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Everything posted by azrael

  1. About a day. People will be watching this show so I expect it within a day.
  2. Doesn't sound like you're alone in DSM 6 upgrade issues. https://forum.synology.com/enu/viewtopic.php?f=267&t=116080
  3. Welcome to the Macross Delta Episode 1 Talkback Thread Guidelines: Macross Delta episode file requests, file offers or any audio/video sharing links of any kind or format are not permitted anywhere on the forum except by Boinger in the iMacross thread. This is 2015, not 2007. They know about us and how the 'Net operates now. This includes, but is not limited to BitTorrent files/links, YouTube, Nico, related video-sharing or video streaming site links, File sharing links, full audio soundtracks, etc.. Any user-post in violation of this rule will be deleted without notice. Repeated offenses may result in a ban. DISCUSSION ONLY. Send a PM to Boinger with a link to the file to be added to iMacross. This thread only covers the episode listed in the subject. Do not post comments about another episode not covered by this thread. (i.e. References are OK, but do not post a critique about episode 1 when this thread covers episode 999). This thread(s) is about current episodes only. Please reserve mecha talk and news talk for upcoming threads. Do not cross-post. Please reserve all talk about future episode spoilers for the upcoming News thread. Do not ask when an episode will be aired or released (this includes fansubs). Please use spoiler tags for the first 24-hours after an episode airs. New episode threads and polls opens Sundays, 8:30AM EST/5:30AM PST (21:30, i.e. 9:30PM JST), one hour BEFORE the broadcast. 1st broadcast: Tokyo MX, Sundays, 22:30 JST Monday: TVQ Kyushu, 26:30 (2:30 AM) JST (Episode 1 will air at special time of 3:00 AM), Tuesday: MBS, 27:00 (3:00 AM) JST / BS11, 24:00 (midnight) JST Wednesday: d anime store, 12:00 JST / TV Aichi & Television Hokkaido, 26:05 (2:05 AM) JST (Episode 1 will air at special time of 26:25/2:25 AM JST)
  4. Maybe? Kinda? The map is suppose to representative as opposed to a realistic map. The idea behind Delta is while most of the previous shows have focused going toward the galactic core, Delta is going as far away from the core as they can so we could probably expect some other stellar phenomenon. Your best bet is to look for these: http://robotechstore.myshopify.com/collections/videos/products/macross-dvd-mini-box-set-1 It's HG-rebranded Animeigo-translated sets. The other option is the ADV set.
  5. I really liked her theme. I can't describe the feeling I got when I heard it but it suited her entrance really well. Batfleck's theme was pretty good, but WW's was more memorable. His theme felt like a more mature Nolan-version (due to Zimmer) with some Danny Elfman thrown in at times.
  6. It was disjointed and hopped around but it wasn't THAT bad. Gal Godot's Wonder Woman was pretty good. I like this Wonder Woman. Batfleck? His fighting-style definitely had that Arkham-trilogy vibe. He actually was a pretty good Bats. Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor is definitely a psychopath. I like it. It's nice to see a different Lex. It was different and I will give them that. Yep. Now on to the spoilerish stuff. That's all I can think of now. It could have been better pacing wise but it wasn't THAT bad. The story was there, but just needs help in putting it together. Hopefully this R-rated director's-extended version clears up some of these issues. Yes, this movie is divisive. It gets us talking about it, does it not?
  7. OK. It was a good season. Foggy's character was so much more tolerable this season. Karen's character started to go in the opposite direction for me. Some of her scenes seemed to drag. Jon Bernthal made a good Punisher but the use of his character in the show didn't really satisfy me enough. Charlie Cox and Élodie Yung definitely played off each other well. I liked their scenes. It's nice that they were able to get Vincent D'Onofrio back and the scene with Cox was probably the best scene this season. Now my gripes. (may be spoilerish) I still like Daredevil over Jessica Jones. The latter show only had David Tennet and Mike Colter (Sweet Christmas) being the bright spots of that show. And they were only supporting characters.
  8. This whole season has been OK at best. Last night's episode was filler anyways. Concerning Jesse's watch going off when Wally approached, was it in Arrow or Flash that mentioned that one metahuman that was never around Central City when the particle accelerator went off? I can't remember.
  9. We have a "Feedback" section if you have questions regarding the site. This thread is for Delta news. Keep it that way. If you don't, keep in mind my bans are normally permanent. Graham asked for simple summary. You can't provide one because you weren't there? That's fine. You didn't listen to the podcast either and cannot give a summary for something you haven't done yet? That is also perfectly fine. Leave it at that.
  10. They're sticking with it as the drug for now. They may bring in the actual Speed Formula (watch the math geeks say WTF when it shows up) at a later point. Regarding Wally, I'm not expecting any movement until the season finale. I do wish there was some lead-in to next week's Supergirl episode from this week's Flash. Unless that happens later when Zoom finds the way to travel between Earths and we're seeing this as a ball of timey-whimey.
  11. Oh, they're finding more ways to sneak in more Windows 10 nag screens. Not that most savy users touch IE in any way shape or form, but trust me, MS is finding more and more ways to nag you.
  12. I should note that while I haven't had issues with SSDs, I have issues elsewhere. My previous board did not take well to overclocking just a tiny bit and did have voltage issues draining the watch battery several times. Eventually the on-board sound died. Which lead me to my Z97. It is more stable on the overclocking until the last BIOS update, which caused a bunch of memory errors. Reverting back a few revisions cleared that issue, but now it has issues while booting the OS every few reboots. As with Mike, it's not earth shattering for me to replace my system now, but this will be my last Asus board for a long time.
  13. Are you purchasing digital released music? If so, they will not accept foreign credit cards.
  14. Really wish I didn't need nightvision to watch the outdoor night scenes. At least Foggy doesn't feel as annoying this season.
  15. I have not had any issues with my Asus Z97 with an 840 Pro or my 850 Pro. But as mentioned, your mileage may vary.
  16. As technoblue mentioned, I too would toss the WD Reds and go with either a single Black or 1TB SSD (bump up the 950 to a 1TB drive). Reserve the Reds for a NAS and use that to house your media and backups. You will not need your beast computer to be on and streaming by going with a NAS. Yes, you can copy drive to drive. You are basically copying your disk and then copying to a new one. Ideally, you should go either to a same sized drive/partition or larger drive. It's safer. Going to a smaller drive requires shrinking your partition and some cleaning to shrink it down. technoblue mentioned one that can do it. Others are Acronis True Image, Clonezilla, Paragon, EaseUS, etc. But if you go to a smaller partition (or size) on the SSD, I would do some cleanup on the original before moving to the SSD. Fortunately, there are plenty of guides for this.
  17. Mod Note jvmacross. Dobber. Don't start. =============== 2019.....Jeebus, he's going to be 77 by the time this movie comes out.
  18. I will say most computers have an average shelf-life of 3 years, depending on usage. After 3 years, the update-itch comes. Obviously it comes faster for laptops, but desktops can go on for about 5 years before things really catch up. With that in mind, Ivy Bridge still has a lot of power to it and will likely hold out for another year, maybe more, depending on use. But as SchizophrenicMC and technoblue mentioned, everything around it is moving on. And if you want to future-proof, it's best to look at the rest of the organs, not just the brain. USB 3.1 support, for starters, is definitely something I would look at if future-proofing.
  19. Well, at least this show will have not shortage of potential harem-endings.
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