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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The next issue isn't due out till March 21. Here's the cover:
  2. And that’s one less show for me to be concerned with. That wrapped up nicely.
  3. 1) The only morons I see are the backers. Let’s face it, Kickstarter has made venture capitalism easy and made people sidestep the hard work of investing: research. 2) Yeah, nothing on that front. 3) There’s no publicity to be made here. This is just another half-assed KS project. I see nothing that substantial that would qualify as fraud. I see oceans of incompetence though. Yeah, not worth Pro Bono.
  4. Nope. It's never late. Reading back to 2015's posts in this very thread, we knew they blew $1.5 million just making Wave 1 figures. So it's not like people didn't know. I'm going to agree and say it's probably not worth it to file a lawsuit. The attorney fees alone will outweigh any reward. It doesn't mean they can't try but they will not get that much after the the lawyers are done.
  5. That was when there was still a picture to go with the thread. Context. Unfortunately, that pic got lost to the ages. And I should probably lock this thread since it's been years since this thing was available.
  6. Non-Descriptive Topic Titles. Please do not create topics with non-descriptive or misleading titles. Forum staff may rename topics with inappropriate titles. "Robotech" wasn't a very descriptive title.
  7. I think this supposed to finish the Jedi-arc of the show.
  8. Anyone want to take a stab at what merchandise this thread was about and what that merchandise looks like now? If not, I’m locking.
  9. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/4489-yukikaze-brokeback-air-force/
  10. We all knew something like that would happen.
  11. And that's a problem. It should not take side-material to explain it to me. If it could be, then it should be done within the context of the show. I should not have to rely on side material to explain it to me. Those wasted TV episodes could have done this but they choose not to and wasted time.
  12. You want something publicly available to ridicule? How about the TPM... And have the Amazon page to down vote: https://www.amazon.com/Robotech-Brian-Wood/dp/1785859137
  13. Please refrain from posting scans of the comics. Only the public previews. Thank you.
  14. Someone hasn't read Seto's previous posts.
  15. M'kay. FYI: This was someone's "fan-fic" (if you could call it that) from 4chan. Here's the archive thread:http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2911901/
  16. So either someone jumped the gun or someone got their hopes too high and we can go back to lurker mode.
  17. Of course, there is precedent for it. SDFM's opening theme. Guess you could count "Triangular", but Ms. Sakamoto ended up with a cameo role as Ranka's mum.
  18. Part of me suspects that this boy band is ONLY performing the opening theme and that's it from the sound of the tweet. Kinda odd given Macross's MO.
  19. We did have a male singer, Yoshiki Fukuyama.
  20. So what you're saying is from a mess of garbage (TV series) to an organized garbage pile (movie) ala WALL-E.
  21. It looks fine, I guess (it's a trailer so it's supposed to look good). But I'll reiterate the common statement. Disney is answering questions nobody really asked. Which is how I feel about this movie. I don't care for it because I never needed to know more about Solo than what was presented the first time around. Aren't there other stories about other people besides those from the Skywalker-Saga?
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