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Everything posted by azrael

  1. According to the SDCC trailer, he was on leave. Logic says shaving is irrelevant while on leave.
  2. I'm waiting for her "I am The Doctor"-moment. Seeing as the antagonist this week wasn't quite the big-threat, it might be awhile....
  3. I’m going to second that. You are much better off looking for a 1070 or a 1080 (probably on sale). A 980 or 970 would also be a better choice. Since it sounds like you are trying to save money, the RTX 2070/2080 is likely not on your radar.
  4. Option 1: Like you said, future-proofing. PS4 end-of-life is ~2021 and PS5 is expected around that time. But I would expect games by that time to need at least the PS4 Pro to run. Option 2: The budget option. Nothing wrong about this one. If you don't get that much play time anymore, do you really want to shell out for a PS4 Pro?
  5. The White-Blue theme has issues with embedding topics. Switch to the Dark theme to correct the issue.
  6. Hey hey hey. I'm sure your grandpa had questionable fashion choices by today's standards in his youth. And grandma might have been obnoxious when she was young too. JJ is a good ideas-man. After that, I can't say his productions have turned into spectacular works once they leave his head, however.
  7. All they needed was a little push... So I guess I'm now a Russian or Chinese troll who is interfering just because I was one of the 1st here to come out hating this flick (and the last one). I find this study's focus on Twitter to be short-sighted. Tweets are relatively easy to mine data, but what about forums, Facebook, Reddit, etc.. Simply, this paper has de-legitimized actual complaints from real people about the movie and I take offense to that because now these types of excuses will be used elsewhere when people disagree. Social media trolls may have exacerbated the issue to weird levels (like Kelly Marie Tran closing her Instagram account), but the dislike for this movie is legitimate.
  8. https://pcpartpicker.com/ Find your part, see the price trend graph. *Looks at Core i7 8700k*...and it's trending upward. Great. On the bright side, I started updating back in June. I just need to pull the trigger on the main parts and I'm done.
  9. Nope. Season 2 starts in January 2019. The shorts start this Thursday leading to the Season 2 premiere.
  10. I don't remember all the details since they went a different route and I dropped it. But I envisioned a scenario where Wright was affected by a Var Syndrome test as it would have tied into whole bigger narrative about Var. He would have gone nutty and dropped his payload on Carlyle since the town was en-route to his actual objective. The Aerial Knights saw him coming, determined his actual target then decided to see if this singing and Var Syndrome-mind-control link was more than just a coincidence which led to nukin' of the city, compounding to the Windermere situation, yadda yadda yadda. To me, it would have made more sense to use Wright's caring personality and flip it to him being a monster and work in the Var Syndrome into the narrative since it's been introduced. The writers threw out a bunch of ideas at the beginning but then they failed to materialize later on in the series. It isn't my story since I'm just a viewer so que sera, sera.
  11. Yeah, that bit with Wright Immelmann never made much sense with me then and still doesn't today. In my head, I had a much more plausible story but oh well.
  12. Transformers that ACTUALLY look like Transformers. Only took them 12 years but finally got there. Halle-freakin-julah.
  13. Crossover concert is fine. Another Delta movie? I don't know....
  14. Post in the For Sale section next time.
  15. I believe Kawamori himself said that the VF-31 represented an "evolutionary" design when compared the Sv-262 to him, production-wise. And certainly the in-universe specs reflect that sentiment. There's nothing "wow" about it when you think about it. Last year's model supported this feature but this year's model now bakes it in. If a VF-25 was like a Intel Kaby Lake CPU, then a VF-31 is a Coffee Lake CPU. Everything we see on a VF-31, we've seen it introduced on last year's models. The mini-gunpods on the VF-31's forearms are what comes next from years of the hip-mounted guns. Hip-mounted guns made great anti-infantry munitions but lackluster anti-armor weapons where they would see more use. Making them electromagnetic adds the necessary punch while maintaining ammunition constraints. Standard beam gunpod? Already introduced on the VF-27, and standard on YF-29 and YF-30. Mission-variable pod is just an extension of hardpoints which became the container pod introduced on the YF-30. It's just natively supported now. ISC? Same model found on on the VF-25 but likely revision F or G. Engines between the VF-25 and VF-31 are the same except the VF-31's are Stage 2C. Output is just marginally better. If the VF-25 was an iPhone 6, the VF-31 is the iPhone 6S. Evolutionary. Next year's model. The update model.
  16. Looks like there's space for 3 more suits from the screens I've seen (1 for each DLC). From the walkthroughs I've seen, the other suits might be saved for the sequel given the stories they've setup for another game.
  17. Yep. 'Don't feel so bad that I didn't pre-order. I'll grab it when I grab it.
  18. Colin Trevorrow was original tapped to write and direct Ep 9. He came to blows with management (read Kathleen Kennedy) with his script. The 1st draft was scrapped and another writer was brought on board but that script was trashed and eventually, Lucasfilm let him go. JJ Abhrams stepped back into the writer & director's chair to finish the trilogy. The other Star Wars films are just in development.
  19. Which is due to a severe dip in character development and storytelling.
  20. There are 4K HDR, high refresh rate panels on the market now, assuming you want to pay ~$1000 for one. But it depends on what you are doing that requires that much screen real estate with that high refresh rate.
  21. OK, those are Founder's edition prices. Like HELL I'm buying those. Non-Founders Edition prices: RTX 2800Ti - $999 USD RTX 2080 - $699 USD RTX 2070 - $499 USD
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