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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Holy crap...when did this thing become 16 pages.....And shouldn't we bring this to the debate thread?
  2. Guys, don't worry. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=4616
  3. Well there's only so much you can do to an existing design before you reach it's technical limit. They may have implemented some ideas from OT (OverTechnology) to get a slightly more effecient engine. Or it could be something like getting the F-14 up to spec of current fighters is use. Probably at this point in the war, they've lost lots of fighters. They have lots of older fighters that could still be used. But considering that they used technology which is 10-20 years old by that time, they need to bring those fighters up to the level that their current fighters were at. It could be like taking an early 1980s car and modifying the insides of the car to bring it up to an equivalent car of today without changing the look of the car (i.e., no body kits, no lowering, etc). IMO, that's what the F-14s in M0 are.
  4. Anybody want to write to BW and ask what's up?
  5. I need a defibrillator on aisle 4.....
  6. Meh. I still won't buy it.
  7. They may have somehow got a license to market toys. Because those things are labelled as "MACROSS: Do You Remember Love?". It is possible. But until the conventions start happening, we will have to start digging and prodding for info.
  8. God dammit, who ruined the silence in this thread?
  9. Yare yare.... I smell troll bait all over this. MODS!!!!!! Okay, correction time. Fox's Escaflowne was the dubbed/edited for US audience version. It was not hacked. It only eliminated episode 1 from the series. Other than that, Escaflowne was the same series that was showed in Japan. Card Captors was mildly hacked compared to Robotech. Card Captors wanted to emphasis a male presense, hence Shao Lin as the central character, not Sakura. But in all respects, Card Captors wasn't hacked, that bad compared to Robotech. And for a fact, Kodansha (producers of CCS) agreed that editing it for the US audience was fine. In light of that, Pioneer released the original version of CCS for the fans of the show. So both sides were happy. But in all, neither one was mixed in with other series and pasted together. Both were their own series. Obviously you need to try harder.
  10. No.
  11. Bingo. This is why, a few times back (I think it was Vandred where this came up) Japanese producers/creators have politely asked that fansubbers stop distributing their works online even though they were not licensed. Although no one really listened to them. So basically, unless the episode is distributed online from the official site, it's a bootleg. Irregardless of what people may say or think, fansubs are illegal. But people still do it. It's like downloading music from p2p networks. Regardless of what the industry does to curb it, people still do it. http://www.fansubs.net/fsw/general/faq1a.htm I considered myself as part of the olde guard that held this belief. However, in recent years, this ideology has withered. With the growth of the Net and many other technologies, this belief became a thing of the past. Anime is mainstream now, regardless of what people think. Shows are now shown in various part of the globe and on cable, their on at least every day on Cartoon Network. Titles are also licensed much quicker than before and at least 30-some titles are licensed every year. Video stores now have sections for anime so the second part of fansubs is complete. Titles now come with Japanese audo with English subtitles and with dubbed English audio. Thanks to DVDs, they've eliminated the need to purchase seperate editions, raw shows or just dubbed versions. So the first reason was answered. So if the job of fansubs is complete, why do we still have them? Like I said, the growth of technology has spawned something new. Why we still have them in light of all this still a mystery to me. I'm not against the current fansubs but the original reason behind them now has been answered and it should be up to the new-age fansubbers to answer the question of why we still have them.
  12. Be careful what you wish for.
  13. Considering Manga...Yeah, they could make a dub and still make the encoding from a VHS dump.
  14. Meh.
  15. There is a paint scheme in black already. The VF-17s of Diamond Force. *points at Graham's avatar*
  16. Agreed. So what if it ain't Macross. It might be good. It might be bad. But until we see it, I don't quite see how you can form an opinion if all we have is a description.
  17. I think as time passes, it becomes somewhat tolerable. IMHO, MII follows the DYRL? feel. M7 and M0 deviate from it the rest of the series, which is why people have stronger lower opinions about it. But MII is really just a rehash and that just brings it down.
  18. Ask Shawn.
  19. Please read: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...1999/index.html We don't know. We haven't seen any New Macross-class ships after M13. 2nd question: No. The Sound Jamming system was exclusive to the 2049/2050 time period (The time frame of Macross VF-X 2)
  20. Well, what do you want? A whole line of VA's. There is the VA-X-3 from Kawamori's Nova series, but that's unofficial so we don't bother to count that. The only designs we got out of the Advanced Valkyrie/Nova series was the VF-3000 and the VF-9. Beyond that, he hasn't used many designs from Advanced Valkyrie in recent years.
  21. It could have. However, since Orguss goes off in a very different direction (IIRC), it was probably removed from the mess that is Robotech. Keith would probably know. Where is that boy....
  22. Nope. Only the VA-3 and VA-14 exist under the VA series. http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/index.html
  23. Yes. Hikaru did pilot a Spartan. Episode 34. And no, Lap'Lamiz did not pilot a Regult, IIRC. She did pilot a Queadluun-Rau.
  24. Scroll to the bottom of the profile. http://www.capcom.co.jp/newproducts/arcade...aga2/index.html It's from a game. And it's fan-made.
  25. ANYWAYS BACK TO THE THREAD TOPIC.......... I share that sentiment. MII is not good but it's not bad over the years. Obviously the story needs some rough rough rough polishing. The whole sensational news media thing just didn't work for me. The whole ace pilot news stories were a drag. Really though, the news media making heros of people who really haven't fought anybody in... 2 generations. Isn't there some other gossip/news in the world of MII besides the UN forces? Isn't there some celebrity gossip besides the UNS celebrities? I found that part to be quite....odd and something that didn't really fit in. Anyways, thoughts?
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