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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Read: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=153
  2. Macross II was ok (borderline I didn't like it). Mechs were fine. Very streamlined. Music was nice, but I've grown out of that idol-pop sound. Story was.... M7, now that was fun.
  3. And what does this interview contain? How he came up with the concept of the VF-1 from the F-14? His thoughts on the F-14? His opinions about the F-14? Sorry but most of us here already know about Kawamori and his inspiration from the F-14, so unless you or this interview have something to enlighten us with, I think most of us know what we need to know. Also not posting a preview of what this interview contains doesn't help us. Also, does this interview contain anything about Macross? If not, you've got the wrong section.
  4. yare yare.... Read to your heart's content: http://protoculture.lebhead.com/
  5. Best way to know is to watch it and find out.
  6. A. Wrong thread. B. There was no recall on defective discs. You might have gotten a manufacturing problem. Return it from where you got it and ask if they can replace it (i.e. exchange for another copy of the set) Isamu flew a VF-11 if that counts.... Better answer would be: http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf22/index.html The VF-2 only appeared in Macross II.
  7. There's plenty of Macross to watch and like. You don't like one? No biggie. You don't like the whole franchise... meh.
  8. The VF-11 served as the main UNS fighter from 2030 through the 2040s and into the 2050s. (M+ thru M7) http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf11/index.html
  9. In any case, it requires Shawn to do his part which would be the set-up. And right now, I don't think Shawn has the time to do it. Which leads back to what I said.
  10. Let's see, how many times have I had to point to the Compendium in the Newbie questions thread....I'd say enough times. But yeah, the main site to this place holds a vast amount of info on toys, models, collectibles, etc. And yet no one bothers to look. I agree with converting the site to php. The main site to this place needs to be updated. PHP would definitely give the place a much needed face lift. Graham would no longer need to write html for his reviews. He could just open notepad, write one up, and let php handle the parsing (or Perl). The only bad part about this idea is finding time for Shawn to let a bunch of us in and work the site. The content of the site stays the same, but we just convert the entire site to php. If Shawn is working 45 hour weeks and has a life, we're going to have to drag him out of bed and drop him in front of a computer and let him do his part.
  11. After 35 years of marriage, 7 kids, and lots of fights....I don't think an arcade would help in anyway...
  12. Just cuz. Macross 7, incorporates lots of music from the entire series. It had music from DYRL?, M+, MII and it's own music. Perhaps Kawamori was paying some tribute to MII, but maybe, he was adding a story flavor. The music style has changed with every Macross series. Maybe it's a fun idea to incorporate music from the rest of the series just to say, well, not everyone likes the same kind of music. Some people like idol-pop, rock, etc. And M7 did exactly that. The majority of it was rock, but Kawamori threw in some other music to say, not everybody on M7 listens to just Fire Bomber.
  13. Now that you've given me more details, it's called "Banana Moon Love". I'm sure of it. And no it is not a Minmay song.
  14. And in case you kids don't know how to do it: My Controls->Board Settings->Do you wish to view members signatures when reading threads? (change it to NO) Problem solved.
  15. No one really knows. For the answer, you'll probably have to talk to the execs of the show. One thing that may have contributed to it's lower popularity (It was still popular) was that it was part of the trend. Transforming robots (i.e. toys) were popular. Having the same motif at the same hour from 1982-1984 would probably kill the audience. It was probably too much of a good thing.
  16. Correction: "Banana Moon Love" was the song and I don't believe it ever made it to M7. "Riding in your Valkyrie" was the song used most in M7 by the Jamming Birds. I'll have to talk to Keith to confirm that though. Definitely though, it's not a Minmay song. Most likely, just a system. Go meet a Zolan and find out. (i.e. start a new topic)
  17. Some thoughts. That,of course, is a matter of opinion. Frankly I don't see the problem using CG nowadays. Hell, the cels for M0 are probably done via CG ink. Inking by hand was phased out at the turn of the century. It's probably why we see more computers at animators' desks rather than brushes and such. Hand-painted cels are used only because they would be easier, but CG ink is preferred and would cut costs in the long run. Quite. Aegis, no need to work yourself over about this. Actually, CG models would work better than cel animation. Cel animation would tend to make things too life-like. CG models still has a hard time removing the "doll" effect. This would be bad for life-like characters since people don't move like dolls. Machines, to our best ability, would still move like dolls due to limitations in the joints, gears, etc.. Remember, moving some parts of our body requires several dozen muscles. Our skin and such would move as well. CG would have a hard time drawing that since you would be drawing lots of parts. That takes time to render. Mechanical models do not need to move as many parts. Their looks would be much more constant. For most animation projects, they don't have WETA-sized budgets. So they can't make characters completely digital. Who the hell said M0 or any Macross series had to be realistic? You guys really gotta drop this "It doesn't look realistic" stuff. It's bad for your health. You missed the VF following Nora when they were attacking the Asuka, didn't you?
  18. You know, by GC giving you the info you needed, you could have saved the mods the trouble of this thread. Also, the original 1st question could boil down to this: What is the difference in footage between the 2-disc OAV version and the 1 disc "Movie" version on the US release? There was no need to go into bootlegs, etc etc etc, blah blah blah, which was the source of the mess. Keep that in mind should the mods come by and give you a nice talk.
  19. 1) It is a VF-19P. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...vf19/index.html 2) Yes. They are Zolans. Just as humans were part of the Ape family, Zolans were part of the marsupial family. And they have their own songs, but they get the Galaxy Network as well which is why they get human songs as well. Zola is independent of the UN. They just purchase mechs from the UN. 3) Meltrans usually refer to entire fleets made up of all female Zentradi. They are still Zentradi, except their all girls.
  20. It's not official, but it's a logical one. Then it won't be an infamous transforming Macross ship. From the Animeigo liner notes:
  21. I answered this way back on page 13 (see it helps to read the entire thread ). http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=2&t=140&st=240 Think of it this way, if a tank's cannon wasn't mounted on a turret and was fixed, it would be forced to move the entire vehicle into a new firing position everytime. This would be quite a pain in the ass. What transforming does is increase the firing arc.
  22. *looks at Test Forum* I though everything in there would be deleted on a week by week basis? Not to mention the pics. Hell, we don't need the test forum for avatars anymore, we just upload straight to the board.
  23. It's 3-5 minute short on Vol. 13 of the R2 release. It will just be a epilogue. Seed is more for the new audience than it is for the old. It would be easier for Bandai to reach out to the audience with Seed as opposed to Zeta.
  24. Yeah, sure you tried to post in the newbie thread.... Your first question is answered here: http://www.anime.net/macross/ The Marduk are just another bunch of aliens. In Macross II, they control the Zentradi/Meltrandi (Similar to the Supervision Army).
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