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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So we're getting a playable Kanan Jarrus-type character from Star Wars: Rebels.
  2. Who said anything about a purple lightsaber. I'm talking about building one's OWN lightsaber. Luke built his own. EVERY FREAKIN' Jedi built their own sabers. Meanwhile Rey is rockin that same hilt for the past 3 movies. Even after she broke it. Could have taking the scraps and built a brand new personal saber....
  3. Meh. More JJ fan-wanking nostalgia crap. What do I mean by that? Ian McDiarmid premiered in Episode 6. Now he's "appearing" in this trilogy's 3rd episode. How convenient... I thought "Let the past die." So is Palps making a comeback? 4th Quarter conversion (yes, I threw in a Robot Chicken reference)? And Lando is back and flying the Falcon. Also convenient.... Is Kylo repairing his helmet supposed to be the allegory of JJ trying to repair Rian's mess? Rey rebuilt the lightsaber. *sigh* Still can't build herself her OWN lightsaber.
  4. I’m going to disagree with the use of “back water” here. Seto is correct with the use of “remote”. If they were stagnant in development, they would be using older craft, but the NUNS forces were using VF-171s and VF-22s which are fairly modern for that time. There was a healthy trade and tourism economy in this cluster. Up until Delta, most of Macross has focused relatively close to the Galactic Core, while Delta decided to focus as far away from there as it could from the map.
  5. The Jokes notepad he drew the smiley face on at the beginning. (@ 0:23 mark) Those other folks in the clown make-up reminds of of a line from BvS when Clark talks to Bruce about the vigilante problem in Gotham during the Luthor building donation party. "We had a bad history of freaks dressed like clowns." Having this movie about these "Jokers" would give context to that statement.
  6. "The worst part about having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you dn't."
  7. No. It looks like they are going the route of watching someone slowly go insane until that one bad day that pushes him over the ledge.
  8. They had to go back to the other artist, didn't they?
  9. From the looks of it, he looks A Joker. Like patient zero of a disease. I've seen comments comparing this to Taxi Driver, a movie about a guy slowly going crazy through the film. Those can be really creepy films.
  10. They can keep announcing writers until I'm grey and wrinkles (and I probably will be at this point). Until someone green-lights it, it's vaporware.
  11. See my rant about 50GB day one patches. It’s a no-win with gaming these days.
  12. Considering it's built on top of the Youtube-framework, then sure, anyone on any connection can use it. But people on a faster connection will get to enjoy the benefits of having a better connection (i.e., Want to enjoy that 4k-60fps goodness? Get a faster connection) Otherwise your resolution-&-fps auto-scale to your connection. Bypassing the auto-scaling will vary your results. I watch a few livestreams and it's fine at 720p/30fps on my connection. 1080p starts artifacting but is manageable. 4k is a $hit-show of artifacting and stuttering.
  13. NVIDIA, Microsoft, Epic Games, Unity and Leading Developers Kick-Start Next-Gen Gaming at GDC 2019 I see those RTX cards are not flying off the shelves....
  14. I guess that depends on what he wants to do next. He’s probably going to do Suicide Squad 2 after this flick. After that, he may want to take a break and do something non-comic book related. Which studio that falls to is anyone’s guess.
  15. At least storage I can go out and buy something bigger, today if I wanted to (And don't get me started on that topic of game sizes). Downloading 50+ GB patch would require me to consume my bandwidth for days upon days. I have no desire to go with Comcast and fiber is still a dream for me at the pace for current deployment. And that's even assuming ideal download speeds.
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