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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Oh you kids and your short series.
  2. Don’t mess with the furball.
  3. He doesn’t know????? That overgrown teddy bear is from Robotech: Sentinels.
  4. I know I've bought a few bits and pieces from them but as for anything serious? Nah. Pricing and returns are better on Amazon. Or I shop on B&H or I'm lucky enough go to a local shop.
  5. Looks like a VF-27 and a Sv-262 had a love child.
  6. It would be hilarious if Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl shares a scene with them and calls Erica Durance’s Lois “Mom” (Ms. Durance played Supergirl’s mother back in Season 3).
  7. Even back in the 80s (or perhaps early 90s), they couldn't find someone who could draw properly. You could fit an entire hand on the right interior (his right interior) of that helmet.
  8. All VFs, post-2040, have a Pin-point barrier system as standard equipment. The VF-25, VF-31 Kairos and YF-29 have pin-point barrier systems.
  9. Agreed. There's been a thread in the comics lately that Batman hasn't been dealing with 1 Joker, but several Jokers over the years. This Arthur Peck character is just another in the string of Jokers to take on that mantle. Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is at little push. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. Kinda says something about the series, 'don't it? Every time they've lost or broke their lightsabers, they've always built a new one them. Every damn time. Rey is the only one who hasn't built her OWN lightsaber by this time.
  11. I’m going to say Disney’s offer should have been a bit more tempered. At the same time, Sony not budging doesn’t seem far fetched. Under the current agreement, Marvel gets %5 of first dollar gross and all revenue from merchandise. Marvel then wants to change it to a 50/50 split; cover half of the costs, but get 50% revenue back. That’s quite a jump for 1 character.
  12. I mean, it is passable. It’s like someone decided to make SD work in a non-deformed setting.
  13. A corporation like Sony backing a little Kickstarter project. LOL. Silly child.
  14. They tried that a long time ago and were shot down.
  15. You know what? Thread lock. We'll reopen when this later.
  16. Judging by the reactions...Feature set favors Nvidia. Price/Performance is favoring AMD now. I'll probably look at the RTX 2070 Super myself but it seems budget options would favor RX 5700 now.
  17. So AMD as released 3rd gen Ryzen and RX 5700 today..... Unfortunately, I'm not updating my main system since I just updated but my secondary box is due to an update. Looks like I'm updating that box to Team Green (or is it Team Red).
  18. And likely through that licensing, get a share of the profits from merchandise sales.
  19. Only in the UK. Whatever was in effect before the announcement is still in effect after the announcement. We're exactly in the same spot we were before the announcement.
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