards.
  18. We said that back here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43350&p=1249992 and here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43350&p=1249992 Just curious, has Mit even considered watching Southern Cross?
  19. Anyone wanna try the alpha for free, no donation needed? FREE FLY – TRY STAR CITIZEN TODAY!
  20. Just so we can get out of politics, try this. Think of something that was around 20-50 years ago but isn't today. Anything. A restaurant, a toy, a store. Then ask someone 18-24 yrs of age about it. Most will have no idea what you are talking about or have very vague recall. Just as an example, try Woolworth 5-and-dime stores. Founded in 1878 and stayed in business till 1997. They were huge and I still remember when they existed and where I could go to one. There was even a infamous one in Greensboro, NC (Google it). But then the company died out. In a decade, only a few remained while the majority closed their doors. By the time they closed completely, very few people remembered they existed. Now, nearly 20 years since the company went defunct, the majority of people will not even know the name. The next largest group will remember the name, but only have a few details. The next group will know the name, recall details. The next group will recall everything, but this group will be significantly smaller. In 30 more years, Woolworth will be a "legend" of retail. So the Death Star admiral chastising Vader about his "sad devotion to an ancient religion" when that was only 30-some years ago doesn't sound crazy.
  21. I don't think that's a problem of the prequels. That's a problem of the sequels and the way they treat it. By the OT, the Empire doesn't fear the Jedi like how they were feared in the prequels. Who knows how many officers Vader choked and killed for questioning him. When you have commanders talking back to you, insubordinate admirals, then the common folk don't fear Force users like they once use to. The SW universe is vast enough that by Ep 2, the Jedi numbers were stretched enough that they couldn't keep peace in the galaxy if the Separatists were gaining power.
  22. That's only 112 mph. And that's maximum speed. How often do you see people driving at 120 mph on the road? And as a matter of comparison, a RGM-79 GM's max speed is 192 km/h. The RX-78-2 Gundam's max speed is 205 km/h! And both have more mass than a Tomahawk. Imagine those sprints.
  23. There's that sense of deja vu.... Let me underline the piece of text for you re-read. Again, read the underlined sentence. Macross Zero takes place in 2008. Now, focus on the part I'm underlining. Same could be said about an Octos versus a VF. Yet the Octos production ended while all the others flourished.
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