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Everything posted by azrael

  1. I'm actually satisfied with the VF-31. But, IIRC, Kawamori mentioned that the VF-31's design was evolutionary, not revolutionary like the Sv-262. With that in mind, I looked at it as the next step from the YF-24/VF-25/VF-27/YF-29/YF-30-family tree and felt satisfied. It wasn't the greatest design I've ever seen, but it ticks the boxes of what I would expect to come in a revision of what we have seen. With that in mind, if the next show still follows an evolutionary design, then I expect some tweaks to the established design.
  2. I was about to say the same thing. From the animated movie, they never played with an amnesic protagonist. There were no lapses in her memory. The questions this series had was "What does it mean to be human if you can replace parts of your body?", "What is a ghost?". To me, that's what the animated movie tried to address. No a "they're hiding something from you."-conspiracy.
  3. Which still begs the question, what are you planning on doing with this rig? You mentioned it was your work/personal computer. Would that be gaming? Content creation (i.e. video creation & editing)? Graphics/CAD? Etc.....
  4. Screenshot of the active window? I'd recommend using a dedicated burning software instead of Windows Explorer to burn.
  5. New registrations have been temporarily suspended until we resolve some lingering bugs and issues.
  6. How about 1 girl and 2 guys in the triangle for a change? Last time we had that was M7.
  7. Here's the series poll we had.
  8. WARNING How about some of you kids take 5 and go do something else? It's just an announcement. Dial it back or else.
  9. Doctor Who returning in April 15, 2017 And lastly, Peter Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who With Moffet leaving this year as well, Chris Chibnall is now free to choose his Doctor for his run.
  10. I shall expand on my earlier comment. New director. New writers. If they decide to do 13 episodes or 25 episodes, stick with it. Don't change the order.
  11. Make up for the sh*t-show that was Delta? As long as it's not the same director and writers as Delta, I may give it a shot.
  12. For the price of the H80 (or the H80i now), the Noctua NH-D15 will likely give you the better bang for the buck. I found the H60 to be a better cooler at the price point. A H80, being a double-thick radiator, doesn't really provide any greater advantage than a normal-size radiator or a decent air-cooler. A 240 or 280mm radiator would be a better buy than a thicker radiator cooler.
  13. *raises hand* I currently use AIO coolers in my desktops. I use a Corsair H60 in an ITX case and a H80 in my main box. The H60 has kept my little ITX quiet enough to sleep through and barely distinguishable from everyday background noise. I would definitely recommend that one. I'm less impressed with the H80 in my main box. In both instances, the cooler has kept my CPUs fairly cool under load. I'm not terribly impressed with the H80 since it only brought down the temp marginally compared to my Hyper 212 Evo. I do overclock a little. I will likely get better results if I switch to a larger radiator but that's an upgrade down the road.The Noctua cooler is one of the best air-coolers on the market so I don't think you will see much difference unless you get a 240 or 280mm radiator setup. As for a custom loop setup, I can't answer that.
  14. Assuming Hyperthreading is turned off. Either way, anyone planning upgrades could probably stick with a cheaper Sky Lake-CPU. Kaby Lake-CPUs should only be a "if you want to spend the money"-deal.
  15. Keep in mind, many PC games, especially the FPSs are console ports. To pick on the favorite stereotype, CoD on PC in recent releases has been plagued with limited video options and some bad input issues (namely mouse input) which have had no signs of resolution. If you were turned off by Wolfenstein, might I suggest Doom.
  16. I think every game is a "mobile" game. The primary console is the mobile unit. The dock appears to be a charging unit/TV pass-through unit. The whole gimmick behind the switch is play on the go and then continue playing at home on your TV.
  17. IIRC, Rebels takes place 5 years before Ep 4 (at the start of the series).
  18. Did you try this? https://discussions.apple.com/message/17174292#17174292#17174292
  19. I think it has less to do with that and more with ruining the immersion. They could have dressed it up to look less like an ACOG from today. Alien is suppose to be set in the future so we would expect it to look less like something from today. But they didn't try. The AR-15 posted earlier was just a AR-15. The AUG is just an AUG with stuff on it. The M-41A pulse rifle looks nothing like the Thompson SMG that it was based off of. Han Solo's Star Wars DL-44 hides the C96 Mauser it was based off of.
  20. I'm gonna echo Graham's sentiment of the props. I miss the dress up. Take this pic from the weekend: ] It's a AUG with ACOG scope, folding grip, flashlight attachment. If I dug around I could probably find out what barrel shroud that is. It's like movie makers don't even try to make future guns look different.
  21. My current rig is a Haswell system. With those Kaby Lake benchmarks, I'm also thinking of stretching that upgrade from mid-2017 to late 2017 myself. Likely upgrade other aging components until all I need are a new CPU/motherboard/RAM combo.
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