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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Heard that while it was much better than Titanfall 1, it's pretty much flopped. Could have been due to market saturation, bad timing, etc. It wasn't even on my radar despite me watching the trailers and some of the walkthrough videos on Youtube..
  2. (Sorry, can't link directly to the picture) https://twitter.com/PowerRangers/status/794679992059727872
  3. As long as they still make spare parts? A VF-1 (a VF-1X be it at that) was still in combat service in VF-X 2 (2050s), 45 years after they stopped production. This is one of those quick-but-no-easy-answer questions. It really depends on money and necessity from the buyer standpoint. For the manufacturer, they could be supporting a craft for decades after they finish mass production if they still can make money from it. For worlds that have money, 10 years is probably the max. For worlds with less resources, likely 20+. Or they could phase in UAVs and skip VFs altogether. It depends.
  4. But battery life would be affected at 1080p on a small device. If it could output at 4K when docked, that would be a interesting.
  5. I'd look at Mac as well, if you spend more time doing work (i.e. Photoshop or media editing) than gaming.
  6. The bio on the official website uses "Roid".
  7. Oh, and Lando is also replaceable. ‘Star Wars’: Donald Glover to Play Young Lando Calrissian in Han Solo Movie (Variety)
  8. I probably won't get it but mostly since I'm gaming less and less these days. -I hope it's a tablet as that would open up a bunch of other control options. -It runs on an Nvidia Tegra processor so this should be good, graphics-wise. -I like the idea of it being a portable gaming system that will work as a living-room game system. -It probably best that it's aimed at mobile market. More game-centric device than smartphones and tablets with better controls. When I see more on the specs, I might think differently.
  9. People will buy what they want to buy. It not your money they're spending so why do you "f'n care".
  10. "Lord Heinz", "Prince Heinz", "King Ketchup", "My Lord", ... Any of those is fine. As long as they address the nobility appropriately. Those were in the actual dialog.
  11. Speed-watch Luke Cage. I liked it more than Ms. Drink to a stupor-self-pity-I-need-prozac Jessica Jones. Not as good as Daredevil. That ending really dragged. It was 2/3 of the episode.
  12. Who veto'd Kawamori on his original idea? Don't answer that cuz they still need to be dragged onto the street and shot.
  13. All of Delta's planes are customized 31's. They just gave him a new 31J with Messer's combat data loaded in it. So that emblem is symbolizes the combination of Hayate and Messer.
  14. I would prefer it staying a mystery. Name dropping it like they did in Delta served no purpose to the story so I question bringing up at all. Megaroad's ship sailed a long time ago. I'm happy keeping it that way.
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