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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Go there and copy the subs as you watch....
  2. I think the lack of character development in M0 (there is a little, mostly with Shin and probably with Sara coming soon) can be attributed to the fact that the time frame of the series is quite short. M+'s time span went for 3 months. M7's timespan went for more than a year, infact, almost 3. M0's time span? Well...I'd give it about a month of work. The way the episodes are strung together, there is no time lapse. The next episode picks up right where the last one left off. There's no gap. And you know the old saying, you can't expect someone to change overnight.
  3. Blue Roses...That name doesn't ring a bell. Other VFs in demonstration colors.....Not really. There was Docker's VF-19S in the alternate paint scheme when he was taking out his VF-19S for a test. (pic courtesy of Steelfalcon.com)
  4. The wording on that is incorrect. Kawamori never stated that the "real" story is the TV series. They use the TV series as a basis for the rest of the series' continuity, however, the real story is neither the TV series, nor DYRL?. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/encyclo...ar_i/index.html
  5. That's why I don't use the 1st ep of any series as a base. This is the only spot as of this time: http://www.sunflower.com/~aldalin/tvn/ The other option is HK DVDs. Good luck.
  6. They wanted it to be an urban tank....well....there you go.
  7. And you read this where?
  8. Now now...the kids are just too lazy to use a freakin search engine. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/dynamite7/vf-19p.htm
  9. Not at this time.
  10. Different artist. Different look.
  11. Not again....and it's not even April Fools.....
  12. I would disagree. Those FAST packs are also used in space. I believe they also appear in episode 48, before they fold to Varuata.
  13. I knew something looked familiar about that shot. That is from Macross II. Attached is the corresponding scene. For those of you with the Manga release, the time is: 1h:59m:32s.
  14. Just made my order. Thanks for the heads-up Graham.
  15. Take a wild guess.... Unfortunately, they are still fleshing out the characters (watching the raws... ) so I'll get back to you once they start working on the story.
  16. Looks like Oihan found a friend....
  17. Fanart? That kinda reminds me of that F4 in GERWALK mode....crap I can't remember what that thing was called...
  18. A good example would be M0. Look at the Cheyenne. The Cheyenne served as point defense of the Asuka. Even with the booster, the Cheyenne still had to stay close to the ship, or risk sinking. It couldn't fly and it's range was limited to the size of Asuka. Most Destroids only serve the purpose of being a walking turret/artillery. In space, they don't have the mobility of a VF. It would be cheaper to just install turrets at key points over using destroids to cover the area.
  19. I don't think anybody on this forum said that... 1) If M0 was licensed, there would be a big topic on it. 2) There is an ongoing legal debate on who owns what in the Macross franchise, and as such, has frozen most attempts to license any part of Macross outside what has already been released by Animeigo/HG and Manga Video.
  20. http://www.superherohype.com/forums/showth...threadid=103447 There's some fanart in that thread based on the spy reports. We have a rough idea as well. The suit is dark charcol grey-ish color with the cape, cowl, boots and gloves a dark-blue/almost black color. The belt will have compartments for tools and will be a dark yellow color. There's some more details in that thread.
  21. Interesting...The symbol looks similar to the old symbol. The pre-bat-in-the-oval that is (1927- 1950s? and current). (Pic courtesy of DC Comics) As for the continuity, I don't think it's going to be a problem. Batman Begins is really suppose to restart the movie franchise. And their going back to the early days of Batman's career. If Michael Caine is Alfred, that's a much younger looking Alfred than the Michael Gough version. And Gary Oldman as younger Lt. James Gordon. I'm more interested in the costume designs, the Batmobile (which is suppose to have a big chase scene in the movie) and such.
  22. Fan-custom? Can't really call it a fan-custom since Kawamori drew it. If you have to hang it anywhere on your pic board, hang it with the VF-EX stuff. Although, considering that the VF-0 uses lots of fuel, the drop tanks aren't a bad add-on. edit: So Egan, can we consider this something similar to the Mobile Suit Variations (MSV) from the Gundam designers?
  23. hummm....I'm getting flashbacks of Kawamori at Anime Expo....
  24. http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2010/index.html http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...2013/index.html
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