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Everything posted by azrael

  1. As are most talking-head Youtube videos. The Picard-series is still in Pre-pre-production stage so we are looking at 2020, at the earliest.
  2. On the bright side, they found a different artist. Lisa looks less pornstar-posing. But yeah, Rick is a freakin’ Neo now.
  3. They should be filming the end of the season now so that’s where he will likely show up. Zachary Quinto is coming off a Broadway show and will doing In Search Of so I think that was an automatic “No”. Plus, he probably cost too much just for a short appearance.
  4. Kiddo, you'll learn that people are very lazy and don't use a search engine to search for stuff. Star Trek Into Darkness Star Trek Beyond Star Trek (2009) etc...
  5. Haven't done that in ages. CCleaner, registry clean-ups, cleaning scripts which clear out temporary folders at start-up, launching only services and programs that I really need at boot, etc..have kept me from doing a reinstall. The only time I've reinstalled has been with new hardware (namely new CPU and Motherboard) or if I'm upgrading the OS and never looking back. Corporate IT does it because there's a bunch of policies which would take a lifetime to peel back to undo and when people's jobs are based off a a few files that could likely set the company back a few hundred thousand to a few million; time is money and money is time. Get that user back up ASAP. But Corporate IT also have workstation images so they could be up in an hour vs several hours of doing a clean installation.
  6. ...Or any plot and substantial character development.
  7. Since Cannon Lake is delayed to late 2019, Coffee Lake will be you upgrade option this year and next year. Cannon Lake should retain socket 1151. Maybe? We might get a new socket for Ice Lake (2019-2020?)
  8. Anyone running a Ryzen 2 system after these few months of release? With Cannon Lake now pushed to 2019, we’re stuck with Coffee Lake (not counting Kaby Lake G either). Coffee Lake CPUs have been going on sale so it’s probably time for me to start putting down money. And AMD is still flashing that neon sign at me.
  9. Before this thread gets any more drawn out that it already is, I would urge restraint before posting.
  10. I try to piece it together a bit at a time based on what I can work on at the time. I recently upgraded my case in prep for a new system. I'm looking at better support for a 240mm radiator and going all in for USB 3.x. I also found my case on sale at Newegg so there's no time like the present for this one. Next up, power supply. While there's nothing wrong with my current one, its pushing 8 or 9 years now. The GTX970 should last a bit longer and considering Nvidia is still not talking about the 1100-series, I'd consider the graphics as a toss-up. When the 1100-series comes out, that might drop the prices on 1000-series cards and cause a crypto-currency buying frenzy. That would dry up the 1000-series cards. 1100-series would also make the 1000-series cards old tech. But then again, 1070 Tis are in stock and the prices aren't being jacked-up so buy now and suffer or buy later and suffer. Mobo+CPU+RAM is an all-at-once. No way to avoid this combo. I would probably pull the trigger here if you decide to skip the GPU.
  11. ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ TV Reboot in Development From Joss Whedon, Monica Owusu-Breen 7 seasons of Buffy was enough from Whedon and he wants to do...more?
  12. They can get away with it since streaming services are not bound by FCC guidelines (excessive blood, nudity, blah blah blah).
  13. O. Disney is trying to sell it's streaming service. I guess they're giving them a chance to finish up their story to link with ROTS by the looks of it. Nice but I would have preferred that it ended when it ended. Not bring it back just so Disney can sell it's streaming service.
  14. Max be pimpin’ yo. Seriously, what’s with the unbuttoned shirt? Is that how he dreams of himself? And 1 fight with Miriya and he dreams of her in a clubbing-dress?
  15. This will probably be done by the time some of us see it but. https://www.reddit.com/r/thanosdidnothingwrong/ https://www.twitch.tv/reddit
  16. Again with the impending move to streaming/downloadable content... Videogames: Here’s When Sales Could Go All-Digital (Barrons.com) And again, unless there is a massively epic spike in infrastructure building, I don't see it happening in that timeframe. And I'm not even counting military bases.
  17. And ISPs can say give us more money if you want a bigger audience. And since it took Apple and Samsung 7 years in civil court to come to an agreement, something can be arranged over time.
  18. They note: I could see a few layoffs as a way to recoup.
  19. Without net neutrality, I can see that happening. Yeah, don't forget that part.
  20. Disney still needs to contend with overseas anti-monopoly laws but for the most part, Comcast lost this fight. It looks like Fox will take Disney’s offer. Which means the Xenomorph queen is now a Disney princess. I would have preferred Comcast but I’m hoo-hum about the buyout. I see this more as a lost of another media company to go to. Less studios mean less riskier movies. Considering how mich Disney put forward, they’ll need a few more billion-dollar blockbusters to recoup the cost of buying out a competitor.
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