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Everything posted by azrael

  1. frothymug, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary. You may get an ASUS board that exhibits no problems. You may get one that causes nothing but heart ache.
  2. I'm gonna second mikeszekely on the ASUS boards. My experience with them lately hasn't been good. I do some minor overclocking and my ASUS boards would occasionally freak out on me. Nothing bad, but annoying. I'll be steering away from ASUS boards on my next upgrade. I also will back the 970 GPU upgrade. But at the same time, I'm not running a 4k monitor or a command center of monitors, just a simple 2-monitor setup. The 970 more than meets my needs.
  3. Recall that I asked about VR headsets a couple pages back. And that's why I ask about these things. Damn you Valve. Damn you.
  4. Wait for it. They likely will not need it during the first few episodes.
  5. So they went with the Romita/Ditko-look. CGI big eyes. No. Just no. It just looks silly. Deadpool did it better. And strips on the suit. No. Just no. Suit webbing could stand out a bit more. The Raimi-suit and TASM 2's suit still look better in that respect.
  6. I think the guy rendering the image was drunk or something. It's fixed in the GERWALK mode-rendering. Kawamori probably looked at Delta-05 and looked at the YF-30 toy and said, "I should fix that."
  7. Mit, in the future, please use more descriptive titles for your threads. "Few alternatives..." is not descriptive.
  8. And lock. Could've just let the thread fall into oblivion like it was going to.
  9. Finished X-Files. Perhaps someone should explain what a mini-series is to Chris Carter. Three episodes of story and 3 episodes of filler. You don't have a lot of time to tell your story. Wasting half of the mini-series on filler isn't a constructive use of the series.
  10. At least they acknowledge Grant Wilson. That's a name that doesn't get mentioned much compared to his brother. Concerning Flash, the producers have said Zoom is Zolomon. Wells and Jay seem pretty familiar with each other so without a doubt, the one Zoom killed was (a) Jay. And we've seen Zolomon on Earth-1, who is a nobody. So either Zoom is a clone of Jay, another Earth's speedster, or a Zoom from a different point in time. The man in the iron mask is either the real Jay of Earth 2, another Earth's Jay, or someone who knows Jay. Either way, my head was hurting trying to reconcile all the possible ways they could do this.
  11. "Elektra" trailer. So I guess the A-story is The Hand-story since that seems to be the bigger picture while the B-story is Punisher?
  12. Great. We're already being dicks to our robots and we haven't even taught them how to kill us yet. That's going to help the relationship....
  13. Love Live? As in Mospeada: Love, Live, Alive/Robotech: Love, Live, Alive?
  14. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=355 Roll your cursor over the # of episodes where they animated key and in-between scenes and you'll see which episodes they were known to have participated in. That's probably the best you can get.
  15. Your post was moved into the Newbie/Short questions thread.
  16. Makina was also talking into her fingernail. Wearable tech. Gotta love how small it's gotten.
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