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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Guess Starbucks can now come to galaxy far far away...
  2. Something I saw while scanning /tv on 4chan. Someone posted the main plotlines of the producers story (Not GRR Martin's) and later screen captured. Everything from that post has come up true. The people really affected by the secret are all dead save one; Dany.
  3. I hope they explore the familial ties of Gotham. In the just-pre-New 52-iteration (and post), Gotham's big families were the Waynes, Kanes, Cobblepots, and Elliots. I don't think they'll explore that but they should definitely open that thread. Batwoman is basically replacing Arrow. And since it's Gotham, it shouldn't be a happy place. Oh, they can mention Batman and Bruce Wayne all they want. The just can't show him on-screen. The name-drop in Arrow Season 6 and then in the Elseworlds-crossover proved that.
  4. The NX-refit looks nice, but to me, it looked like they were trying too hard to make it like the Constitution-class. I would have liked a less tapering aft and maybe a more consistent shape. Warp cores were still mounted horizontally so all that height in the bow of drive section seems a bit much.
  5. FYI. Season 8, episode 1 Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 14 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) Estimated running time: 0:54 Season 8, episode 2 Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 21 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) Estimated running time: 0:58 Season 8, episode 3 Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 28 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) Estimated running time: 1:22 Season 8, episode 4 Debut date: SUNDAY, MAY 5 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) Estimated running time: 1:18 Season 8, episode 5 Debut date: SUNDAY, MAY 12 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) Estimated running time: 1:20 Season 8, episode 6 Debut date: SUNDAY, MAY 19 at 9:00 p.m. (ET/PT) Estimated running time: 1:20
  6. Well, that was a much better season than Season 1. Would I like to see a Mount-starring Captain Pike series? Hell frakin' YES. But I'm not going to scream and cry bloody murder for it. Too many shows to keep track of at the moment. Thank god some of them are ending.
  7. Well..... Ep 4 opening crawl: Ep 7 opening crawl: In retrospective, watching the fall of the Republic to the creation of the Empire from the prequels probably helps when we get to Episode 4. From Episode 6 to 7, we don't see the attempted reformation of the Republic and the rise of the First Order, which probably doesn't help. This is probably where the EU...Legends handled this better with the New Republic and the Remnants of the Empire because the Remnants didn't go and suddenly change their name. They were still the "Galactic Empire".
  8. Well, it doesn’t matter now since they threw that stuff into the non-canon black hole that is now called “Legends”. Bringing back Palpatine NOW in the narrative feels like cheap fan-wanking. Having him back in any form other than a Holocron recording just feels
  9. Abrams expected the next directors to answer his stupid mystery box. He's done the same thing with his shows. "Here's my idea, now you flesh it out." WTF arshole???? Why doesn't he follow it through? He wasn't even planning on coming back to Episode 9 until Episode 8 got flak. I'm kinda agreeing with the talking head-&-torso video guy. Having Palpatine come back feels like a bad idea. But he came back as a clone in the EU. But he was a clone. I don't remember the story on that but the clone had to be taught that he was a evil prick. The Jedi learned to let go and die, but retain their consciousness. They became immortal. Being a clone means Palpatine couldn't retain his consciousness. But anyways, bringing back Palpatine now just ruins the last 2 movies. Snoak had no reason to be there then. And it cheapens his death in Episode 6. JJ said there was always plan to bring him back but they couldn’t find a story to do it. BS. If Rian hadn’t killed off Snoak, Palpatine would stay dead. And so, here we are. While we’re at it, let’s bring back Yoda, Luke, and Obi-wan to make sure Palpatine stays dead this time.
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