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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Economics. Perfect transformation kits cost more to make, lowering the production volume, increasing the price consumers pay. HG kits don’t need as much engineering if you can “cheat” the transformation, increasing the production volume, lowering the price consumer pays. Yes, a HG kit is lower quality but consider what the price people will pay when money is tight. A $40 HG kit vs a $300+ DX Chogokin kinda says it.
  2. I don't think so. I think he's referring to the fact that transforming kits are inherently fragile. In the model making world, we've know this for a very long time. Every transformation increases the chance parts will break. Kits that are more "static" in their design haven't suffered nearly as many broken joints, part failures, etc. Likewise, transformations can also limit the posing options for kits cuz the transformation mechanism can interfere with the posing options. Removing those "transformations" and using static parts has fixed a lot of broken parts-issues. Hence why I've stayed away from MG Zeta Gundam kits and still have VF-25 kits MIB. Soon as transform it, plastic bits go flying. And I'm being gentle.
  3. I'd wager all merchandising, given the context in the photo. It would help with comparison to know Gundam merchandising numbers (and how much smaller Macross is compared to Gundam). Gundam Franchise Earns Record Sales Topping 131 Billion Yen (May 2023) (for context, 131B Yen = ~$900 million in 2023) Bandai Namco Quarterly Financial statements @Seto Kaiba is correct. Even in the 1990s-2000s, whatever short-term gains Macross or any other popular anime of the time (Evangelion; for example), they would always be a tiny piece of the pie compared to Gundam. Always.
  4. Streaming originals are gonna take a hit for the next couple of years until streaming revenue normalizes or goes into the black. I've said in another thread, streaming services are looking to license more shows over the next few years due to all the lost they've incurred over the past few years doing originals. Regarding Star Trek, I've heard Paramount wants to par it down to 1 Star Trek show at a time to bring down expenses. This show, Prodigy S2, Discovery S5, and SNW S3 were all being produced at the same time. Two shows are heavy VFX-users. And 5 seasons seems like a good number to end on anyways. 'Lest ye become stale. *cough* Rick & Morty */cough*
  5. Keep in mind, we have no specs except for weapon loadouts (and bare minimum at that) and maybe, dimensions on the Macross II VFs. 0. Nada. Zilch. We can't really compare because there is literally nothing to compare to on paper.
  6. Season 2 is currently filming (was paused due to the strikes). We do have some episode titles so this should tell you which comics are being adapted
  7. Old Thread: This thread is for non-Macross "just purchased" toys. Just Purchased Macross Toys thread here: ========================================== New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more.
  8. Old thread, retired. This thread is for MACROSS-toys ONLY. New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more.
  9. It should not affect physical releases. Disappearing from the streaming platform after a set amount of time...that's another story.
  10. They Have Risen: ‘Godzilla x Kong’ Conquers Easter Box Office With $80M Opening; Legendary Monsterverse Franchise Crosses $2 Billion – Sunday AM Box Office (Deadline.com) 🤷‍♂️
  11. It is a trailer. A cherry-picked glimpse of what's to come. Hence why I'm moving into the "wait-&-see" column. How about 200? 400? 500? Stop using such small numbers.
  12. Like I said, expect more streaming licensing from studios to bolster their catalogs. All these mergers from the past few years have hurt the bottom line and they need to recoup the costs (also, corporate debt isn't the same as average consumer debt).
  13. Maybe review bombing? Maybe not. Who knows. Could be the court of public opinion. 🤷‍♂️ Could be, like me, many folks are not warming up to this show as it has been presented. 🤷‍♂️ More data is required.
  14. A talking-head Youtuber. Noteworthy opinion? That depends on you. Like all talking heads, they've all got an opinion.
  15. This lines up with the rumblings I've hard since the end of last year. Streaming services are looking at licensing shows to fill their catalogs as in-house content has been such a money drain for the past couple of years that they want to scale back in-house produced content to licensing content, which is cheaper. Look at Doctor Who on D+. BBC is producing the show but the Mouse bought the streaming rights for the show. I've heard similar things from WB-D looking to boost their own anime catalog by obtaining streaming rights of some upcoming shows. They're still making their own shows, but until profitability comes up, those in-house productions will be fewer and farther apart while licensed shows will be on the uptick. Netflix has been upping the number of K-dramas on the service. What's the other genre which has yet to see wider audience? Anime.
  16. Maybe it’s me, but as more time passes since the trailer’s debut, I’m drifting into “wait & see”-territory with this show. Maybe it’s Lucasfilm’s current track record. But as of now, I’m not sold on this show.
  17. Given the tendency of disappearing media off streaming media network lately, perhaps the public will realize having physical media is not as bad as it seems? 😒
  18. Yup. Watch his BF2042 sniping clips. That grandpa really understand the bullet drop mechanics in that game.
  19. 🙏Please have GOOD lightsaber fights. Please have good lightsaber fights.🙏 Wait. 🙏Please have PROPER lightsaber fights. Please have proper lightsaber fights.🙏 None of that Sequel-baseball-bat-swinging crap.
  20. I'd argue that the notoriety of the 100th's sorties post-1944 were not as reputation-earning as they were from 1943-1944.
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