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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Nah. The question(s) you should be asking is, how can you spear fish from a 10+-story cliff and I’m sure the water isn’t THAT clear. And I hope that 60-some inch fish isn’t all for him cuz that thing was like a big tuna.
  2. That isn't an excuse for it to make no tactical sense. Or have lots of plot issues. Even fantasy stories can make sense without needing your disbelief to perform a contortionist act while performing open heart surgery to make sense. As for the purple-hair Admiral and Poe, http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PoorCommunicationKills
  3. Bureaucracy in a story can work if presented correctly. The prequels tried to do it but it ended up being (It worked by ROS, but it took 3 movies to get there.) If I have to read side materials or stories, you've lost me. I shouldn't have to read side material just to watch a movie. Present it in the movie or don't do it. That's what happened with the prequel trilogy, to some effect. Worlds were leaving the Republic and joining the Separatists movement because of government inaction, infighting, lack of representation, etc. which eventually led to the Clone Wars. Back in the prequels, Sidious/Palpatine preyed on the insecurities of worlds to get them to dissolve the Republic. Your twist could be that this is happening without a Sith Lord interfering with the Republic and yet people are flowing to strong yet tyrannical rule. But, again, it has to be presented correctly or the audience won't go with it.
  4. If she is raw power, then... Either she's a extremely fast learner or it's piss poor writing. Everything we've seen have shown us that it takes time to learn these skills and Rey picks it up a day later after she found out she could even do these things the day prior. If Rey is untamed power, I don't really see that when she is put into those situations. It's like "snap your fingers and she's as good as Yoda."
  5. Power is one thing. How to wield that power is another. That's the distinction I make. Every Force-user we've met has had to learn how to use that power regardless of how powerful they are. Rey never had any instruction, at all. She just learned what she was literally a day ago and now she's using it with such high aptitude. Yes, they better write a good explanation because we are still where we were from the Episode 7 at this point.
  6. I'll say it again (and again and again and again.....): Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. Yes, this movie literally takes the movie that preceded it and threw it over it's shoulder like none of it mattered. That's something that should never happen when you do a franchise movie. Why do the Marvel movies work? Because they follow events and world-building that occurred in the previous movies while doing their own thing. Rogue One respected everything that came before and after it while staying within it's bounds. TFA (minus all the JJ-logic and story telling) respects the rules of the road. This movie decides to take a whiz on it all (and be illogical at the same time).
  7. One word. Finn. I still don't know what purpose he serves after 2 movies except to cause more problems which led to nowhere. At least Jar Jar was the dumbass that gave Palpatine complete rule which lead to him being Emperor. Disney will be sure it never dies, even for old fans. It's a cash cow to them. I will take the EU over this movie and TFA any day at this point. At least the EU got the characters right and didn't immediately throw away the previous events. JJ needs to take his "mystery boxes" and shove it up his ***. He has some nifty ideas but he has no carry-through. 6 seasons of LOST taught me that. Applying the "mystery box" to everything destroys the mystery because after a while, you expect it.
  8. I'm never going to make it to a theater so I downloaded it. Random 10-hour days and the holidays are a bad mix. An hour here and there at home, I can swing. It was beautifully shot and that's about it. Then Rian Johnson takes the last movie and tosses it over his shoulder by not answering anything or by doing his own spin. That's when you lost me. The story was while not-Empire was tonely the same as Empire. Rebels Resistance on the run (and I'll get to that below) with the Empire First Order chasing. Hope get's a good slap across the face which leads to the next movie where the good guys get their mojo back. The highlight character was Mark Hamill. Now, from the top... The jokes did it in for me. The Luke scenes were good but then the jokes started and turned it to a *ugh* -moment. Rian Johnson tried something new (compared to JJ who rehashed) and that should be commended (while JJ should be smacked and critizied) but the final product still left me saying "Meh." By continuing right where the last movie left off, it compounds the problem. The last movie setup the world then Rian Johnson gave it the birdie and did his own thing. After 2 films now, the prequels are better than this.
  9. Directors like Mangold are worried about everything that's not a franchise flick or movies that may not even be a franchise flick yet. Movies that are just movies in their own right, not adaptions or franchise flicks. Star Wars was one of those films back in the day before it became the 100-ton creature it is now.
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