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Everything posted by azrael

  1. We don't need anymore Avatar threads. We can upload our own avatar to the forums. My Controls-> Edit Avatar Settings -> or Upload an Avatar You can either host your avatar offsite or upload to the forums directly.
  2. *Shawn opens inbox* OH MY GOD!!!! *Shawn runs and enters the fetal postion in the corner*
  3. Knowing Shawn, he probably left the stock on that shelf in the closet at Graham's place. Which means the Sith lord is in control of the Yoshinol...we'll never get any now.
  4. Well, let Shawn and the mods get settle in and then work things out.
  5. Could we just make new threads for all our pinned topics and then link to the archived posts in the first post?
  6. How bout this...we need to make a newbie thread FAQ. Anybody?
  7. Where's that newbie thread........
  8. The schedule is Fall 2003. That could mean Sept. or Oct. Patience......
  9. Yeah noticed that too. All Shawn needs to do is adjust the server clock. No biggie.
  10. azrael

    Meeting with yamato

    Can you throw in some questions on anything else besides the VF-1?
  11. Call me parnoid, but I had a feeling this is what it would have to boil down to. That's the problem with old forum software, or more exactly, old forum software databases. UBB had that problem for me. As I see it, this was no different. Well...let see how many people come back. BTW, if you want some more smilies, I've got a few dozen I've pulled from various message boards.
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