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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The Division 2's day one patch is 90GB for physical edition owners on PS4 Things like this is why I don’t...can’t game anymore. Even if it is a 48-52GB patch depending on language/region, it’s practically re-downloading the game. And that’s on top of this day-one patch nonsense.
  2. Whether or not Anson Mount stays depends on the story. If they aren't bringing Pike back, a recurring spot would be fine. I would love to see Ms. Notaro's Cmdr. Reno take over as Discovery's Chief Engineer.
  3. They may do more short clips before the season starts, but I haven’t seen anything to indicate that the whole season will be short clips. Only change I’ve seen is that Michelle Paradise is moving up to co-Producer as Alex Kurtzman is covering the other 2 Trek shows in the works.
  4. IIRC, Spock and Sarek always had a strained relationship. from childhood into adulthood. We know Sarek never approved of Spock joining Starfleet and it took Sarek the better part of 40 years to admit he was wrong.They also publicly disagreed with how to deal with the Cardassians when Spock became a diplomat. Spock could have always said his dad was "a member of the diplomatic corps" when asked by rank&file. Of course his commanding officers would know but Spock could always say "Can we talk about something else" or changed the subject if the topic came up. A lot of kids of famous people don't mention their familial ties to avoid unwanted attention. Spock could have been no different.
  5. It adds to what I said here. Interesting? Yes. Long-term stability? Unknown. Netflix & Hulu showed the studios they can distribute their content without the major networks or cable providers. Cord-cutting is on the rise so cable is not a viable platform anymore. Paid services are on the rise. Mobile internet-usage is now the platform to grab people. Studios want to reign in their products so they have more control over their products. Media giants like Netflix and Hulu want to be able to control their purses and not have to deal with the big crazy studios who insist on creative control (which gets very close to the purse). It's just all coming to head at this point.
  6. True. But how much will Hulu be willing to pay to break that contract? While Hulu would enjoy another group of shows, the Mouse's streaming service needs something to sell it's service.Star Wars and Marvel's catalog would make a much better sell together than just a few properties. That's a question Disney needs to answer.
  7. Two years is a long time, unfortunately. The parties involved with making the shows the first time around may not come back, either because they’ve moved on or may no longer be available. I agree; any plans at this point are a wash and a waste of brain cells until Netflix’s 2-year hold on the characters is released.
  8. Officially official. Punisher & Jessica Jones cancelled by Netflix. JJ will finish when its season is released later this year.
  9. At least they found an artist that can draw.
  10. Designer-wise? He's done detailed work but a full VF? Jury is still out on that one. Writer-wise? Tenjin isn't a writer.
  11. Popularity's a 2-edged b*tch, aint it?
  12. Or maybe a more simple reason. If he wants to do another TV series, he need to give them one more movie.
  13. I'm taking a shine to Ms. Notaro's character. Discovery could use a good chief engineer.
  14. Artists’ availability varies so having the artwork change for a time doesn’t irk me. Just be thankful you don’t have to laugh at the story then puke at the artwork of a character looking like they’re having trouble using the bathroom. You can laugh and laugh some more at semi-tolerable artwork.
  15. Good for them. It was likely PR 'cuz it sounds like he talked to LucasFilm way back before he started filming to get the ground rules on the fan film. The other company is either Warner Chappell, UBEM, AMRA, UMPI, or PEDL.
  16. The Vanillia Ice-excuse doesn't work. He go to court with the sheet music and prove it. But it sounds like he doesn't want to go through that trouble. Which brings me to my other comment. Remove the video, remove the offending music, re-score it with a completely different track and re-upload. Warner Chappel doesn't get the AdSense money and everyone stays happy.
  17. Even if he "reworked" the Imperial March-theme, it's still too close to the original. There are certain notes in there that sound too similar. If that music is owned by Warner Chappel then he's at fault here. How about removing the video, taking out the score, then re-uploading with a different tune or no music at all?
  18. AMD's keynote seemed an "OK". AMD announces 3rd-gen Ryzen and Radeon VII, beating Intel and Nvidia to 7nm Radeon 7 for $699....7nm seems to have brought them better performance and the same power draw. 3rd gen Ryzen seems to have brought lower power consumption of the 7nm-process along with better performance. Surprisingly, on the same AM4 socket. We'll see when these come out this year.
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