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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Intel Core i7-7700K Kaby Lake review: Is the desktop CPU dead? The Intel Core i7-7700K (91W) Review: The New Out-of-the-box Performance Champion Hmmm...Well, this opens a few options for my upgrade plans if Kaby Lake-CPUs are only marginally better than Sky Lake-CPUs.
  2. I don't believe there is. The new forum software is designed to be more mobile friendly as more people rely on their mobile devices as their primary web browser. Therefore, most features which previously were exclusive to desktop are now available in mobile. I would suggest changing themes to the White-Blue theme as this has resolved some of rendering issues with the default theme.
  3. Part of me is glad I haven't watched it or even plan on watching it. jenius and jvmacross, would you 2 like a room? Arguing about each other's criticisms is like talking to a wall and sucks all the fun out of the room. It's just a freakin' movie. You can both stop or I can just ban the both of you to remove some of the stupidity out of this thread. Seriously, it's just a freakin' movie. Consider yourselves warned.
  4. If you are having problems with the dark blue theme, I would highly suggest switching to the WhiteBlue theme. This seems to cause less browser rendering issues. Yes, it is a browser issue. The mobile site uses the same theme as the desktop site. The new version of IPB now merges the 2 versions for a more seamless experience.
  5. American Gods has been one of those shows which they have been trying to get on air since 2011. Fuller came on board that show in 2014. Compared to ST:D which got greenlit fairly quickly, American Gods has taken longer and has needed more care so I'm not shocked he chose AG over ST:D. Fuller probably wanted to sit on ST:D in favor of getting AG on air first. CBS probably didn't like that and made him choose. Fuller still has EP credit and writing credit for eps 1 & 2 for ST:D. Star Trek can flourish with or without Fuller. That we know. American Gods has more to prove but above that, is a new IP that can grow in any direction.
  6. Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with the sentiment. Delta discs are not a priority for me, even with the subs. Frontier discs I actually pre-ordered. Delta? I stopped after volume 2 and haven't really found the opportunity to pick up whatever else has come out. The bad taste this series gave off pretty much defined my buying preference. Eventually I may pick up the rest of the discs, but I'm in no particular rush to do so.
  7. Nope. Shoji Kawamori Design works credits him with the helicopters. Also the handwriting on the spider-tank lineart looks too legible. Kawamori's handwriting is slightly more 4-year old scribbling-like.
  8. No. Not really. CPU efficiency has improved. The days of needing to blast the fans at full speed is not necessary. If you're not doing something as intensive as gaming or content creating, then you don't really need to make it sound like you're sitting next to a jet engine and can throttle back those fans. That's one of the advantages of PWM. PWM is computer-controlled fan control so people don't need a fancy manual fan controller.
  9. 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' - 15 new photos! (EW.com) I'm sorry, but something doesn't look right with this Vader. It feels like the stuntman has the height, but not the bulk. The mask looks too big (like the stuntman's neck isn't fat enough) and the way they drape the cape makes him look skinny. It's like they pulled a suit out of mothballs and slapped it on a guy without properly fitting it.
  10. If there is a Fry's or Micro Center near you, they should have fan controllers. Best Buy might have 3-pin to Molex adapters.
  11. If the noise is really bothering you, then do technoblue's suggestion. 4-pin PWM fans are designed to work with 3-pin headers. You just lose voltage control without the 4th wire so it runs at full speed. Another option is to get a fan controller and place that in one of the 5.25-slots and plug your fan into the fan controller.
  12. I gave up on that notion a while back. Yeah. What he said. I'm not getting that from how they're selling the plot of this movie. IIRC, even SAC gave up on the strip-down-to-the-body-suit thing. By the end of the series, most of the team were using therm-optic camo with normal clothes over it.. 'Da frak???? They couldn't even bother to dress up a FN P90 or F2000 to make it look like a Seburo-style firearms?
  13. Cuz they switched gears in the next scene. She went from contemplating life to "F-U" from one scene to the next.
  14. The way they put this trailer together... I could be wrong, but the way this trailer is selling things is something I'm not buying. I can't put my finger on it but I'm not feelin' it.
  15. No religious or political debates. Consider yourself warned.
  16. I doubt we'll see our lovable spider tanks (Fuchis or Tachis). They may fit in the big tank, but I'm doubting they'll do the lovable mechanized comic relief.
  17. It has a single player. I have no idea how good it is.
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