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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Every time I see one of these kinds of converstaions, I'm reminded of this scene.
  2. His original idea was more like an air show competition. There wasn't a love triangle but as he said, the sponsors won't let him get away with it. It had to have VFs, a love triangle, and singing. I think he only wanted 2 of those items.
  3. Qassim seems to be the only one who cares about Windermere as it is now. Hermann (Grandpa) is too old to care at this point.
  4. No. They're not the main characters (they're core characters, but I'm not missing anything by not focusing on them). Sure a little more couldn't hurt, but I'm not missing anything by not focusing on them. Said it a few episodes ago. He's gonna die. Herman is gonna die in the cockpit if he doesn't die of old-age first. The grim reaper is practically standing behind him tapping his watch. One of the twins has a fiance. That one is gonna die. Granted some of those scenes were copy-pasted from earlier episodes.
  5. The other knights have death flags over their heads since this show started. One of them will die of old age by the time the series ends if he doesn't die sooner. Bogue deserves to be humiliated. BADLY. Then his fate is in the hands of the Protoculture gods. On another note...
  6. I know this was a one-off song from JUNNA, but can we keep this ending theme? Concerning Bogue. You guys are just getting to that conclusion NOW? I've been ranting about Bogue since the last time we were on Voldor. I'm beyond death-ending for him. I want total humiliation. I want to destroy his pride, then when it is done and his ego is ashes, then he has my permission to die.
  7. Sub-licensee to do digital distribution. Look at Batman: The Animated Series. The show is a WB show, distributed on DVD home video by WB, but digital streaming on Amazon is done by FOX.
  8. Welcome to the Macross Delta Episode 18 Talkback Thread Guidelines: Macross Delta episode file requests, file offers or any audio/video sharing links of any kind or format are not permitted anywhere on the forum except by Boinger in the iMacross thread. This is 2016, not 2007. They know about us and how the 'Net operates now. This includes, but is not limited to BitTorrent files/links, YouTube, Nico, related video-sharing or video streaming site links, File sharing links, full audio soundtracks, etc.. Any user-post in violation of this rule will be deleted without notice. Repeated offenses may result in a ban. DISCUSSION ONLY. Send a PM to Boinger with a link to the file to be added to iMacross. This thread only covers the episode listed in the subject. Do not post comments about another episode not covered by this thread. (i.e. References are OK, but do not post a critique about episode 1 when this thread covers episode 999). This thread(s) is about current episodes only. Please reserve mecha talk and news talk for their respective threads. Do not cross-post. Please reserve all talk about future episode spoilers for the News thread. Do not ask when an episode will be aired or released (this includes fansubs). Raw files will be release shortly after broadcast. Subtitled versions will be released when they are ready. Please use spoiler tags for the first 24-hours after an episode airs. There will be consequences if you don't New episode threads and polls opens Sundays, 9:00AM EST/6:00AM PST (22:00, i.e. 10:00PM JST), 30 minutes BEFORE the broadcast. Broadcast schedule: Sunday: Tokyo MX, 22:30 JST Monday: TVQ Kyushu, 26:30 (2:30 AM) JST Tuesday: MBS, 27:00 (3:00 AM) JST / BS11, 24:00 (midnight) JST Wednesday: d anime store, 12:00 JST / TV Aichi & Television Hokkaido, 26:05 (2:05 AM) JST (Broadcast times subject to change, Check listings.)
  9. Not likely. Those are likely the digital copies of the DVDs sold on RT.com's website. So it's still HG.
  10. ï¿¥6,265 = regular Blu-ray. ï¿¥8,424 = Limited edition = regular Blu-ray + extra "stuff". Limited edition: And like Graham, I ordered the DVD instead of the Blu-ray. Oops. Could have sworn it was the Blu-ray.
  11. The whole Batgirl-thing was awkward. It added 30 minuites to the front end of the movie. After that it was TKJ straight through.
  12. Speaking of age, I wonder what the average lifespan of Ragnans and Voldorians is. As for me, I'm dead or a centenarian by Windermere standards.
  13. Wonder how powerful the hardware will be in that concept....
  14. No kidding. At least Macross is continuing to draw in new fans, unlike a similar "franchise" which I will not get into here which has been pushing nostalgia hard for 20-some years. I long ago gave up the idea that shows like Frontier or Delta were for people at my age so I said, to hell with it and am just enjoying the ride for what it's worth.
  15. Since you mention it, Excelsior-class ships were used for nearly a century. If Discovery is an old design (And they are hinting the design isn't final), I don't see why an old ship isn't still in use.
  16. Genetics. Tougher bodies, biologically capable of more things, shorter lifespan. Average lifespan is about 30-35 years. By the time they hit the latter half of their 20s, their skin starts to flake and peel like they have eczema, but without the inflammation-look.
  17. You can thank Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime, etc. for that. ABC is also producing streaming-only shows as well. But I'll reserve that commentary for the General TV thread.
  18. Someone is jel-ly. Like all WMDs, usage requires an executive order. And from previous NUNS comments, it sounds like that authorization came from someone much higher-up the food chain than a regional commanding officer. Speculation time!
  19. Did the production know about Pokemon Go when they animated this episode? And at least they aren't ignoring the fact I'm maintaining a negative vote here. This whole middle arc of the show has just felt dull. With Frontier, by this time, at least it felt like we were going somewhere. It feels like they're dragging their feet with this middle arc in Delta.
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