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Everything posted by azrael

  1. This I agree with.
  2. For sure it’s not comprehensive. The list I posted appears to be their recent slate. http://variety.com/2017/biz/news/disney-fox-merger-deal-52-4-billion-merger-1202631242/ I was wondering why it was only $50-some billion. Fox has nearly $14 billion in debt.
  3. I actually liked the HD remasters. They cleaned up a lot of the 3rd party-studio animation and plenty of the just awfully animated scenes. The cost was that they cropped the film to change it to a widescreen aspect ratio. Strike Rouge’s new pack shows up in SEED Destiny. I won’t spoil but it made that scene 100x better.
  4. Oh good, someone did do a quick itemized list of movies and TV shows. Can't wait till someone combs the classics catalog.
  5. That’s what I want to know. What TV and film libraries are they getting? What stakes in services like Hulu are they getting? Etc...
  6. Should net neutrality end, prepare to open your wallet wider as you'll need the super-duper premium package just to stream any content. Again, amongst the fanboys, they are only seeing "OMG X-Men & FF are coming home!" "SW is whole again!". What about all the franchises coming with this deal? What about streaming content? I can see Disney selling off Hulu in favor of their home-grown subscription service. Subscribe to Netflix? Amazon Prime? Prepare to have another subscription service raiding your wallet. On that same note, has anyone done an itemized breakdown of what the Mouse is getting in this deal?
  7. I’m dumbfounded by the fanboys crying “X-Men and Fantastic Four are coming back home!” And they’re bringing roommates with them. Disney isn’t just getting Marvel stuff with this deal. Mind boggling isn’t it?
  8. That's why I have a problem with this. Fox is selling the movie and television studios, yet keeping news and sports. Every TV show and movie coming under 20th Century Fox's banner would now be under the Mouse's banner. And that's a lot. I'm not looking just at Marvel properties under Fox's belt, I'm looking at everything else.
  9. http://variety.com/2017/biz/news/disney-21st-century-fox-comcast-sale-out-1202636618/ This is probably the nail in the coffin and confirmation that the Mouse will own a considerable number of properties. Beyond Marvel stuff, Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Aliens, Predator, Orville, etc...
  10. Yeah, a Comcast buyout doesn’t seem appealing either. But NBC-Universal isn’t the entertainment giant that Disney is.
  11. MCU and Star Wars aside, I’m very weary about this sale. Fox would only retain their news and sports channels but would sell everything else. That would make Disney quite a big entertainment company and could bring monopoly issues.
  12. I don't think the VF-25 and VF-31 (or the VF-24-family in general) count in that list anymore because they have a dedicated 2nd seat built-in. Dedicated 2-seater variants (unless they remove the fold-down seat with EX-Gear) seem deprecated these days.
  13. In other words, like any other wildlife, "Is there food/shelter here?" Yes? "Unpack the bags fellas!" No? "Keep searching ya bums!"
  14. Just keep in mind there's A LOT of empty space in-between all the fun stuff, relatively speaking (As the Doctor would say, one corner of one country on one continent on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy that's a corner of a universe...).
  15. They find stuff. They collect stuff. They eat stuff. Their bodies could process the stuff then their bodies (somehow) get rid of it so they can form their nests. They also use stuff that's already lying around. Bees have glands that break down sugar in honey to form wax. That wax gets secreted from the bee's body and the bee molds it to form parts of the nest. Ants move dirt around grain by grain to build their nest. Beavers find twigs, branches, stones, etc. and then pack it together with mud to build their homes. I'm pretty sure Vajra, in all their millennias of existence, know how to collect, process, and build their nests from the many environments they encounter.
  16. If true, I do have to give Snyder props for digging this one out from the archive. (Reddit link) https://www.reddit.com/r/DC_Cinematic/comments/7fkk62/other_in_case_there_was_still_any_doubt_about_who/
  17. I assume the rumor is attributed more to the poor box office returns than for him cheating on his wife (at least the extra-martial affairs haven't involved lewd or inappropriate behavior).
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