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Everything posted by azrael

  1. In my experience, it's always best to paint first before you assemble. For me, I take it all the way through the painting stage before I start assembling (minus touch up, applying clear coats, etc). Depending on the piece, you can assemble it and paint it afterwards but I find that to be prone to errors so I just paint, paint, add panel lines and major details, then assemble.
  2. I'll just wait till Episode 3 comes out before I pick up another Essentials Guide.
  3. Ground Effective Reinforcement of Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee-joint I kid you not. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/glossary/index.html
  4. Those are Destroids. Destroid Cheyenne according to the official site.
  5. Looks like we'll finally see SV-51s launching from the sub too....
  6. Kinda hard to tell. A disorganized-look to me so it might be space dock. There are no ruins in M0. Just the AFOS relic.
  7. Need I mention that a good number of anime viewers will probably end up not buying official releases after downloading or buying HK bootlegs...
  8. Did it ever occur to you to check the official site or Bandai's site? http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/macrosszero/.../m_dtroyed.html http://bigwest.macross.co.jp/zero/ They've got some nice pics there. No stats at the moment though.
  9. In reference to pic in 1st post: Whoa...someone aged...badly....
  10. Everybody makes one of these threads. Don't worry about it.
  11. Notes about the name "Macross" and other little things can be found at the bottom of this page
  12. IIRC, it was a quick run down of the Macross timeline that went up to just before M7 began to air. There isn't much in there that isn't covered at the Compendium. It's a collector's item.
  13. She's quite under-age you sick puppy....
  14. What are you talking about, she was always crazy, that's part of her charm. Remember the whole baby tossing thing? To be fair, Max was too. "You tried to stab me to death! I MUST HAVE YOU!" I think we can let that one go.....
  15. Yes Keith, their just frakking with you. I remember getting the series, raw, back in '96-'97(?). Then I got the CDs and listened to "My Friends" and "Totsugeki Love Heart" for weeks.... Didn't understand a word but still watched it. I think it was about that time I found the Compendium (when Egan still hosted it on his UC Berkeley account) and used it as a guide to M7. I think about a year later I got the fansubs and more CDs. I listened to Fire Bomber songs for years. It was just stuck in my playlists. And I never got tired of it. The nice thing about M7 is that it helped me build my tolerance for long series. In fact, it was the first long series that I watched. And I never got bored watching it over and over. I think what struck me the most was it didn't feel like I was watching a Gundam-war story or like the original series (the original series was great, no doubt about it). It was different and I liked that about M7.
  16. Did you people not read what I said about Ray? . If you people read what I wrote, you would understand Ray is, in NO such way, (not that there's anything wrong with being gay in the first place, sheesh) homosexual. Do I have to explain the whole Ray-Akiko situation or are we that dense?
  17. Actually if Ray's wingman and friend, Stephen, didn't come along, Akiko would have choosen Ray. It was actually a semi-love triangle between the 3. Stephen and Ray both had a thing for Akiko (Ray being silent about it). Stephen made the move first. Ray, being the good friend and wingman, decided to not persue the relationship with Akiko and remained friends. Akiko knew Ray was in love with her but she also knew what could happen between the 2 if Ray said something about that relationship. And the relationship between Akiko and Stephen was heading toward marriage. I don't think I need to go any further. Really, there never was the question about Ray.
  18. We don't know what happens to the boy. He probably got together with Myung. But beyond that, it's up to your imagination as a writer. Good luck. Legs. There may have been sections in the main body but that probably would have been reserved for military personel and storage. The majority was located in the legs.
  19. It's a fan fic.....you can do whatever you want.....I mean if you want Isamu to die a horrible death and Guld to come out on top...go ahead...it's your fan fic.
  20. You're welcome to go over there to start trouble by yourself. The rest of us will be standing right here, out of the line of fire.
  21. That post was in reference to Keith's claim that Ivano Gunther being a lady.... I wanna see some good evidence that he/she is a lady. I have the lineart. The pics show Ivano Gunther covered in armor at the chest area. I wanna see clear evidence that Ivano Gunther has distinguishable, female breasts.
  22. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...26&t=153&st=260 http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.php?...sb=5&o=&fpart=1 From Animeigo's panel at AWA:
  23. I don't know.....It's kinda hard to tell since Ivano Gunther was wearing the armored flight suit when they went to Varuata, then the armor (pre-Protodevlin form) convienently placed hides the chest...Then the robes at the end well...cover the chest area.... Tell me of an instance where you can see clearly...(episode #)
  24. Yep, but then again that doesn't explain the same circumstance when the SDF-1 is in 'cruiser' shape while earthbound (and both configurations, with the city onboard, are shown in the SDF series ). Unless, the city is on swivel plates as you mention - just seems to be the long way around... Any other ideas? (Mods, sorry if this is too far off the Q&A charter of this thread) This really isn't addressed too much in the series. My best guess would be it is caused by the artificial gravity on board. If the city did rotate, that would be a lot of rotating blocks to move. I doubt they had the time to reconfig an entire section of the ship just to rotate when in Strike mode.
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