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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Copyright Lawsuit Dropped Against Fortnite Creators, Ending Legal Battle Perhaps the declining PUBG-player base has something to do with this?
  2. Preview????? How about this puke-inducing artwork...This comic could have been tolerable if it wasn't for that artwork.
  3. Now that Westworld is over for the year, my board is clear for the summer.
  4. azrael

    Hi-Metal R

    Stay on topic. None of us needs to know your origin story.
  5. Both are horrible companies. This. I think we've all heard the horror stories of Comcast. Hell, I remember one time they broke their own cable box lid, then left the chunks of the cement lid on the street for a week. I had to call them just to tell them to replace the lid THEY broke. And it was for my neighbor's cable installation. That being said, I've heard as far back as 1998/99 about Disney's employee treatment. I'm assuming that hasn't changed much. That being said, my preference would be Comcast. Neither company would be a good choice, but I feel Disney is becoming a media conglomerate that's getting too big. Buying 20th Century Fox would increase their holdings. @Seto Kaiba is right; whoever wins, we lose.
  6. This is almost as bad as the 50-some pages on the VF-1 in the Chronicles....
  7. All your entertainment and interwebs are belong to us (Comcast & AT&T).
  8. Here's the schedule for the big E3 speeches: Saturday, June 9 Electronic Arts (EA Play) -- 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET / 7 PM BST (4 AM AET on June 10) Sunday, June 10 Microsoft -- 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 9 PM BST (6 AM AET on June 11) Bethesda -- 6:30 PM PT / 9:30 PM ET (2:30 AM BST / 11:30 AM AET on June 11) Devolver Digital -- 8 PM PT / 11 PM ET (4 AM BST / 1 PM AET on June 11) Monday, June 11 Square Enix -- 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM BST (3 AM AET on June 12) Ubisoft -- 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 9 PM BST (6 AM AET on June 12) PC Gaming Show -- 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET / 11 PM BST (8 AM AET on June 12) Sony -- 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET (2 AM BST / 11 AM on June 12) Tuesday, June 12 Nintendo -- 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM BST (2 AM AET on June 13)
  9. There will always be demons we can never truly run from. RIP. Save us a seat at that table on the other side.
  10. Today's spit-take. Ubisoft CEO: Cloud gaming will replace consoles after the next generation How about in 3-5 more generations? As I recall, network infrastructure still sucks (in rural and even in some metropolitan areas), latency across the pond will stop anyone who attempts to play on servers located in other countries, and data caps/bandwidth limits/net neutrality are hard stops for intensive cloud gaming if it costs more money for more access.
  11. Same here. Except no update for video. My GTX 1070 is still alive & kicking. If RAM prices would hurry up and come back down, I could get that ball rolling. Speaking of Intel... Intel's 28-Core 5GHz Processor And Test System Breaks Cover (Updated) Hey, Intel...would you like a CPU to go with that AC unit of yours?
  12. Most definitely not recommend. But can be a great motivator.
  13. Since you mentioned that...I don't leave my box on 24/7, so it takes me a FREAKIN' WEEK or more to pull down some of these updates without saturating my connection. Fiber-optic isn't available in my area so I have to plan my streaming around those huge update downloads. Ok, rant over.
  14. 512GB SSD for boot and daily apps. 1TB SSD for games and scratch. 5TB WD Black for data which offloads to my NAS. Yeah, what ever happened to the days of games fitting on a disc (compressed) and small patches instead of these freakin' 5-10GB patches. Someone wanna tell game studios that storage cost money?
  15. And here we go. PUBG takes US game firm to court
  16. So it sounds like this movie was OK. Why it bombed? Who knows. But I’ll just stick with my answer: I’m just not interested in seeing Han’s origin story. I’m not interested in seeing Boba Fett’s rise to bounty hunter-glory. Obi-wan? A little, but that bit in Rebels felt good enough. Maybe that made Rogue One a bit more appealing. New characters with the old characters sprinkled in at small doses.
  17. Bandai VF-31 DX thread
  18. They want it all. It's a large enough library to own. Considering what Disney owns and AT&T's attempted buyout of WB, they want to get into the entertainment business. They want to own the IP of the entertainment they would provide. If you want it being played out at extreme slow motion, sure. Comcast's bid is like a slow-motion uppercut.
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