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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The articles have noted a thread on Reddit where users claim they did get a response back from Nintendo to send in their Switch for service. https://www.engadget.com/2017/04/03/nintendo-switch-owners-report-yet-another-issue-warping/
  2. I've seen some articles this week about the issue. It appears to be related to the insufficient heat dissipation of the unit. But, it could also be a sign of unit failure. If the battery gets really hot during usage and charging, then it's likely a defective battery. That's a common problem among devices using lithium ion batteries. Nintendo is repairing/replacing the warped units.
  3. I'm betting it will make up the production budget. Plus the Marketing budget? Maybe or break even. I'm guessing this flick will make it just a few ticks north of breaking even. It's now below 50% on RT. That will leave a mark...
  4. And that's gonna sting... http://www.boxofficemojo.com/ 1.The Boss Baby $49,000,000 2.Beauty and the Beast $47,543,000 3.Ghost in the Shell (2017) $19,000,000
  5. It's suppose to be 2 movies (2nd movie hasn't been confirmed yet). One for when they were kids and the 2nd movie for when they're adults coming back to Derry, or same as the TV miniseries.
  6. Now PC players can join the grind on 9/8/2017.
  7. Here's a question that shouldn't be spoilerish for those who have watched it. Are they calling her "Major" as to denote her rank as they have done so in the manga and anime, or is "Major" her bloody name?
  8. Mod note: Drop the whitewashing discussion of this movie. That issue has played out in this topic.
  9. 'Only good clown is a dead one. It does look creepier than the Tim Curry-version.
  10. I would love it if for Flash's movie, he gets a redesigned costume. First off, it would show an evolving universe (One of the things I like with the CW-verse how the costumes are tweaked each season). If Bat's suit can change from movie to movie, why not Flash's? The home-made suit works in this movie since no one really knows each other. Strapping plates adds weight that Flash doesn't need. A sleeker, less bulky suit would be more ideal for Flash.
  11. Flash (Barry Allen) never had the white-eye effect so there's nothing wrong. Only Wally West had the white-eye effect but that didn't last very long.
  12. "Duet" was fun. Besides Garber, Jesse Martin and John Barrowman have also worked on Broadway so I'm sure they enjoyed breaking out into tune every now and then.
  13. I'm not talking about the scenes of kid-Danny. I'm talking about adult-Danny. From the time he defeats the dragon, to when he leaves K'un-L'un to him coming to New York, the character's hair and beard are the same length. That's a continuity-error. If his head was shaven or if his hair were shorter when he was at K'un-L'un then more grown out by the time he got to New York, it wouldn't have stuck out like that. I agree. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist definitely needed to be scaled back to a shorter season. For sure DD S2 was showing that after Punisher became the B-story.
  14. And this this one. So they're mixing the 1st movie with SAC: 2nd Gig.
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