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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Oh well, download code it is. How I miss the days of physical discs
  2. Anyone play Wolfenstein: The New Colossus? I see it on sale for $25.
  3. Sheesh..... Zack Snyder's Director's Cut and Tom Holkenborg's (Junkie XL) Score for Home Release petition. If WB wants to do something right, they should release an extended cut and allow Zack Synder to do it the way he wanted to before he had to step away. Tom Holkenborg's (Junkie XL) OST for Justice League I'm not sure if that was the actual theme (maybe it was promotional score and it showed up in one of the trailers apparently), but it would fit Zack Snyder's vision.
  4. They did get the characterizations right. The story binding it all is where it stumbles. It's not bad movie, but I think what was left on the cutting room floor did hurt this movie. It needed to be longer.
  5. Saw it. It felt rushed like they got straight to the point. It felt like this was part 2 of BvS. If they did an extended cut, I would likely give it another chance. A lot of the trailer sequences did not make it to the final cut, much to my disappointment. Batman never plays well with other. That's just who he is (in the modern setting).
  6. It will take 4,528 hours of gameplay (or $2100) to unlock all base-game content in star Wars: Battlefront 2 Or about 189 days of 24/7 playing. Though I hear you can jump into a starfighter and really cut that grinding down.
  7. Or for that matter, what do dogs, cats, goldfish, elephants, lions, iguanas, etc. call themselves or us, humans. (OK, cats call humans "slaves" but that's a different story...)
  8. I also don't count Qasim's death as a "kill" since he died by "flying himself to death". Keith and Eyeglasses-fetish guy (yeah, I don't remember his name) died in a murder-suicide. Essentially, only 1 Knight was KIA on-screen and it was a redshirt.
  9. Frankly, I wanted more of the Knights to die. Herman should have died early on. One of the twins should have bought the apple orchard. Bogue should have been humiliated by Mirage-“by-the-book”-Jenius. More redshirts should also have died on-screen. But that’s my thought.
  10. I won't mind if the next series focuses on a Special Operations group and I'm somewhat shocked they haven't focused on one in a series. They've been focusing on grunts that I would like to see a Spec Ops unit for once. Or better yet, how about little military and no PMCs? Like perhaps Kawamori's original idea for Delta...
  11. I still write this one up to piss-poor writing (which I hope they seriously remedy on this next series). Instead of dropping on a relatively uninhabited area, he drops on a relatively large population. I know using a PMC gives more leeway story-wise, but they need to drop the PMC-crap on the next one.
  12. Modern Sv-units are in-name-only. The people who worked on the SV-51 are long since dead. The current Sv-line's purpose is to create a anti-VF VF.
  13. Limited or unlimited resources?
  14. Six episodes in, it's not bad, but it's not the best. Continuity-errors aside, I'm still not sure what the premise of this series is and this a big chunk of my beef with this series.
  15. It's crap like "loot boxes" that have turned me off from multiplayer. That and I don't have time to grind through the 5-10 hours needed to accomplish the task for those loot boxes. I can barely do 30 minutes in a sitting before things like sleeping, eating, and working (i.e. life) take over. How about EA's SWBF2?
  16. Macross cars would, technically, count as mecha as they are placed in the mechanics section of artbooks and in the Macross Chronicle.
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