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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Hayate isn't wearing a helmet at all. That's the whole point behind his modified EX-Gear. His Gear's helmet has the added mouth piece to seal him in.
  2. Sorry. It's either an animation mistake or she picked it up on her way back to the asteroids. I stepped through all of Delta's sequences. That image you have of Arad's 31S also has the same mistake. The gunpod is missing in the launch sequence, it's there in that sequence and when he goes dual knife on that 171, it's gone. Not mounted on the arm, not on the back, just gone.
  3. BF3 and BF4 has such lousy launches (OK, BF4 has the absolute worst release day problems of all the main BF titles) that I think DICE can't do worst. Right?
  4. Probably if Windermere has a deployable WMD. This isn't the only conflict the NUN gets themselves into. If you had a conflict to deal with every week, at some point, you start cherry-picking your battles. Terrorists attack over here, pirates attacking trade routes there, civil war there, humanitarian crisis over there, crazy people running for elections, etc. If the NUN starts getting too heavily involved in what would be "local" conflicts, then they would appear overbearing. Look at the world you live in. There's a problem everyday.
  5. The only thing mentioned a few weeks ago was Windermere used a dimensional weapon at the end of their revolution. After that, hostilities ended. I assume Arad and Cpt. Johnson know more to the story than the rest.
  6. That's just the cover story. They're looking for something among the ruins on each planet. Likely. As I mentioned a few episodes ago, the Windermerans may not have know what the hell these artifacts truly were until the UN showed up. When the UN showed up, everything changed for them. I don't think Roid cares whether people live or die. He seems more interested in the device. The planet was already snow covered before the UN arrived. The crater was likely a self-inflicted incident. I'm thinking of Windermere being a ticking time-bomb. Maybe whatever they blew up the plug to the well. Now that power is leaking and will make a bad mix with the fold fault surrounding the planet.
  7. So was this before or after? And it would help if we had a wider shot.
  8. They healed the Var-infected pilots. They're not sound boosters in the Macross 7-sense (although, one could argue the Sound Energy System is a primitive or offshoot application of a Fold-Wave transmitter). I'd consider them fold-wave transmitters and image projector units.
  9. Yes. Propellant. The nuclear engines generate heat and electricity. In atmosphere, the air is heated and used as a propellant. Hence, they can fly near indefinitely. In space, there's no air so the need to shoot something out the other end, i.e. actual fuel..
  10. After this week's episode, I'm leaning heavily on the fact that the Drakens don't have any form of EX-Gear.
  11. Some watch the live stream and follow live-stream threads. Subs need an editor and a spell-checker. Graham,
  12. Cold or distant? Keep in mind Keith is a bastard son of the king. Keith may not want to get close to his dying half-brother. At the same time, Heinz is the only royal heir left on Windermere. Under most circumstances, Keith is ineligible to inherit the throne. As such, Keith's only role is being a loyal soldier so he can't be buddy-buddy to Heinz. Know thy place.
  13. Anti-unification groups have used many things. The Feious Valk. The VBP-1/VA-110 Neo Glaug. They have even used various VF-x.
  14. Ummmm, those people who built the Sv-51/52 are long dead. The AUN Alliance dissolved after the Mayan incident. And at this point in the timeline, "Anti-UN" people can literally be anyone who doesn't want to unify with the UN/NUN at this point. Windermere is anti-UN.
  15. Just to note the director: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/05/05/power-rangers-reboot-new-suits-first-look
  16. BEEEEEEEEWBS. Yeah, too busy. Way too much happening in these designs.
  17. Welcome to the Macross Delta Episode 6 Talkback Thread Guidelines: Macross Delta episode file requests, file offers or any audio/video sharing links of any kind or format are not permitted anywhere on the forum except by Boinger in the iMacross thread. This is 2016, not 2007. They know about us and how the 'Net operates now. This includes, but is not limited to BitTorrent files/links, YouTube, Nico, related video-sharing or video streaming site links, File sharing links, full audio soundtracks, etc.. Any user-post in violation of this rule will be deleted without notice. Repeated offenses may result in a ban. DISCUSSION ONLY. Send a PM to Boinger with a link to the file to be added to iMacross. This thread only covers the episode listed in the subject. Do not post comments about another episode not covered by this thread. (i.e. References are OK, but do not post a critique about episode 1 when this thread covers episode 999). This thread(s) is about current episodes only. Please reserve mecha talk and news talk for their respective threads. Do not cross-post. Please reserve all talk about future episode spoilers for the News thread. Do not ask when an episode will be aired or released (this includes fansubs). Raw files will be release shortly after broadcast. Subtitled versions will be released when they are ready. Please use spoiler tags for the first 24-hours after an episode airs. New episode threads and polls opens Sundays, 9:00AM EST/6:00AM PST (22:00, i.e. 10:00PM JST), 30 minutes BEFORE the broadcast. Broadcast schedule: Sunday: Tokyo MX, 22:30 JST Monday: TVQ Kyushu, 26:30 (2:30 AM) JST Tuesday: MBS, 27:00 (3:00 AM) JST / BS11, 24:00 (midnight) JST Wednesday: d anime store, 12:00 JST / TV Aichi & Television Hokkaido, 26:05 (2:05 AM) JST (Broadcast times subject to change, Check listings.)
  18. If it follows the VF-25 cockpit (which it obviously does), then there's a full set of controls in the back seat. Recall Sheryl's attempt to fly that VF-25G.
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