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Everything posted by azrael

  1. The history was rewritten back when M+/M7 was done so I'd hardly call it a contridiction. http://www.anime.net/macross/feedback/index.html The VF-X and the VF-X-1 are still there. What's the problem? http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...1999/index.html The VF-X was the first prototype. The VF-X-1 was the transformable prototype. The VF-0 was the first trial production fighter. To put it in a larger perspective, the VF-0 is the VF-1, minus a few things. It's still a prototype to the VF-1 because it's still a test fighter. Because everybody knows the "Valkyrie". The VF-1 was the first fighter ever to be produced and seen by the public. It is also the first fighter that was mass produced in large quantities. As to be top secret, again, nothing is wrong. The VF-1 was never displayed in it's other modes to the general public. VF-1 series [scheduled to] begin deployment for actual combat. (However, usage is to have been limited to Fighter mode only.) Who are the Mayans' going to tell about this transforming plane? Humm? They are in the middle of the Pacific, isolated from the rest of the world. Not to mention they are quite bound together by their religious beliefs. Their not the only deeply religious people out there in the world who are so deep into their religion that they create stories to explain things. Hell, the top secret thing was used in SDF Macross so it's not new. ... You know what?. Keith or anybody else can handle the rest. I'm not going to waste my time in this thread as it's going nowhere.
  2. Won't it be easier to just point to this thread? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=28&t=2197
  3. That one. Think of the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek.
  4. About Asuka-II. We don't know. It could have. It couldn't have. The same could be said about the Prometheus. It was based at South Ataria so how come it didn't go? There are a lot of ships in the Pacific (the Illustria being another carrier in the Pacific). We really don't know where Asuka-II's home port is. On how many VF-0's there are in a squadron. As many as they could fit? Squadron sizes vary. The VF-1 hierarchy shows as many as 15 fighters to 1 tactical wing. But then you need to include support craft, etc, etc, etc. Then consider that all the VF-0's on Asuka-II are part of Skull.... Not necessarily. There may have just been 4 VF-0S's produced. Those 3 additional VF-0S's may just serve the role that the VF-1J served later. Perhaps Roy felt a higher calling and joined the UN forces instead of the US military, unlike Shin.
  5. There is a shot of the 1A using Strike packs on the 20th Anniversary disc. So I would say Strike packs are more dependent on mission specifics and or squad specifications (Similar to how M16's w/M203 grenade launchers are assigned to squads). Also there are FAST packs which can be used in atmosphere (besides just the leg packs). These can be seen on the VF-11 in M7. Although those are much more streamlined compared to the normal VF-11 FAST packs.
  6. Keith, may I? I don't see how one could compare the VF-2SS with the VF-4 as we don't have specs on the VF-2. In terms of standalone weaponry...without SAPs, the VF-2 is severly handicapped to the VF-4. Cheaper? We're talkin about an oh....70+ year economical gap. I don't see how that works as one being cheaper when the economics of the 2 might not even match. Hell, 10 bucks in the 1920s/30s bought you quite a fancy meal, IRC. But considering that 0083 wasn't Tomino's idea and that the director's chair was switched half-way through the series, I don't see what's wrong with Kawamori at the helm of M0 and M0 being his idea....When you mix other people into the fold, things are bound to be messed up, which is why the UC world is screwed up in places compared to Macross (with the exception of MII). Filling in gaps.....quite true. Let's look at the timeline....Humm....it's quite thin once we get to the 2008 (M0). I don't know about you but there seems to be something missing.
  7. Britai did not leave with Megaroad-01. His ship escorted Megaroad-01 out of the system. His appointment to UNS's chief was in 2016, well after Megaroad-01 left. I highly doubt Britai would be the one to talk to since the Protodevlin were more of a problem for Operations. The chain of command would go to Operations first. In fact, I doubt Britai, after 30 years, would have very little dealings with Operations. BTW, The VF-0 is just called VF-0. No "Phoenix". More money = better designs and less gimmicks. If you look at the control panels of the original series, there were a lot of switches and buttons. The original series wasn't disowned, it was just gimmicky. When we got to DYRL?, things became less gimmicky and more functional. Having a bunch of big "F", "G" and "B" knobs are kinda funky. The DYRL? control set is much more functional than the original series. Same with the flight suits. The flight suits became bulkier to reflect a more functional use. It would be kinda funny if the pilots in Macross wore those tight flight suits....oh Millia did in M7...but even then they fixed the collar/neckpiece. The suits used later in Macross reflect a more functional suit rather than the spandex look. It's a more realistic approach to the designs as to gimmicks.
  8. I agree. I can understand if that scene is going to slow the pace of the theater version (although you don't feel those 3 hours...). If it's going to be saved for the EE DVD, that's even better. Not like I've been buying the theater versions on DVD anyways.
  9. 1) Besides the "look-cool" effect, the transformation would increase the arc of fire without having to move the entire ship. Macross had this problem. When transformed, the main cannons only had a 90-degree arc of fire. If the cannons had to fire at a target beyond that arc, the whole ship would have to reposition itself. The New-Macross class accounted for this problem (and many others that plagued Macross). By having the gunship on an arm, they could significantly increase firing arc. The firing arc becomes almost a half sphere (360 by 180 by180, as in they could fire at any point or points in that coordinate range, think 3-D) without moving the ship as opposed to just a 90 degree 2-D arc. 2) Those are Macross 7 Plus! episodes. They are short episodes that were released with the video release of the series. They are meant to fill in story gaps/tidbits not vital to the series but background information and extras to the series.
  10. *Looks at timestamps. Looks at subject* You're awesome Max Jenius! *whistling*
  11. But all them UN boys have short hair...
  12. Who probably heard it from a friend, who probably read it online, on some forum, on some gaming site, from some guy who's on crack, etc, etc,.
  13. Probably allied. The Zola Patrol, for obvious reasons, is just the law enforcement for that planet (and probably the surrounding space). And since the scope of MD7 was quite small (only a coastal town and only limited to Zola's jurisdiction), there really isn't a clear idea.
  14. I think you need to start your own thread because this is an opinionated question and not a Q&A-type question. This thread is only for Q&A and not for debate. Thank you. Come again.
  15. Yes. That's the whole point of primer. Primer is suppose to give a paintable surface to something so that you can paint it. For smaller lesser seen pieces? That's up to you. Half the time I prime the piece, half the time, I don't, especially if it's a joint piece.
  16. Keeping this thread open is fine with me, but we've been arguing based on line-by-line scrutiny on something that has been scrutinized in court and given a ruling. We should just leave this thread as is and wait till something new comes. This thread is a great container for the damn arguement but it's no use beating the dead horse when it's all bones now and buried 6 ft. under.
  17. That is the VT-1C from Macross Dynamite 7. It is a civilian VF. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf1/index.html
  18. If it wasn't for those few people here, this thread would die down. As I said on the old boards (and people actually thanked me for breaking the repetetiveness of the thread), you can scrutinize all the documents, line for line, but in the end, it changes nothing. The final ruling is what counts the most. Some people here want to keep going and going, line for line, itemized details of every session of court. But it changes nothing in the final ruling. We can continue this itemized debate for years to come, but all we've done is run around in circles. If those "some people" don't see it that way, I sorry for them. The final say came out almost 11 months ago. I've seen zero, in terms of anything new since then. We can bug Graham to ask Yamato to see what's going on but I can tell you their answer will be, "No Comment", or "We can't talk about it right now.". Now, until something new comes, we can let this thread die, or we can continue to run around in circles, make conjectures based on speculations, come up with "legal interpretations" from people without law degrees or from friends who are lawyers and play this track on a continuous repeat till hell freezes over. Now, if "you" people insist on continuing this, you will be wasting our time, your time, Shawn's bandwidth and many other things. The absolute best thing for this thread is to let it die until something new comes. Nothing we say will change the rulings. What's done is done. Let it be.
  19. Organic mecha is always possible.
  20. Don't know about the "active" part, but yes the Grand Cannons still exist (IIRC, there is still one in Brazil, Africa). Active? Most likely no. Heck, they barely had the one in Alaska up and running by SWI.
  21. Hikaru's voice actor was replaced: http://www.anime.net/macross/characters/i/...#ichijyo_hikaru Voice (Sony PlayStation 2 game): Kenji Nojima But, I think out of respect for Mr. Hase, Mr. Kawamori will not continue with the Hikaru-character beyond what has been established. He will revisit certain events, but I don't think he wants to go beyond that. I tend to agree with you on this Pat. What Kawamori has done, time and time again, with his own creations is create new interpretations of the story.
  22. No. I don't think so. Any Macross project can come out of BW. However, Studio Nue would have to go through BW if they continued Macross. To me Studio Nue is just a bunch of guys pitching a story or pushing out ideas. They don't really "exist" as a production company, IMO. Besides design (story and design lineart), they probably only go as far as planning. They rely on companies like Big West to back them financially and with animation studios. If Studio Nue wanted to use Sunrise, Studio Nue would have to buy the entire Macross franchise from BW. That would be kinda weird/stupid. It would have to be like Bandai/Sunrise working another Gundam series. Any UC work not involving Tomino would have to be fudged in some way that it wouldn't screw with the Tomino-UC timeline. That's how I see things. Big West owns the Macross franchise, period. If it has the "Macross" name on it, Big West will be involved. The established Macross timeline that we all work with would be that of Studio Nue. So if Big West decides to create a new Macross series without Studio Nue, they sure as hell can. But since it might impact the Studio Nue continuity, it would have to go the way of an alternate universe. Get the idea?
  23. Actually I would say: -Big West owns design linearts and story. Studio Nue is included in Big West.
  24. In any case, the events from "Rainy Night" occur before M0.
  25. They rushed the ending. They could have used one more episode and ended it. Once you get to where Freedom Gundam shows up, the pace starts increasing. One of the nice things about Seed is that for little details, you have to read the Astray manga. But still, they could have put in one more episode into the ending. The fight between Strike vs. Providence, could have gone on a little longer for me to be satisfied. But oh well.
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