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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Intel's announcement. Still a day late and $1 too expensive considering AMD is moving toward 7nm by this year(?) while Intel is just getting to 10nm. The highlight seems to be updates to the U and Y-line of laptop CPUs. Feels like a "Meh".
  2. Someone was looking at the Vive? How about a premium unit for $799? This should really go into the Cars-thread but for people who never remember where they parked, Hitachi's got ya covered at CES. Forgot about this one, G-Sync support for FreeSync monitors...so we don’t have to pay the marked up prices.
  3. How about a Razer Blade 15 with RTX for $2300? Or the Huawei Matebook 13 for $1000 (or discrete graphics model for $1300)
  4. CES is this week. Nvidia launches the $349 GeForce RTX 2060 Comment: So it's $100 more at launch compared to a 1060 and only offers 1.5-2x the performance bump over a 1060. So, how is this better????
  5. Nothing against the artwork. Story however...
  6. I use paranoia (otherwise known as backups) to avoid those pitfalls. I also DON'T use my iPad to take pictures like some lunatic. I only do .X or .X.Y revisions over-the-air if I'm not near a computer. Never will I do a full version update without hooking up to a computer. But I also manage my storage like a sane person just to avoid the need for more storage space to upgrade to a new iOS version. I don't use iCloud (much). This saves me whatever headaches I would deal with crappy Wi-Fi or slow wi-fi. I also came to the realization when I got my first iPhone that anything I put on there will never come off so I avoid the issue of trying to find a way to pull some data off by not putting it on their in the first place. My main system or my NAS stores my stuff or I've found a way to backup and not worry about having to extract it later. If I have to use Apple services, I've made sure I use them in the minimalist-sense. So yeah, that's how I avoid Apple headaches. I still use their laptops and haven't had a real "bang-my-head-on-the-wall" for years.
  7. In this case, you're probably better off with the Vive. The Rift is cheaper but Vive likely has more supported publishers on Steam than the Rift.
  8. So that leaves the card reader or the cable. There are USB 2 type C cables in the wild (I have a bunch that I use for device charging).
  9. I doubt that will make a difference. So that leads to the SD card or whatever drive in your computer you are writing to (or reading from).
  10. Opened in Hong Kong this week. Mainland China is Jan 4, 2019. Guess we’ll know next week.
  11. azrael

    Hi-Metal R

    Now you have the mods attentions. Last warning.
  12. Lemme guess. The fish bowl-helmet is going to be a CGI-form-around-his-head-thingy and will be a hologram instead a practical-fish bowl helmet?
  13. Whoda thunk? It even opened 1-2 weeks early overseas...and during the holiday season. Oh well. I think 10 years of Michael Bay has probably left a sour taste for this movie to clean up. Had this movie come earlier, showing us we can get a decent Tranformers movie with better looking 'bots, I think things would have been different.
  14. Still one of the best comic-to-live action suit translations. Also now available.
  15. Dialog was annoyingly corny at times. Editing made the movie all over the place. Visuals were good, especially the monsters (which is James Wan's domain). Not the worst but definitely not the best.
  16. Ok. Locking this thread for the rest of the year. See ya next year...or sooner if they announce something.
  17. Cold water there. Try again. You’re literally on fire. Winner winner chicken dinner.
  18. Gettin' warmer. Nope. Already seen that donkey poo of an face someone calls art. Gettin' colder. Water's bubbling. But not quite boiling yet.
  19. Nope. Do you need a hint?
  20. Green Arrow has always been joked at for being a Batman-clone. Ruby Rose as Batwoman is still out there. I definitely wanted a longer look, but that was never going to happen in one part of this crossover.
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