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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So the people in charge of this show are practically begging for a season 2. ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ™„ I'd prefer they didn't and try to just end the series. How about just giving us something I can walk away as a complete story, not a "But wait..there's more!". As for the episode... As for the lightsaber fights? Jeki vs Qimir and Sol vs Qimir were the only 2 fights where they look like they spent time on. They were mildly better than the sequel fights. Credit to Manny Jacinto, Dafne Keen and Lee Jung-Jae for actually spending some time to learn the fight. Their fights were OK. Not good. Not great. It would be nice if they could get Nick Gillard back to be sword master cuz we really need an experienced Star Wars stunt coordinator. Every other fight was just people swinging baseball bats. ๐Ÿ™„ I'm glad I just shut up, not nitpicked each episode to death and let this show run it's course cuz the ending should have stuck the landing and it didn't because the the blatant "GIVE US A SEASON 2"-ending. Gonna give this show (or "season 1") a ๐Ÿ‘Ž. One more thing...
  2. The results are the same because those events are, essentially milestones. The devil as they say, is in the details. Luke and Arrax dying over Shipbreaker Bay when Aemond and Vhagar attacked them doesn't change. How the attack started and what led up to Luke and Arrax's deaths are subject to eyewitnesses and colorful writing of the author. The duel of the Cargyll twins is a milestone event, but again the details are a bit, fuzzy. As @Duke Togo says
  3. Martin likes to use the concept of the "unreliable narrator". What is in the books, what happens on screen, 2 versions of the same story because it isn't told by the people who performed the deed but by people who were 3rd party witnesses, hearsay, with a touch of embellishment from the writer.
  4. Don't know about MCU Red Hulk. TBD. In the comics, Red Hulk/"Thunderbolt" Ross is equal in strength to Bruce Banner/Hulk. Everything that makes Bruce Banner/Hulk the raging monster, Red Hulk is the opposite; a strategic, calculating monster. Not Professor Hulk, who is just Bruce Banner with Hulk powers. Think of a raging Hulk but with the instincts and conditioning of a trained soldier kicking in (lets say you have tanks and soldiers shooting at Hulk. Banner-Hulk would retaliate based of whomever was closest and being the most annoying. Red Hulk would intentionally go for the armor, then move onto the smaller targets based on who presented the greatest threat, i.e., heavy weapons then small arms).
  5. You essentially answered your own question.
  6. Ummm...Brera is a cyborg. He's more machine now than man.
  7. Do not mistake real-life inspiration for in-universe design choices. There is no such thing as the YF-23 Black Widow in the Macross-universe.
  8. Merchandise is calling Smiley "The Stranger". I'm wondering if Smiley is the apprentice and he's trying to find an apprentice to help remove his master.
  9. Cortosis has been around for a while in expanded canon (I recall it in Jedi Outcast but it was in it's diluted form so my lightsaber eventually cut up those ShadowTroopers ). It also showed up in KotOR.
  10. It's been proven several times, glasses do work as a disguise. Henry Cavill did it himself by walking around Times Square when BvS hit theaters and no one recognized him. Clark Kent also is suppose to slouch/hunch over, wear baggy clothing, speak in a different tone, un-slick backed hair. Here's another good example. Zoey Dechanel
  11. It's rare. The ore is difficult to mine and refine. On its own, Cortosis is brittle so it's commonly weaved in with other armor materials just to strengthen it. If you threw a piece of pure Beskar and Cortosis against a concrete wall, the Beskar would shrug it off and show little to no signs of wear (maybe just a scratch). Cortosis would definitely crack, show immediate signs of wear, or even have pieces crack off. Cortosis is only useful against energy weapons. It's useless against physical attacks (hence it is weaved in with other materials).
  12. Compared to everything from and between Episode 1 thru 6 and even from The Old Republic-game series, the saber hilts definitely look girthier. I wouldn't consider myself a true connoisseur of lightsabers and thank god I don't collect those things...
  13. BTW, anyone notice how girthy these lightsabers look? Did they bring everyone to a Galaxy's Edge lightsaber build station and let them make their own lightsabers or something? My thumb is slowly turning ๐Ÿ‘Ž to this.
  14. I think for Superman, the suit has to be form-fitted, even if they have to add in the muscle padding. We have to see some kind of smooth muscle definition, otherwise it doesn't feel right. The Bat-suits can have have the armor-look as long as it looks like it doesn't hinder his movements. Flash suits should be slender, form-fitted to reflect that Flash is a runner (the JL-Ezra Miller Flash suit was armored but it still hugged the body and didn't give off the feeling it created added drag). The Superman suits shouldn't look "baggy". We should be able to see muscles.
  15. Wasn't the best season finale but it kinda reflects the point of episode. Guess I also wasn't alone in hearing that tune from "Time of The Doctor", "Never tell me the rules!"-speech at the end there. Varada Sethu (who played that lady soldier in "Boom") will be the Doctor's companion next series. Millie Gibson will also be back so Ruby's part in this story isn't done yet.
  16. FYI, the lineart you are referencing in your post is the animators lineart. They wouldn't show any warning signs since that's more for them to draw (this is back in the days where mechs were hand-drawn so you would likely see a revolt if you asked your animators to drawn warning markers. ๐Ÿคญ)
  17. Beware that Youtube algorithm. You watch one video and it starts bombarding you with similar topic videos. Ki-Adi Mundi wasn't supposed to be born yet (but canonically, we don't even know how long that species lives for, it's all extended canon stuff so ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ). Exactly. They put in a reason to not involve the Jedi Council. They should have just stayed hands off on any Prequels-era characters in general. I don't even know it was him until my YT feed started spewing videos about him.
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