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Everything posted by azrael

  1. No, Anubis is correct. The Megaroad class may be made of different components, but it is a fixed ship design.
  2. At least you bought it cheap.....Although, was it even worth $9.99? Heck are they even worth any price?
  3. Well you have to remember, Gundam 0079 did horrible back in 1979. It didn't pick up steam until it hit reruns. Yeah it aged poorly because it wasn't till after-the-fact did it pick up steam. That's really what the movies were for. Of course, 10 years down the road, they'll be saying Wing was their nostalga for the kids.
  4. Better yet... Read the entire thing: http://macross.anime.net/fallacies/errata/...a/robotech_faq/ Then this: http://protoculture.lebhead.com/
  5. Until we actually get a look at it, I would hold off on comments.
  6. Related thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=2&t=4520
  7. Seed will end up like Wing. Edited for daytime, everything left in at night and unedited DVDs. I'm not going to worry too much about Seed anyways. Unless they really do something wrong with it. As for Zeta, take your time. It's easier on my wallet but don't test my patience. Unfortunately, the mentality of people is to believe newer is better. With kids these days, it's all about the flash and effects. Everything else went out the window.
  8. This is more of question and answer...not comments. However, 1) The story was simplified. By introducing the Supervision Army probably would have confused the audience. And since there is only about 2 hours to DYRL?, plot elements were simplified and such. In fact, Quamzin is only in 1 scene through the entire movie. Watch Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaia. Again, Kawamori takes a involved storyline and reduces it down. Same idea with DYRL?. 2) It is hinted in the story however, no one can really be 100% sure. It's just one of the little things that falls to the producers to answer, and if they want to tease us, I think I know what their answer is.
  9. Well I don't know about that...The ejecting cockpits in M7 usually came from VF-11s that were in fighter mode. I would say the cockpit ejects first, then you rotate from a battroid, but we don't really know. Unfortunately, we only have that on the Megaroad-class. For all we know, those sections might be able to seperate in the event of an emergency situation. Speculate all you want, and leave that for a fan-fic/new thread.
  10. He was in the process of changing modes. There is a shot where you see the YF-21 falling. This parallels Guld's lost of control scene. As you see the YF-21 fall out of the shot, the VF-11's heat shield is still closed. However in the shot before, you see Isamu's VF-11 reaching for the YF-21. It's a 1-instance scene divided in 3 parts shown in a linear method (the 3 parts being, the perspective of the YF-21, the external shot pointed at the VF-11, and the control room shot). It is a single ship. The 2 blocks are the engine blocks/launch bays. There are no ARMD carriers on the Megaroad-class.
  11. The VF-11 cockpit does indeed rotate. Example? Kinyru jumping into the cockpit of the Full-Armored VF-11. The seat rotates almost immediately as the heat shield covers the cockpit and vice versa.
  12. Very true. Something else I've noticed is the tendency to recapture the original feel of the original show. Soooo many shows try to do this and everytime, it is met with harsh criticism. By intentionally leaving the door open to different stories, themes and what not, Kawamori left himself open to experimentation. With nothing set in stone, the possibilities become endless. It keeps the franchise "fresh". This is possibily one of the best ways to keep a franchise alive and open to new ideas.
  13. Yes, technically it makes sense. But the frame is still the same VF-1 with a new head and new targeting computer. The engines are still the same engines. When you think about it, how is making it lighter going to add a significant amount of speed to the machine. It's kinda like the VF-1X (and VF-1X plus versions). It's still a VF-1 but the powerplant was completely updated to add a significant amount of power to the machine. When I read the info provided by the review (there's nothing wrong with the review BTW), then look at the Robotech site, it sounds like they took off the head and added a new computer to the VF-1. It's still a VF-1 except for the computer controlling the fighter. So, to me, that's why it sounds funny.
  14. You should visit their IRC channel and play a drinking game. You'd be drunk is seconds. Anyways, drop armor to make it faster? Mmmmmkay.
  15. He was the star of the video game Robotech: Battlecry. If anything he was a Rick Hunter replacement; look at that hair and the fact that he's a major wuss. Sadly, just about all the characters in Battlecry were mor eor less soulless copies of the original Macross cast. Actually, it looks like they took Roy, took off some wrinkles and added Rick Hunter hair.
  16. Cuz you're too slow.... Really though? The kits are limited in supply. Small supply = higher price.
  17. Close enough. ASS-1 was running. With the crew nearly gone, you can make a suicide run and draw the enemy away. When they get close enough, boom. Essentially a booby trap. Draw the enemy in and then close the trap. It was a random defold. Conspiracy theorists will think otherwise. But that topic is for it's own thread.
  18. This thread topic could probably be moved into the newbie thread... No the VF-4 doesn't have a gunpod. Heck, that thing is probably a GU-11. Of course, that picture is for VF-X. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf4/index.html Quite roomy, I hear.
  19. Close enough. Katanas and a distant cousin, the scimitar or saber (Arab countries) were designed for a slashing motion. When you make a slashing motion, the curve in the blade follows the movement of the cut. When you bring the blade down, the blade moves so that you make the cut with the entire blade and not just one spot on the blade. This reduces the chances of the blade from dulling at one spot. It's a nifty idea. European swords tend to follow a thrusting motion over a slashing. This is why they tend to be somewhat triangular in shape. You could still use the sword for slashing however, the risk of causing dull spots increase a bit. edit: Oh, and another thing, a sakabato would defeat the purpose of how one is suppose to hold/store a katana. The sharp end should always face up so that you reduce the chance of damaging the blade in the scabbard. However, since the dull side faces up...
  20. Please see page 146 of Macross Perfect Memory (http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/series_pm.htm). There are several shots of the city levels. In one shot (3rd panel down, left side) you can see 4 levels of the city. Due to varying building size, space needed to rotate, a rotating system would not fit. Try it with your hand. Assume your hand is one section of a rotating block. Assume the tallest building reached the height of ceiling. Now pivot. The level would immediately hit the ceiling. Even if the block sizes were reduced, you would still have to accomodate a rotating mechanism. Sorry to say, but space is limited already on Macross so a rotating block system would not work nor would there be room enough to fit that plus an entire city. Parts of the city already have to seperate and rearrange to accomodate the transformation system. A rotating block system would only add to the property damage.
  21. Anyways..... Kamen Rider 555 is probably the best. Abaranger is alright for this year's sentai series. It's average from what I've seen. Sailor Moon.....ummm...haven't seen it. Gransazer....very flashy. When all 4 groups are together and everything is fleshed out in the series, then I'll get back to you.
  22. Unfortunately, there is not enough room for levels to rotate. The levels of the city span from one end of the level to the other. And it would be very difficult to create several dozen swivel points and redesign the city to accomadate the several dozen swivel points. Floating is not a problem as the ARMD carriers are held up by the arm joints on Macross. It's dependent on the arm joints, and not the ARMD carriers.
  23. Well... this is what might be in the EE of RotK: from: http://www.ringbearer.org/modules.php?op=m...=4285&start=630 Most of these scenes have a high probablity of being in the EE. Combined with extended scenes from the siege of Minas Tirith, Battle of Pelenor Fields (I'm quite sure Pelenor was cut down) and Battle at the Black Gate, that's probably another hour or more of footage, easily. Again, I highly doubt that we'll be seeing any Scouring of the Shire.
  24. Sony humanoid robot!!!! http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/20...200312/03-060E/ http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/2003/1218/sony.htm
  25. When Gandalf refers to himself as a servent of the Secret Fire, likely he's refering to Illuvitar (God). He says he weilds the flame of Anor. ... BTW, the name of Gandalf's sword is Glamdring. Perhaps in the EE. The original cut of Return of the King was almost 5 hours. So there was quite a bit he cut out to just to step up the pace of the theater version (And yes there are moments where you can tell something was cut). So who knows? You may just see the new gates of Minas Tirith in the EE. Or you may not....
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