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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yes. I did. He wanted to know the size of the missile bays, which is what that image shows. I said nothing about the officiality of them anywhere in either of my posts. I should also note that Nanashi doesn't say anything about the officiality of those internal hardpoints either.
  2. If you'd search, you'd find the answer...... I swear...I have to do all the work for you people... http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-1334
  3. LOL.... The "G" version is a fan-generated/RPG-generated version of the VF-11. So you can throw it out the window. The VF-11 follows in the line of the VF-1/VF-5000 of multi-purpose fighters. That line allows them to mount mission-specific weapons (usually the normal FAST packs). It was a cheaper alternative to internal weapons-heavy fighters like the VF-4 or the VF-14. I would also look at April II's Feedback entry. http://www.anime.net/macross/feedback/index.html
  4. Which is actually a misconception produced when people watch M7. The controls of the Sound Force were on the slider and movement was read since the instruments were one joint-systems which really work like a joystick. By moving the slider up and down and pressing one of the buttons on the slider, it would produce the same effect if one were to be using the stick and throttle. Now playing that guitar and controlling the VF..that's a whole new ballgame. I do agree with that interpretation (except for Jamming Birds, I'll need to think about that). Listen to some music and see what happens. It's not the music making you sing along with it, or whatever you may do. It's you.
  5. It doesn't quite work like that. It should be: -Macross 7 (Includes M7 Plus!, The Galaxy is Calling Me!, Encore (including Fleet of the Strongest Women)) -Macross Dynamite 7 Macross 7 Plus episodes cover the span of 2030 thru 2045 as they only fill backstory. The Galaxy is Calling Me occurs somewhere between episodes 38 thru 43. Encore would (including Fleet of the Strongest Women) occur between episodes 38-46 if they were to fit within the storyline for M7. Lastly we have Macross Dynamite 7. If you're talking about a production timeline, then it would follow as -Macross 7, Macross 7 Plus (these were made for video release so they would have to have been done during production), Macross 7 Encore! (including Fleet of the Strongest Women) - Again, Fleet of the Strongest Women was included on the video release as a bonus episode so it would have to have been during the end of production to make it to video). -Macross 7: The Galaxy is Calling Me! -Macross Dynamite 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me would have also been done during production of the series to make the September '95 release date.
  6. It's Gundam. You've got 25 years of it to watch. You'll either like one series or you won't. I'd have to agree and say start with SEED. There are much better Gundam series out there but for ultra Gundam newbs...you might be better off with SEED first.
  7. The stock it is! Actually it's the lower half of the stock, kinda. The ammo clip fits into the stock and serves as part of the stock.
  8. The way it looks, he let's loose on Nora. Nora does her dodge thing and brings the missiles right back to Roy. (You can see it, Roy backs into his set surprised as Nora makes a run at him) Roy will probably jettison the armor as a decoy and take them on the deck of Asuka.
  9. Forgot about that...could he give us Armored Core?
  10. While I would love to see a member of the old cast on the series, it won't be necessary. In any case, I hope the feel of this series is different than what's been done. New music flavor, new VFs designs, etc. I just want it to be different. If it's a rehash of SDF, M+, M7, M0 or even MII (hell MII is a rehash of DYRL?)....I'll be unhappy. I want it to be different than what has been done.
  11. It's spelled AFOS. Could be a Cheyenne with the rocket pods (ala Spartan). http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...enne/index.html
  12. Looks like you have more trust in this company than all of us here. But that's just you. When was the last time you saw any company do the honorable thing? And considering ADV is middle-man in all of this (HG is using their video facilities, their reproduction house, etc), I'll leave them out of the picture for the moment. But that's just me.
  13. People are a little slow Roy. I think you need a big sign that says "NO FREE TALK/OFF-TOPIC SECTION HERE".
  14. Exactly.... This just really shows how badly you can milk a product to the point where the cow is all bones. With my boot...up HG's ass.
  15. Yes. The key to this is that the Fz-109 and the Az-130 are essentially the same design. Just as the Fz-109 was a derivative of the VF-14 design, the Az-130 is a derivative of the VA-14. The transformation of the 2 are exactly the same. The only difference is the look of the 2 fighters. Kawamori designed the VF-14 and the VA-14. But the VA-14 is just a re-designed VF-14. The Az-130 is just a redesigned VA-14. So it all stems from the VF-14, which Kawamori designed.
  16. I don't consider the "YF-1R" a "Valkyrie", so .
  17. This is probably something for the newbie thread and I suggest you go there as there are a whole bunch of links that will answer lots of questions. No tapes. Only DVDs. Shop around online stores. http://www.animeigo.com In a way, yes the wedding sequence was removed due to time/production constraints. There were a few more sequences originally planned for DYRL?. However, they ended on the cutting room floor. The original series has not been removed from the official canon. For all purposes, we use the TV series for content. For looks, we use DYRL?. However, I should let Egan Loo explain it. http://www.anime.net/macross/
  18. Mines is coming with a larger order. I pre-ordered back in...August???
  19. That is, as much popularity as a Macross series can get, compred to other popular mecha shows.
  20. Gotta please that sick fanboy in all of us.....But really, Mao is 11 years old....Wasn't Sara good enough for you people? And she's 16, or do we really need to do fan service for Mao as well?
  21. GONZA Digimation did the sequence for the 20th Anniversary disc. Satelight is doing M0's CG sequences.
  22. Considering the VF-0's engines.......nope.
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