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Everything posted by azrael

  1. All the more reason to delete some PMs.
  2. READ: http://www.anime.net/macross/
  3. http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an...zero/index.html Tentative street date is November 28, 2003.
  4. No street date has been given but Jerry Chu said soon.
  5. Easier answer: http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ikonboard.cgi Search for Macross 7 topics. We've done this many times.
  6. No, I'm not shouting. Just making it easier for you to read. You can always use Mozilla (or Netscape) as your default browser. For Mozilla, it's under View->Text Zoom. You can then adjust the size of the font's displayed (all fonts including the replies' fonts). That should make things much better. For IE, it's a tad bit different as it reads style sheets first and ignores the rest. But anyways, it's under Tools->Internet Options->'General' tab->Accessibility. Click on "Ignore font sizes specified on Web pages". Now you can adjust your font size settings under View->Text size Hope that helps.
  7. Because he doesn't understand our nitpicking.
  8. Nope. What the VF-0 has is 1 big (expensive and probably 5 ft tall on the single seat version) LCD for the front. 2 monitors on the side and 1 above their head.
  9. I don't think I need to remind you of how the mods feel about that longest thread. *points at Roy waving around a shotgun*
  10. But it still falls on the task of the mods to come in. If you guys police a longest thread, the person you might be complaining to would say, "what can you do? Your not a mod." In the end, the mods still have to come in and police the thread.
  11. A section would be a bad idea. It would attract the leftovers, giving the mods a bigger headache. A thread would be better.
  12. In addition...Spiritia isn't mystical to some effect. In fact it's a lot of things. M7 shows that quite a bit and that it not just limited to singing.
  13. Last I heard Best Films had the license, but that was awhile ago and now everyone is unsure who put it out. One thing we're positive of, HG never got to lay a hand on it. For the UK, Kiseki Films released a version. Amazon also lists a version put out by Celebrity Home Entertainment (but they could be Best film & Video). For the sake of clairty, I'll e-mail Robert Woodhead of Animeigo and ask if he can list everybody who claims to have a license to it.
  14. She is suppose to be flying a VF-0 (don't know which type, probably an A version). Yes, they were "wrestling" or more generally, hand-to-hand combat, which Shin needed to know (or at least know what it felt like) considering he's been a fly-boy most of his career.
  15. And Yoshi. But he no longer wanted to be a mod when we switched to Invision.
  16. I believe Shawn has to enable it (when he finishes reading the manual mind you). And since he hasn't finished configuring everything....wait.
  17. Definitely Armored Core-influenced. The head unit and the arms are quite similar to the style of the Tomahawk. (pic courtesy of MAHQ.net) The hands in the back are definitely the style of the VB-6. You know...I think we're looking at the predecessor of the Tomahawk, or the Mark I Tomahawk. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...br04/index.html
  18. Wait a sec....did you have HTML in there? Cuz HTML posting is disabled IIRC.
  19. Yep. That's the Studio Halfeye kit. I don't believe it even made it to the production stages, IIRC.
  20. It's at the default right now. When you make a post, on the left side, click on "Check Message Length". It says the max allowed is 1,024,000 characters. So either your hit a forum bug or something is wrong with your post. Like I said, it might be easier to just post a link to the article and have the thread for replies.
  21. The max post length is 1,024,000 characters (or bytes). Either you hit it or it was a forum bug. It might be easier to post the article offsite and have people post replies in the thread you made. We have got to get people to start clicking on links than reading the stuff we post here (Something I find more than often in the newbie thread).
  22. Well then...Cuz the writers never bothered to put in another video game scene.....
  23. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ct=ST&f=2&t=198 Roy pretty much explained it. Give it a few weeks and things will calm down.
  24. This was mentioned back in....June of this year. There was a thread in the old forum about it.
  25. Shawn said he would work on a skin over the weekend (if time permits). I think config and maintanence are much higher on the list of things to do than a new skin. Eventually Shawn, will get a new skin up. I too would be more worried that the board software works than how it looks.
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