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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Having a backwards compatible Switch 2 would probably make me get it sooner rather than later.
  2. They could tell she was being more hesitant, more uncertain. Mae was likely more direct with her answers, making her less likely to want to leave.
  3. I keep a clean desk. i just move all the clutter to the shelves and drawers surrounding my desk. Yeah...don't open that drawer....
  4. Or you can sit farther back. Unfortunately, not all cables are created equal. There was a recent video on Hardware Unboxed/Monitors Unboxed about DP cables. I'm going to wager that the cable you were using is not equal to the cable that came in the G9's box despite being "compatible". I recall I had a similar issue way way back.
  5. Why are they using Mini-ports? 🤨 Screens with that much real estate and they're using Mini-ports? 🤨 Pushing THAT many pixels with a 4070... I'd say go with the G8. But the G9 will likely be a more substantial upgrade.
  6. Super Shotgun? Check. Chainsaw shield? Check. Crunching up skulls to use as ammo? Check. Whoopin' some Titan ass in a giant mech suit? Check. Ridin' on a dragon? Check.
  7. That's enough. If you want to continue this in PM, by all means. But next person that wants to continue this gets a timeout.
  8. Crunchyroll didn't set the price. Anime Limited did. France is getting the Collectors Edition (OAVs+Movie Edition but without the extras). English territories may or may not get a Collectors Edition and it may be a year or longer before it comes. IF it comes. The only cheaper option for English-speaking countries that is coming is the Movie-only release which is slated for sometime in the next 3 months AFTER this boxset releases. As noted above, this same scenario happened with Evangelion. A more reasonable set was released after the expensive option came out so it's understandable to be a little gun-shy on hitting the "Buy" button. It's disingenuous to dismiss that fans want a cheaper option, especially given the fact that France IS getting that version without the extras at the same time as the this limited edition set.
  9. Just reading r/macross, which is also quoting the Anime UK Discord... When the low-cost option comes out (in +/- 3 months after this release) it will be Movie-version only. English-speaking territories will not get the OAVs for at least +/- 12 months (and even that is a MAYBE). The Collector's Edition (which is what I want cuz it has the OAVs+Movie Ed), is France/EU-only, for the foreseeable future. The only way I see myself getting the Ultimate Edition is if it's a Black Friday-special+coupon. Doing some math and guessing, I would say a supposed-English territories Collectors Edition would be priced around $89.99. Maybe $99.99. So the added artbook, postcards and other random bits of paper and box add ~$100. Yeah, still not seeing the value. Give the English-speaking territories the Collectors Edition and I would happily pay full price. I just want the discs. I don't care about the artbook + other random pieces of cardboard and paper.
  10. Must have missed that. Still a bit steep for $190. Still hard to justify for $190. If there was a disc-only release with no artbook, that would fit my interest.
  11. $190 for 2 discs and a bunch of paper? Yeah...No. And It's just the 4-episode OAV. Not even "+Movie edition". Some "Ultimate Edition". Not worth it unless they drop the price or can reduce the price with a coupon.
  12. I won't argue this. Andor was slow burner. It took a long time for it to get going. Way too long. For most of S1, I was more interested in Mon Mothma and Luthren's interactions than Andor. Will The Acolyte do the same or just be mid all season long? No idea. But so far, it's just. "meh". If it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage. 😝 The one thing post-Disney Jedi fighting is missing is finesse and more importantly, PRACTICE. PRACTICE. PRACTICE. PRACTICE. Hayden, Ewan, and Ray practiced their fights for months ahead filming. And it showed. It also helped that Nick Gillard put in a lot of effort into making those fights look good. Even Sam Jackson's limited fight scenes looked good enough. Post-Disney...it's at best, meh. Watching Jedi-Trinity and Sith-wannbe doing wushu...it's been done on-screen already. It would be nice to see other martial arts forms on screen.
  13. Someone wanna explain... Well, we shall see if this is another Andor or another dud. Cuz after 2 episodes , 'still in the "not-impressed" camp.
  14. Not that the Toymaker's last appearance wasn't a huge indication of where they were going this season... "The Devil's Chord" has been my favorite episode this season. "Space Babies"...that boogey monster...🤢🤮
  15. The Premium is the Bandai Visual/Japan release. The Collector's Ed looks to be Anime Ltd's release. As for the differences, Anime Ltd haven't disclosed what's in the Collector's Ed-release. As I mentioned above, I suspect Anime Ltd. is using the Premium's remastered footage in their release. So you are likely getting the same remastered footage, but same/different(?) extras.
  16. It's probably using that same re-master copy. So I'd wager if you bought the re-master released in February, you've bought this release already. Plus or minus whatever extras are in this release.
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